8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 28, 2000 ~7. Mammacheck Date/mie nn. Wpdnàos.dav d5ean out th. clSet for AmHy GeadwIIi. Please take your extra ciothing and household items to the Amity Goodwll store close f0 you. A*k abot oSr Tax Reoripi pogm~e Uiza and her teamn are eager to help you 550 Ontarlo Street S. f'< Brest cancer is one of the leading killera of Canadian women. But cariy detection can go a long way toward sasing lises. To help, Haiton Healthcare Services will hast a breast acif-examination workshop called 'Mammacheck' Wedneaday fromn 1:30 ta 3 p.m. it willitake place at Upatairs at Lobiawa (Lobiaws, second level) on Nipissing Road. The upcoming workahop'wiIl help women recognize the properties of normai brest tissue and performn both sisual and manuai acîf-examinations. The event is frez, but register ahead hy calling 337-4379. For more information on breast cancer, cail 634-2333. Toda, nation High S< picked busines The ClubI Tonelli p.m. Fi Saturds The Garde fromn 8 site (A ailotmn obtairs WJIERE WHEN: TIME: HALTON REGION NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Campbelivlle Setlienent Aiea - Groundwater Inveatigat LION'S COMNMNT CENrRE GUELPI (Seuths ef rallway tracka on the. weat side) Thursday, May 4,2000 7:00 te 9:00 PM <Presentation at 7:30) The Region of Halton and the Town of Milton are undertaking an: lion ta evaluate tse groundwater resouroe in the viamty of Can Members of the public are invited ta attend Use initial public meeti our conaultanit will preaest backgrotnd, isfornnaion aa well tise inte the study Your knowledge and input s'egarding any waterco mnecit comsideeatiost as part of tise study is welcorne. Fer addtionai informiation leassc contact: Mel. Day. Ketchesen Mr. Stee itolysi Environnatai Kagineer Hydregotagnist "zmuth Envfrouneta Constaiting Regionmi Munlcipality of1 111 Saunders Road, Unit 2 1151 Broute Road Barrie, ON L4M 6Er7 Oalkvie, ON L6M 3L1 phione: (705) 721-8451 phene: (905) 825-6161 Ex fax: (705) 721-8926 faw. (905)8$25-8822 e-nuik azhwsatlu@Euks.Io..lca e-nnlL IeIysho@aqlom.L www.region.haltan.on MON-FR! 9:30 -9:00 SAT 9:30 -6:00 SUN 12 -5 at the Milton Leisure Centre. Fniday Apr. 28 gardening courses are encouraged is the hWa day for nemni- ta attend. For more information, s for the Bishop Reding Cali 878-2584. chol cuncl. orm ca be A Luncheon and Bazasi takes up hoo counl Formac carng1 place at the St. Clair Masonic Hall, up the aiu ofcedum 6321 Regional Road 25, south of s hours.Derry Road. On hand is a bake Friday Apr. 28 - 29 table, penny sale (draw at 3 p.m.) Bronte Meadows Tennis plant table, door prizes and a sulent holds registration as John auction (ends as 3 p.m.). Everyone Sports Centre fromn 7 to 9 is weicome. Admission is free. iday and 10 a.m. ta i p.m. Luncheon tickets coat $6 for aduits ay. and $3 for children. For tickets cail Saturay Ap. 29 878-5133 or 878-8958. Satrdy Ar.29 The Milton Community Milton Consmunity Resource Centre invites dada and ns project hoats a meeting kida ta attend 'Dad and Me' fromn s.m. ta noon at the garden 1 ta 3 p.m. Cali the Resource Ilendale campus) ta assign Centre at 876-1244, ext. 12, for enta. Anyone intereated in more information.. iniz allotmenta or attending 'Leap Into The Sun' takes place Ut£s that: tUrne e .rea 1S9.9Delacour * SPRING CLEA -YýoN I A One day only4.unday, ,ýà~~N 20pe e 7IBeaourt 4 of year again! 5's Annual RANCE SALE, April 3Oth 11lam - -5pmn olds *No Iay-a-ways *No gift wrapping *No returns. 227 Main Stret E. (cornerf Main&Marin) 878-0050 nlee. w: s1x-up VOUIS cFA5CLe? Saturday, April 29 at 55 ONTARIO ST. S. l 878390 LiiNILLL.i Escarpment CouintryM TOURISM PARTINER 1847 Flai, À Àim ,IErplate F1at%ýare 47 pce. set %.r.pý Sl 098.00 Special Price Cocktails are served at 6:30 p.m. followed by a West Indian Cuisine at 7:*30 p.m. and dancing until 1 arn. Music is provided by Tropical Vîbes and DJ Raul. Tickets coat $25 in advance or $30 at the door. Cali B. Faulknor at 878-3156 for tickets. Ali proceeda go to the Grace Anglican Church restoration fund. The May Court Club of Oakville hosts Art and Artisans by the Lake fromn 10 arn. to 4 p.m. as Appleby College, 540 Lakeshore Rd. W. The show features more than 70 juried artista. Admission is $3. Donations go ta Halton Women's Place and Breast Cancer Support Services. ses DATELINE on page 25 LINE CÀHCRR The nask increas- inveatiga- ea with age. The pbellville. Ontario Breast ing whr Screening cetin foxi Prograni provides oerri thal breast examina- tio and a marr- mogramn at no cost ta womêti tiho are 50 years faiton of age or oser. Make your appointent t7134 today! mtiaaeaLO.c01 J/fier a/f.. Y'3 your f/fe For the centre neareat you eall .Ca No n