6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 28, 2000 <COMMENT 71EBS1LE « ONTARIO' Be anorigan donorJ Canadian Blood Services has been running an advertisîng campaign using the slogan, "It's in you to give." The same sentiment could be used to promote National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness W eek, which .~1 continues untîl Sunday. Unfortunately, even though Canadians are extremnely generous people, the'rate of organ donations in this country îs embarrassingly low. In 1998, the donation rate actually decreased 5 per cent from 1997, accordîng to the Iatest figures available from the Cainadian Institute for Health Information. And, judging by the lengthy waiting list for organ transplantation, it's clear Canadians aren't getting the message. As of September 1999, there were 3,544 people waiting for an organ transplant. 0f those in need, 78 per cent required a kidney transplant fol- Iowed by 10 per cent needing a liver. Heart and lung patients accounted for 4 per cent each. Please take somte time to seriously consider becoming a donor. In addi- tion to signing a consent card, it's imperative to discuss the issue with loved ones. Making such decisions in a time of crisis can be difficult. For more information, speak to a professional or gather information from the Canadian Institute uf Health or Canadian Organ Replacement Register. Remember thousands of Canadians are currently waiting for a second chance. SO UR READERS WRITE It seemis thîngs are not weiI at CH., says reader Dear Editor: it sasidenesi me to reasi your leasi story on tise tumn of events at thse Conservation Halton Foundation. Over the years 1 have known s numiser of dedicatesi people who have worked tire- lessly for conservation in Halton, as mcm- bers of the foundation board, as members of the authority board, as staff of Conservation Halton andi just as friensis of conservation ias Halton. You quotesi Mr. Penman as ssying, 'Historically the group is event driven," but thse foundation will no longer raise money by hosting events, but rather it will target corporations ansi private citizens for doncations. Those "events" (of which my wife ansi 1 have attendesi ansi supporiesi several for years) are what tise corporations ansi private citizens who supportesi îhem usesi to idcntify themselves with conserva- tion in Halton. l'm not denying the neesi for fiinsraising beyonsi that which the founidation was able to do through its event-driven approacs in the community, but I believe it's wrong t0 sacrifice that approach. Surely it is a multifacetesi approacis which is needesi. To succeesi with targeting corporations ansi private citizens, one must keep in touch with the community. The "ýevents," in my view, sud a remarkable job of doing tissE. 1 consider the apprcoach being adopiesi as arrogant, autocratic and isolationiot. 1 know that Cindy Lunsu is not alone among her former members of thc founda tion board ins her feelings of shock, hurt andi confusion. Ohviously, the conserva- tion board is sieeply dividesi, as evidencesi hy the 6-5 vote. This "freoh-otart" and "time to make changes" has includesi a somewhat pecu- liar management style of "termination andi respply," not only to, tise volunteer mcm- bers of the founsiation board but s couple of yeams ago this was appliesi to the senior staff of the authority, but not thse CAO or tise chair of tise CH boardi. For consistency, maybe it shoulsi now also apply to them ansi to the three CH representatives on the founidation board, who were exeludesi from the hand-deliv- eresi messages. Does anyone leel like "shooting the Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Cliampien, puished eoero ToesdaY and Friday ai 191 iiiC55II5CI main Si. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 <Box 248), is one of The Metrolard Sadly, it Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 PrintinrO Publishîro & Disinibtiing Ld. group of sutuitian compaties wduch weIl at Cons inclodes: Ai.fPicýkeing Newes Advertiser, Altiston Herald/Cooeier, Barrie % (905)87 8 -2341 Adoance, Bariy's Bay Thiis Week, Boiter Enteffpnise, Brampton Guardian, Bontirignon P'ost, Burlington Shoppirg News, Cipy Parert, City of Yonk Goandian, CnllingwoodlWasaga Correctioo, East Yonrk Mitron, Ein Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdoncatelCoontny Boutes, Etobleoke Guondian, Flambotouott Post, Foreoer Young, Georgetown IrdeperdentSActon Fiee Press, Hunonia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kngstn This Weeiu, Lindsay This Week, Monkiron Ecotomiso & P u d Sun MidlandiPenetanguishene Mînnor, Mitor Shopping News, Missîssaooa Classified: 875-3300 Bosiness5 Tmes, Mississaoga News, Napanee Guide, Nessagaweya News, Newmarket/Aurora Ena-Borner, Northumberland Noms, North Yonk Miron, Ian Oliver Publisher Sakoîiir Beooen, Sotouille Shopping News, Oldtîmers Hockey Noms, Onilia Today, SshawaynîiitbplCloeingtonPori Ptnnp This Week, Owen Sourd Nei Oliver A.r.ootite Pubi.her TriSure, PetterooOugh This Weeiu, Pîcton County Sode Bhmn BillBegn Geera MangerHiETornhillVaughan Liberai, OcanbOooOii Mirtoî, Stouffoilltldo5iidge Kairen mi ohrua i oor Tribune. Karn eaiieEuhor Aduertiîsin is acceptd on t condition tsar, in the rorni of a typo- graphicti ennon. than podtion th ne adoodîisîng spaceosccopied by nhe tro Stev Crzie CicoioOiuetMoiooCr mous item, togenhen miro anfeasnole ailomance ion signature, miii noisbe Teri Casas OUtrce Managoper chanoxd fon, boi tho balance of the adontisemeti teili Se paîd fon uithSe applicable note, Thr publisiien nîsenots tir right Io coirooniot adverise- Tim Cotes Prooduone Maînaoger menas or declîne. scems to me, thingo are not ervation Haiton. Gordon Galbraith Campbellville Wîiiamson bids farewel Deardutor: It's tougis toi imagine that 1 won't be coaching in Milton next ycar. For the past four years, Milton has been my second htomne. At this time, 1 would like to thank thse fol- -lowing people. To the fans of Milton: Your checrsa nd pats on the back will be a great memfory tisai 1 will always have. Tise full einks in ail those playoff gamnes were excitissg. Tise pre-game jokes andt amiles were encouraging. Thie assis- tant referees in the corner were a lixture ins tise Milton rink. No tea n îtheis league wanted to cone to Milton andi for that 1thank you. To ail thc players: We had a lot of fumn. 1 enjoyesi ail of you andi thslnking of you guys bringa a smsile andi chucide. A special thanks te, ail tise local players Biset are so team -- Wheels, Phaîls, Blunda, Sturg, Nads, Jeff andi Darren Eo name a few., To the support staff: Your dedication andi contribution made everytbing run so amoothly. You do so mnany littie thinga that go unnoticesi but are so important ins mak- ing championship teama. And lastly to Brasi Grant*. Thank you for taking a chance on a 32-year-old unproven coach. You gave me a four-yearaide that nei- tiser of us couald have imag- inesi. To the next coach, you're luclcy to have an owner that cases so ipucis for the players and the success of the team. You whill ail bc misseci but neyer forgotten. Sec you one Friday nigst in Milton. Marty *om Former Mchants oach by St-eve Nease *THE CANADIAN CHAMPION