Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 2000, p. 34

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17- 34-The Canadien Champion, Friday, Aprit 28, 2000 228 Main St. £=876-4496 Requires FULL TIME BAKER Experience an asset but not required. Stsa-ting lsourly salary negotiable. PIeuse apply within. CUSTOMER SUPPORT Uniloek Ltd. is the ieading manufac- turer of paving stove and retaining watt products for the landscaping in- dustry. We have a folitime position avoulable for a persan who is a self- starter and can work independently in. a customer service/support capacity. You must be able ta, show Chat pou can drive o pick-up truck with standard transmission. Responsibitities veut in- clude the setup of trade shows and landucape dispmys as wetl as generai support ta, the sales and custamer serv- ice departments. Sonne forklift and landscape esperience is a definite asset au well some heavy lifting is required. Unilock offers a benefits package and a campetitive veage. Please state your re- quired wage with resumne. Sendi or fax pour resumne ta: UNILOCK Led. Alten: Cuatomer Service 287 Armatarong Ave. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X6 Fax: 905-873-2366 -- HAIR ASIST ANT N 0,KILL AD MANAIPGER/P ie Wùei PgeTo u us; MateagenCe- mettruhu ot ent a feilewr mosad a sondost epeitoae. (Bce ARApEb &O AIkTERVIEW <905)6*40KYM (0549-8 - WakmV Um ASSiITNT Dcrlorun immW fer afnw n ionus ForFI BIT positios iOTA ore Apply &taers ww .uaal.'OUR.atIn.o RJLL-TIME l POSITION FULL & PNfiT-flME Api iCro STAFF 330 South Service Apptp aI Rd. Oakville Qabeille Town DRIVIER requlnodI ns- DRO Fleet Manag- me «im el.-$10 penar e~t baur. Applicant mini- 0t la G"lcnet mum 25 yeoa. C"en drive and maintais 4 abatract. 11enetoSep- S'mail local deiiverp tmntbmn 2M0. Pettnoe Or damp Itauctes. Cati stuaent laî pe (85)27-666 <805?rs-.2f8 nia E H & HnCeramaea IHISW EI,. EXPERIENCED Groandskeeper/ Equeuttian Man- ager required immediateiy fon large hanse show tadiiiy. Esperiencd in maistsining immacuiste grounds. Muet have knocledge, af hart and latn machinr, irrigation & drainage, carpentby skilîs an set bal sot necesssry. Non-smoking environ- ment. Feu (905)827-633, cai (805)827-2234. LARGE alao delaiiing shap reqaires loti lime cark- ers. Witi train. Gond statting aaey. Cai Mac Mot- fat. 875-066. LEGAL REVOLUTION. Leadiersftnainer/ aies NYSE iisted company iauches Canada. Unique legai services pies. Recnrded info, by Ind. Assa- diate. 416-763-9090. LEADER sn high ticket recreatianai pradscts needs aggmessive people for in store alies in Mienissauga. Saies esperience necesay, ie cii frmin tht dight people. Excellent inceme apparuni- ly. Fa resamne 905-270-9228. LOOKING Oack Faona bas position availabie for Show Groom for summer employenent ta, stars ire- mediatey. Esperience Wtli hantera & jampers an aenet. Must le ciiling ta tranel, have acn transpor- tation. Please oeil Looking Back Faons, Sandi (805)878-7839, or fax (805)878-0420 LOOKING fora foe gond men/comnen. Laudscspe campsny reqaires responsilie hard working tndi- vidoals for fll-Uime empioymnent. Reqoired for bath laco maintenance and landacape construction. Preference given ta eapediesced pensons. 