The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 28, 2000--35 Fuil-time experienced Acco'jnt Reaslvable House For Rent Clans require immediately for long eutab- , Executive 4 BR, 2.5 bath home in Georgetown. lised iltn Cmpay. ustbe ompterFeaturea M.F famiiy rooe IL iaundry, C/A, 2 car * liseed îl utoompny. Museted beamptr~-'îne r n ekîm~t - CÂ Ar'Il1 wiitatendeitioeriporî nft.Ptaat -- VRIDGE* garage, fecdyar an ok meit os- CÀ l-- a 1,19cdW fax Ioeeenefitaj session. Non smokers, no pets, 2 yr. tease pe (110a S 75x -r1802ta ferred. $1800/month. Cati Barb Laffeche, Royai <087-82Our services, our people, Lepage (905)87181011. auor I INVENTORY CONTROL . our strengths. - . Milteo ares t arnA distrnhutor renutres a im minimum of 3 years handa on'eaperience In inventoey tracking and raporting. Must have thse abilîty to handie very higis vol- umes and be a seif-motivated team ployer. Knowfedge of computers and Excelis aa must. Foeward resumas t0: Accounting Manager, POBox 70 Milton, Ont. L9T 2Y3 or fax bo: (905)875-4744. toaa Automative Aftermarket Manufacturer and Distributne is; seeking a: Customer Service Assistant Daties include answrring cusiomer catis, enter- ing ordrs, and invoicing as arit as handling ordrs via las and rinait. Selected person witt also work with Generai Manager in developing contidentiat reports and assist in sales fanctions. A background in the autoinotive aftermarkrt, rspecially radiators and heaters. woutd he bene- ficiat. Some basic customs esperiencc and a genrat knowlrdge of Microsoft Excel and Word wouid also bc an asset. Pirase fax particulars iv: Ms. Sandy Kahn, H.R. Supervisar, ne later than Thursday May 4, 2005a (905)8175.1624 Onuv thî,sr shî are seieitJw an infeccîru ciii 6e cîaaced. Thr Hatton Region Federation of Agriculture Rrqnires a SecretarylTreasurer Duties ta commence Jaiy 1, 20M. This is a permanent pars-time position for an indisiduat who s organted, cottspater titerate, has excel- lent communications/wflting skilts, ftnanctat management capabilttîs and a knowirdgc of agriculture. Must have access ta a computer and emaii. Serions candidat es contact Debbir Brander ne June aarnes _(905)873-2143 (519)856-9827 tty Msy 16 PART-TIME individual required ut progres- sive fandacape conttruction/desigfl compa- ny tocnted toutit of Milton for genierat office duties, inciuding reception. Accountt Payable experience an atal. Approximatety 15-20 hours/week, totaity flexible. Computer experience is flot ensentiat. Must have own transportation. Fax Reauma to office Manager et (905)876-0400 Werte Enbctdge Services, an energy services business ihat isfacused on ensuring thai both residenfial-and business cusiomers' needs are met îiirough convenieni and innovative producis and superior customer service. We currentiy have opportuniries in aur Home Services Group in the Georgetown/Actle/ittSf area. HVAC Service Technician You witt bc responsibte for the service and maintenance of heatiag equipment and/or air conditioaing eqaipment. Yoa mast tsotd a Gas Fitter t or Il tirasse. For the performance of aie conditioniag service and maintenance work, a Refrigeeation and Air Conditioning Mechanic Ceetificate (or 3rd or 4tb year appeentice) is aiso, requied. Wr offer a competitive compensation package based on skitt feveis, and an excellent benelils package. To ftnd ont more about joining ose growing team, send youe resumne qnoting File # HVACO11, t0: Servire Manager, Enbrldge, 4361 Harvester Road, Unit 2, Durlilagtn, ON L7L 6M4 Emait: Fax: (905) 632.t738. $3,080-$35, Cars Wunted, 905-457-5713, Stop Car Thet Sali to licetsud recycier. 905-457-5713. 1988 Cadiiiuc - new brukes & tires, coid n/c, muny new parts, needa sorte worft, $1000. (905)876- 4733. 1995 GMC JIMMY SLT 4X4, Gm w\ churcosi iaath- e int, auto. V6, PW, PDL, P/Seat, PiMirrors, air, crtian, tilt, overhd compua/sest temp, kaylean entry, trsiier hitch. 127K $15.900 (905)849-1934 SALES & LEASNG NEW &I USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY -SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it IRICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase .your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Denry Rd. 878-2393 HOUSE for rent resi- dentiai or induttri- at.Campbeivilie Main Street locution. Ideut profestionai office, 2 story century hoase. Cati .(519)220-0442. References and deposit required. HOUSES for cent. Bright and dlean 3 beit- mont home in Acton. Gas hat, fenceci yard, $995 + stitities. (519)853-4875 or 853- 5&98. TWO bedroont houan for rent in downtown Milton. Availabte May 1. $895/month + atititiet. Apptiunces inciuded. Firtt & tat month re- qaired. Cuti 878-1797 between 9-5. LOOING TO SEIL OR LOOKING TO BUYI ALWAYS LOOK TO THE CHAMPION F1RST1 CLASSIFIEDS DO PAY PHONE 875-3300 OR FAX 876-2364 MILL51UE iUwuiaM - 82 MIILSIDE DR. MILTON NOW LEAIG 2Bedroomsasvaiiabie on bus route, frashiy dec- orated, 2 appiances, on-site issndry, ncudes ail atiliies (except phone & catie.) Fee parkuing, no pats. Raferencen reqairnd. Office Hours are 1Oam-5pm 90"-76-1249 By appointinent only lusive . Cali 693-9658. )NE bedroom bachaite upartmaent. Avuiiabie irs- nediutey. Close to downtown. $540 per month plat îtiiitiea. References required. Phone (905)878- 1843 or (905)878-4478. ONE badmors Main Sf. upurtmnt. Suitubie for cou- pie. Fidge & stove. Availubie June 1. 875-0935 rWO bedroors upurtmenit on f irai floor 0f Victouian brick houan in downtown Milton. Ail applilncet pls garage. Avuiiubie May 01. Raf. Cai (905)875-3400. SIIARED ACCOMMODATION, $500/raonth, laun- dry, cable andi utititiet indtuded. Smoking environ- ment. Cui affer 6:00 p.m. for Morgan or Marc. 693- 1702. LARGE mors, privute bath, aundry, cubie and phone linoauvaitubie. Non-smoker. $110/fwees. 878- 7701. thwoI b.o +0ofiteree a therxose sr,5aincs nm cammun tan Ther anasanehaion Phoe175-3300 "Have a o ones9 Advertise your garage sale in bath the Tuesday and the Friday issues of the Canadian Champion and receive a Canadîan Champion COffee mug fiEE *While Quanfttes (ast (Canabîan (cMampion /YtfW.; f-ieSW9 c1