Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 2000, p. 5

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TMe Canadia Champion, Fndtay, Apnil 28,2000 - 5 Fate of Halton police helicopter stili up in the air By UISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Halton Regionai Police would benefit from a heli- copter, but flot on a fuil-time basis, according to a police officiai. "Il probably isn'l juslilicd in Halton," saiU Superintendenl Paul Cormier. "We don't have the number of caIs." Superinlendent Cormier' s commnents stcmmed from a presenta- lion bo Halton, Hamilton-Wcntworths and Peel police on the eflec- liveness of air support last week aller the three services pàrticipat- cd in a five-month helicopter pilot project - Air 3 - rom July Io December. 1999. Dr. Kathryn Asbury ol Rescarch Managemenît Consultants Ine. studied the pilot projecl and lound that ample evidence existed 10 show helicopters are a valuable operational bool lor local police services. 'The helicopter made a contribution bo a broad range of cails for service and bas some important impacts in ail three jurisdic- lions- Dr. Asbury wrote in her report. To help establish the eflectiveness of the project, targels and goals were set, she said. The goals of' AIR 3 were to reduce the duration of high-speed pursuita as well as lessen the response times 10 alarm calîs. theil of molor vehicles and residential and commercial break-ina by 10 per c.ent, and 10 tocrease culttvattng narcttcs charges by t100 per Gymnastic Cu: GYMNASTIOS NOTICE! Our third gymnastics sessi .on i s 300000 popular, Milton Springers 13 offering a mini-session. Session runs for 6 weeks starting May 6to Mayl12 COST: 1.5 hour recreational class $65.00 1.0 hour kindergymn class $60.00 1.5 hour senior kindergymn $79.00 Please cali Milton Springers Gymnastics Club at 878-5030 for exact times & registration details. A1YI) EDUNCE TOD ýo0Z SW1,NG1 Corne and loin us! cent. The partniera also wanted to ftnd out reaponse timea, determine officer tatiafaction and get communily opinion. While many of the goals weren't met, Dr. Aabury stressed that was because of the tight ftighl schedule and the short lest period rather than the ineffectivenesa of the helicopler. Each police organilation used the helicopter for six hours for îwo conseculive nighls cach week. 'They (police) wcrc locked into a schedule," Dr. Asbury said. She said the short-tiînc frame -hindercd the ability of teaios 10 mccl their objectives." In Halton, the largets that were met incîudcd reducing the nuns ber tfcommercial break and enters by 10 per cent aîsd increasing the number of cultivating narcotica charges by 100 per cent. ln the latter, about $1.5 million dollars worth of drogs avere seiLed and two arrests were made. Dr. Asbory's report also stated tîsere was lsugh ollîcer satisfac- lion with the helicopter in that il arrived faster than a croiser. In fact, Air 3 was 76 per cent l'aster, Dr. Asbory said. In Halton, croisera took about six-and-a-half minutes to respond to a cati, while Air 3 responded in juat more than a minute-and-a- haîf. The budget for the pilot project was about $550,000, with $250,MO) being lunded by the Ministry of the Solicitor Ceocrai and Correctional Services. Because of what Dr. Asbury called "fiscal matnagement," tIse pilot project cost almosl $490,000 -less than originally predicl- cd. What police do witb the inîformation is now op to the individual organizations. Superintendent Cormier satd. Here, tIse Halton Regional Police Services Board will evatuale the report belore making any decisions. The Regional Municipallty of Halton, Waate Management Services 1151 Dronte Road, OAKVILLE Onatarios, L6M 3L1 or cail tise Waste Management Information Uine (905) 825-6034 Acton............(519) 853-0501 ext. 6034 Georgetown ....(905) 878-8113 ext. 6034 Aldershot ........(905) 639-454 ext. 6034 Streetsville .....(905) 823-6720 ext. 6034 www.region.hatton.ofl.ca HALTON REGION UTS OUR OWN GARBAGE The joint Board.undc.r thc Consolidated HearmngsàAr gave approval to Haitn Region in 1989 for a nete landîi site. Approvai under tise Environmental Assessment Act was inciuded and a number of conditions teere set. Condition 1 of the approval is as foliotes: For more thon a decade, the Regional Municipaiity of Hatton searcised for a nese iandfill site ta receive tise waste of its citizens. A great deal af money was spent in tise searcis, and residents of two commianities felt tisratened by tihe impending decision. la 1987 and 1988, a Hearing wsea held by tise Consalidated Hearing Board establislsed by tise Envoitanuita Assesament board and tise Ontario Municipal Board. lis Board iseard tisai aithougs tise Regional Corporation was teaponsibie for àisposing of waste, it was flot alose respansibie fur icaste reductian, reuse and recycling measures. Tisis Board alsa iseard tisai tise mante eecycling objectives in tc Region were modesi, being liasl than 20%. Tise Board ordrs, tiserefore, as its firnit condition of approval for a new landfiii site in tise Regional Municipality of Halton. tisat tise Regional Corporation enter into agreements wius thse Municipalities ai tise Region ta esiabliss a Municipal-Regianal Waste Management Committee isaving as its goal tise reduction, recyciing and meuse of maste s lisat tisere ml be very Little maste remaining ta be landfilied. Througis public meetings iseid ai leant iseice a year, tiseCommiltte nsaould attemp la reacis tise goal tisrough measures includint, but not limited ta: a> Paper rccycling and deniai of landfilling paper products. b) Promotion af individual, peivate and public composting facilities. c) Provision ai glass and metal recycling facilities for reaidentia, apariment and commercial establishsment seasie, including provisian cd receptian ameas for packaging materials ai paint-af-sale ai attei nsatetiais. di) Development ai measures ta encourage retail ouiets to reduce to tise maximum exieni passible "dispasable items and packaging materials. iscluding fast-food packaging malerials. e) Provisioîn ti receptios ameas for isousehald isazardaus manies and D) Conaideratton and developeseni cf mandataty recyciing programs wisicis include rseards and penalties for compliance and non- JOINT MUNICIPAL-REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITIEE Thsis Commitiee wseesiablisised ta satlsfy tise above Condition. Il wsea intesded anaà cooperative effort beimeen tise Regian and Ar"a Municipalities ta promote tise 3Rs and an a mmcit, ta esiniscize Malton's long tein disposai eequireinents. Under direction cf tise joint Committee, tise follawing programishave been establissed: 6.Single Tise Waate Management 1. Solld Waste Management Strategy 7. Blue Box Recycling Program 2. School Wast e Reduction Asearenesa Prograta & Canadian Foodgirafne Bank Praject 3. Special Environmental Events 9. Tire Amnsy Daya 4. Compcsstittg 10. Compost Give-Away 5. Household Hazardous Waste Depot Tise joins Csmmittee meetings are open te, the public. Public input and participation in thse devetspment cf proglaino la encosraged. A Repor describisg contplisse wiih ail tise Conditions of Approval under tise Enviremmentai Assessisseut Act is avaitabis for revise. To obtsin a copy of this report Ot-f ycu bave any commenta Or suggstioms. please serte wo: -AERA -IVRT s . 5 5 v 11111 - -- -

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