00e off- er campelilive cages and great workiug environ-. ment. F ax meamre 10: 875-3577 or oeil: 875-0640. NEEDED a Ciasa A Mechanic or 3rd, 4th peur Ap- prentice. Appiy in pensas ta: Mifton Import Car Centre 583 Main S. E. Milton. 876-533 PREP Penson, Ssiad Penson and Disticasher. Ap- p ii persan ta: 243 Main St. E. PRIVATE Stable ln Uimekoase requie ceeoend heip. Friesdp horses & people. Sacceasta applic- ast cif i be esperitnced, relistile, and sble ta catI wfth ligile sapervision. Poeniiip af mare booms for sommer. Excelient cages for rigbl persan. 877- 7080..Bdttasy G - piease oeil agsis. QUAUTY Inn sn Milton requines bolasekeepens and mairtenance wade. Fatl and pert lime positions indludi.nq ceeeenda. Appiy in persan ta Cmoaiitp Inn, 161 Chîshaim Drive, Milton, an fax resseto1 (905)878-9701. SSA ENTERPRISES/ SCOOTER'S Snacks lo- sng for beipi Flexible boom, great promo's, lots af fus. Drop off nesumne ta Snack Aar 77 Thompsas Rd., Aresa. Also Drivers & Manager reqaired tuitprtlmfor aummr. Metavarad geat ailli ppi. Budinglon ares. Cali <905)63-8444. TOW Truck driver wasted, attemonn and anm ceekends. Wi train. Appip in pensas ta: Kevins Towing 221 Niplsaig Rd. WANTED AZ drivera, flat lied cote for Sattter Ontario and Michigan. Aiea 2 tn drivera. Epei- esce pneferred. Hotte wetlenda. Cai Os Trans- fer. (518)833-5773 or 1-800-862-1470. WENDYS- Fuil/Part lime hep required. Ai shifts. Posit ions avalebie immediatle. Full trainig' ro vided. Cai 693-0657 ta set up interview on appiin penson 80 Market Dr., Mlilos. WORK Irons home PT.F. Heathb tsdaattp $100- $5000. Full training. Fret information. 416-631- 4925. Tbs hieillu, 56 Walter Sist reqaires s rMUssa TRAÎNER Fus Tracep Pnîdhsm ai 9%5 845-3186 TENNIS STAFF rre forosn cudt and beoking kolp. Fus Slow Taylor ai 905-845-3186 I *LrldI AL~ Lrzi REPRESENTATIVE I Sellineaecisltp chemnicais and sdhesivea ta theFR,rubber and plasic industries. 3-. 5 peara expenlence ta tht FRP induatnyI prfre.Adtnlexeinerltdt apeciaty coalinga a benefit. Replp in confi. dence: Box 6263, c/o Ostevitit Beaver 467 Speens Road, Oakviiîe, ON L6K 3S4 INVENTORY CONTROL Miton area. Large dîsibsior reqarres s minimom of 3 poars hands un esporience it iunisntrp Iockiug and repurting. Must have tht abiifp t0 bendie vety bigb voloumes and ho a selI-mulivatai be player. Kusef- edge of computers and Excel s amust. Fond ruzms w/sdn satosffallms lu: Accounting Manager P.O. Box 70, Miltosn, ON L9T 2Y3 or fax to <905) 875-4744 Madim Chemical Industriles lac, is North America's fastesi grociso manufacturer of higk performance protectiot cuatings. Our faut paxed envirusment requires self-directed highly mut isated undividua s chu posseso a strong seuse ut urgetcp, attention fo detait, sud a proves trock record for exceediug eonectaiions. We currettly . have the fut locing opportasities available: CHEMICAL BLENDER Ideaill pou have blenditg/boich processiog tuperience, WHMIS training, lorktift experine sud excellent maihemnatica skitto. FIELD TECHNICAL SERVICE SPECIALIST Vour bave experieuce haodfiog fechoicaf service, leuling sud frvubfmseuoing. Vour otro leadership skilis, mechouical aptitude sud previouo coafingo esperience make pou au ideai candidate for ibis position. Extensive traveltfhroughoui North America lu reqoired. In addition to a compelitive cage, ce offer heatth bentifs, profit sharing, and bous programo. If pou are itterested in ove oout uopportutities, piesse furcard pour renume lu: Maina Chomîcal lndetru l . 