,6B Th Canadian Champion, Tuesday ,Maya 2000 <COMMENT Sentence for thief too compas sionate Lorraine King has been sentenced for welfare fraud and stealing from poppy boxes. Instead of serving jail time, the young woman's debt to society will be paid througb hours of community service and-financial restitution. In rendering bis sentence, the judge took into accounit that Ms King bas borne ber second cbild and secured steady employment since her crime spree, during which she also passed a bad cheque. For her part, Ms King bas said sbe's sor-y -- not just to the judge, but also to her dead grandfatber, who was a war veteran. But the purpose of sentencing criminals is to punish themn, protect soci- ety from them and to act as a deterrent to others by outlining what is and isn't acceptable to socîety. Ms King's crimes outraged this community. When sbe stuck ber band into eight different poppy boxes, she pierced the heart of every war veteran and everyone who bas ever loved a war veteran. That's clearly unacceptable. But it's not clear if anyone could deduce tbat from tbe compassionate sentence sbe received. O UR R FADER S WRITE Parking bylaws ridIcuIous, says reader Councillors' conduct exaggerated: chair <1Vie folowitg letter was adîdresse4 ta Mayor Gord Kraastz and a copy was fdedwih The champion.) Dmdtor- 1 c5fl't bttlieve tbst as a taxpayer in town I can't paittin front of my bouse longer thas4boee boots? ~My dawhter just receivesi another ticket today bbeause alie hasi parkesi overnight as we bave donc for a couple of years. 1 cani understansi tbe winter by-laws between Novesaber ands Apsil, but this is ridiculous. None of osir streets are so small that it' s hazatsdous to park on them ovensght,,especiaUly some of our ssail- er4sonies vit hiited dnivcway space. 1 moved«here with the thosagbt of estabiBhiBg a.steel distribution compa- ny, which t have been wodcing on for tbree years. Others in nsy organization want it in Mississauga. I' flot making any Irinsi of tbreat bere, but if I ans baving this kind of bas- sle living he-Cr what wvilI it be lite wih a business ansd the bylaws? Robet G. Loxon LaurierAvenue (The following letter was sent ta Anne Beale of Caanpbellville and a capy was filed with The Champion.) Dear Editor: I write in response to your recent letter to the editor dated March 31 regarding the conduct of council members at their meeting on the moming of Wednesday. Mar. 29. Fromt my vantage, an the person who chaired the meeting, your description of the decorum of counicillors that momning ut exag- gerated, especially given the cir- cumstances. As you know, ail council members had been ait the previous eveningos meeting until nearly 2 arn. Those Councillors living in the north part of Halton would not have been home until close to 3 arn. If they felt the need for an extra cup of coffee or to otretch their legs during the 16 del- egations before them the next moming, who could be surprtsed? Every single one of the 21 count- cil members was back in his or her sean seven-and-a-half hours after leaving the night before and 1 believe that attests unequivocally to the facE that the agenda items were important t0 them. I'd also like to point oui that Counicil unanimously waived the miles of procedture at Wednesday momning's meeting to hear an addi- tional 12 unregistered delegations on the subject of the reconstruction of a portion of Guelph LUne. I hard- ly Ehink that showed a Iack of inter- est in the subject, but rather demonstrated council's desire to make sure Ehat each and every citi- zen who wished waa given an opportunity to speak. Making public reference to resorting to exploding bombs is an unwise choice of words. Joyce Savoline, raglonal chair Halton THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadion Champion, publisited evety Tuesday and Friday ai 191 Milto, On. L9 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of Titi Metroland Milto. On. L9 4N9 Prnint, Publishing & Distnibuting Liti. group of suburban companies siticit ~~ includes: AjaxlPickeing News Aitoertiser, Aliston HeraitilCourier, Bannie M'IMJ7-2 4 Adoxoce, Batrys Bay Thtis Wnek, Bote, Enterprise, Btampton Guardian, Buniington Post, Burtînston Shtopping News, City Panent, City of York Guardian, Coiiingwood/Wasaga Connection, East Yotk Minnon, Brin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdoocatilCountny Routes, Etobinoke Gandien, Plambonougit Post, Foneeir Young, Geongetown independentlitcton Ftee Press, Huronia Businest Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston Titis Wiek, Lindsay Thtis Week, Markitan Economist & Sun, Miland/Penetanguistene Minror, Miton Shtopping News, Mississauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mîssîssauga Niws. Napanee Guide, Nassagawiya News, Nesmanket(Auorna Ena-Banner, Northumberland Nias, North York Mirror, Ian Oliver Publisher CaWolIe Beaunt, Oakvoule Shtopping Nias, Oideimens Hoeciey News, Oriiiia Today, OshawalWiiiylaringtonPont Penny Titis Week. Owen Sourd Nel Oliver Associate Publi.nher Tribune, Peterborougit Titis Week. Pîcton Countit Guide, Ricitmond Bill Begin General Manager iililthonitilNofugitan Liberai, Scaritonougit Minnor, StouOnviiiel5nitnie Tribune. Karen Smith Edior Advertising is aceepted on tite condition that, in tite event onua typo- grapiticet ennon. tSat porton oi titi adoedtising space occupiid by titi enrs- Steve Crozler Circulation Managerneuitmnoetamamaoataiancfrsiauiiintii Terd Cases Office Manager citarged ion, but titi balance of titi adoînfisimint aiii ite paîd for an titi appliicablei tati. Titi pubisien nesinnet titi ighi f0 categonsze adointise- TIn Cotes Proeduciion Manager minis et dectini. To the good Samaritan: Thanks for the donation Dear Editor: On the momning of Saturday Apr. 15, s gmoup of 45 youtb and leaders fromn Milton District Scouting were picking up debris along Derry Road an part of the Halton Region Adopt-A-Road Programn when a driver stopped and asked to speak to a leader. The driver inquired about the activity at the roadside, and our new Milton District Commissioner Dave Wentzell described the effort of the road dlean-up. Thse motorist expressed bis thanks to the groups involved for making Milton a cleaner place and then made a large cash donation to the Milton Scouting effort on the spot. He chose tor remain anonymous. On behaîf of Milton District Scouting, I'd like *to thank that good Samaritan for his neords of encouragement and bis donation. Chuck Bavera, coordinator Milton District Scouting Adopt-A-Road Programn Pud by Steve Nease ~1