490 McGeackie Drive, Milieu, Ontio L9T 3Y5 Fus; (905) 870-1449 AUTOBODY REPAIR PERSON Required for a busy 14 stail, ctean DRP Collision Centre in Georgetowen. You must be licensed and have I-Car training. Fax resumne ta: 905-873-7408 or cal Bruct 873-1607 , 8-5 p.m. UPTOWN COLLISION Licensed Pllumber/Pipefitter Fuil-lime, Gas license an essat. Colt (905) 693-8932 Fus: (905) 693-1064 MEDICA Office reehs Assistant mequlred for bsy Oakcte Famly Practice. Part-lime p on Recepbon & omputer sis proforred. Staff $10& ap cdbh espenenco. Faxu (905)845-7350. Accuellait Cloda, Matomlty Loavo(s), 27K " Corporale Oakvilit locatious " Large lriendty iearm ouvirosmeul " Soiid, ceil-raudai accotiug experieuce a must " NOR, AIR G/L, Jourmal mties, Crai card rtc. fleesunn Suporvmor, 40-45K+ Incontîvos " Oakvitie location, Permanent pusition " Assisfiug Cotiroltr/ sapervisisg accosuf lut staff " Accouniug designaliot nttdtd or currmiily corkiug tocard ove " Soiid proclical esperience a must Rocmpilt(m), Tmmporary Asmlgnmmnm " Oubvilie and liudingtsn locations " Iteunediate MS Word ukilîs " Mast ho flexible, onongefic and euihusiasic Data Entry Oparators "*tsperietced in Word sud tscel " Long iorm temporary asoignments " Blingion and Oakvitte tucalieno Office Clarkea, Tomporary. ImaI for stadonla. " Filing. assemhf y, gouera office shili s " Blilion aud Oakville locations a0$8.50)-9. Administrativo Assistant e 3-4 dayo per ctek iv Oakoille *Candidate c/tl ho shared hy hoth bue Head of Finance and tht HtR. Director. The idm1 candidate citi bave prisr taporieuce aosisting in tiff. and ho familior euth H.t. filing opsiemus. Sirong computer skilto teed- ai citk MS Word, Encet, Pocepuini and Microsoft Oaiisuk. Duties could tncf. lyping of minutes, offers ut employenu, respondiot f0 costumer unquiries, ochaeliut ut interviecs, sendiug sut unfo packrages, bandiing travel arrangements sud sihor delien us us- signai. Saccesotot candidate must ho fleuille cuti days availalte lu cntk. Voor day coaid atse ho sponi urgauiziug files or assombling prosesialion bindors. This position pays $15-$18 boodp. TmlemmarminlaWfipolnlmonlBoohoers " tupedience a ment " liadinglun lscation, $11 hsary " Posibte Temp-Ptrm for saccesotot candidates Tel: tms> 034-4445 e Fmu mus 034-01 mU mm SL <at IOWmi La), I.Usutm GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE Lin. A ieadinq etectrncal distnibutor located 'n Oakviile la currenty seeking expenienced individuels ta fll the following positions FulItimo GRUER DESK 1 COUTER SALES FulljPart-tIme RECEPTION 1 OFFICE ASSISTANT Please mail or fax your reaumne ta: Attai: Jodl Kme"aw 1110 Spous Rd, OmkviII,UM LUI. 2X4 Fax: (M0) 849-4525 No phone caelse please RECEPTIONIST required immediately for fuit-lime position. Good telephone and typing akilla required. Knowledge af ERA aystem bene- ficiai. Noon ta, 9pm, Mon.-Thurs. & i Oam- 6pm, Friday. Fax reaumne in confidence ta: Judy Hunt, (905) 845-9109 175 Wyiecfir ad,OakvIIIe Manpower woutd tike to1 honlour our I~ifd emsloyees'outstanding Pow r c k as we celebrate Administrative P oesioal Day skis April slth. t is the dedication and quality We find the best in each of our staff puts eve yneand put ints their work that ilto waoek makes us proud lo be Manpocer. We're Iucky ta, have such great MANPOV« minds on out oide. wwwmanpawer.ca 1Tbank pou. Administrative Assistant Startield Consultting is a virtual organization ut conultants grocing over 200% per pear Wt serve Fortue 500 compaties. We are a home basai basinss - il works bolier thal cay. We are leoking for a «best of breed 'administratioe assistant to keep as organizai. Initiallp Ibis wili lie a parI lime position. Pieuse lorcard pour resomne le: Fax (905)844-3735 emaml: admmrmaumm@atertlmld.ca ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOMMAE Primats Clim Flamlal servicesa ScotiaMcLeod, une ut Canada's leading investirent flans, bas as immaiate opporionity in thoîr Oakvilie Branch for an Administrative Associait, working in a imo cuwti a Senior Inomitmet Esecotive. Tht chosen candidate miii be seit-motieurai. psssess sirong erganizaiionai skilis, and display esceptionot client service obililies. The candidate Mlt also bt lisensai or ciii kaoe completed the Canadian Secorilies Course, and ciii have a soonri understauding of tht Financial Markets. Werking knolaige ut Escel and Microsoft is beneticiai. Pieuse lus yoar reserne lu the attention of Alauna Waugh, Branch Administratar ai 905-842-5743 -,Trademark ut The Bank ut Nova Scotia, Scolia Capital Inc. aatborized aser uftihe mark . ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital tac., Member CIPF PART-TIME BLOCK CLERK This position is fst paced and requires an individuel ta mark Tuesday during the day, and Thumsday eveningS. If yoa posseos strang interpersona Xkilis and the abiiity la adapt quickiy ta neve situalions pleaxe caii or fax resume. PULL TIME OIFFICIE CLJERK If pou woutd like ta mark in a busy but piessant environment and have supenior interpersonal itIls withi the abllity ta adapt quickiy pleaxe fax reaume ta: Kathy MacDonald (905) 875-2910 (905) 875-3522 NO TELEPHONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAY'S FOR THE ABOVE POSrrONS Fax us your Classifieds 876-23641 . . . . . ........ ,ww zw7-7 p Office ýWP m a O ÉLCOMEî New tn town? Oseene aanlelln 3 ateahes oramr? *Haveng a baby? *Eafablahlng a naw business ? PLEURE CALI. US.82 Cemnantt Wmlcoe Linda .... 854-1563 Maulyri .. 875-0519 Doris ....332-4799 Bridai Oathy ....854-0144 Baby Tracy L ..876-4330 se.aaeuflomln Pat .....876-4040 EXPIERIENCIED chuild- care rroviden avsiiebie for fuil-lime infant care =aringn September. ReeiS gives. Cai 876-4586 RELIABLE dapcare availahie for agea 18M +. Fenced yard, plap- raam, relerescesand receipta. Cai 878-8773. CAMPS EL LVI LLE (401/Guepti Une) buai- nesscoman inoIdsg fan respataibie pensas for transportaion ta Miasis- auge (RtsforthlEgis- Ion aea) Mnnay tbnongb Ftudsp, ieaveng anywbene lelmees 7:00 - 8:30 AM. Rehars trams- portation sot required. Compensation dis- custd apos intres. Please oeil (905)854- 3106 aller 6:30 p.m. Ceiebrating a B(rfhday Wedcr8ng Anniversary? Ara you - Iookicug for a nieo job? wanffng (o hiro? Do you have Someihing To Buy? Ta Sali? To Trade? Are you Iookirg For a New Home? an apartmeni? a townhouse? Want 10 Sal Appliarices? Fumifure? Treasures? Dîd you (050 your pot? or maytse you found a pet? Need a new car? truck? boati? trailer? Phonie the Classifieds 875-3300

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