The Canadia .n Champion, FridaY, ApnIl 28, 2000-33 268 HESLOP ROAD, MILTON SATIJRDAY APRIL 29,8:00 A.M. 0PP5;7ý ON PAVQJRIre. (na Earty Birds, plesse) Bunk beis, antique fumiture, cletibles, dc *Y ILL. 96 A WINNER! 1 Pernat gdisand hest a t Itha arfi Juin aur MOHAWK teamri We are an industry leader in the1 Pernnil dvisonsjus ou ofthegaren. sports, gaming, and entertainmrrent business and were i expanding. We need enthusiastic indivicluals who are fle)dbte a GARAGE SALE andi detiîcated ta customner service.. $ 435 GOWLAND ORES. Security Officiers Responsible for providingP 440 GOWLAND ORES. security protection ta customers, horsemen, anti staff as watt Hausehatti articles for sale indutiig same as enauring the protection aftour preperty anti equipment. you tumiture. must have a secontiary schoot diptoma or the equivatent work Rein or Shine, 8 A.M. experience. itiealy, supplementet with atiditional security co 1 courses/trainintg. te GARAGE SALE: SOUS Chef 'A "seasonei" protessiona with tour ta ais ELLIOTT CRESCENT years'experience at the Sous Chef tevet, yos wili motivate anti MULTI-FAMILY inspire aur team with your proficiency in cookinig techniques, SAT. APRIL 29 cost contrat, anti kitchen maintenance. Detait orienteti, 8 A.M. - NOON creative, anti organizeti. you keep current on footi intiustry Lots for everyone. Kida, babies anti atiata trendis anti enîoy participaeing in tihe creation anti execution af itew recipes anti menu planning. GARAGE SALE: Food & Beverage Supervisor Vou witl MAIDEN LANE ovarane the entre beverage concessions anti warehouse FAMILY tiepartments. With tive years'experience as a supervisor in a GARAGE SALE relet tfielti, you have a relevant diptoma anti leadership akilta Many familles parfttpattn 1 thiait are seconti-to-none. DAT:ATURDAY APRIL za 8 A.M. - NOON WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR FULL &PART.TIME: Raintiate: April 30, 8 A.M. - NOON - 9C o s55lr GlganIc Aucf on Sale, Set. April 29, 11 a.m - Cook Il (ses.rsflrr) doors open et 10:00 s.m. St Andrews UnitedI Church, 89 Mountainvtew Rd. S., - Driver "DZ" <sî4.eaM1r) Georgetown. To make a donation or for more I eH a aa sas/r information pises catI 877-6764. -H a aa so55, NOIX ROSARY CW* - Kitchen Hl-ep îseg.eanr, RUMMAGE SALE * Market Place Server (se9a/erh) HOLY ROSARY SOHOOL GYM D sw ses(e7/r SAT. APRIL 29,2000 -Ds w s es(q7lr 8 A.M. tai 12 floof Piease forward yosr application indicating your position of DanatianslDrap off Fr. Apr. 28/00 enterear ta: Humait Resourcea Services, 4 p.w. tua8 p.m. - The Ontario Jockey Club, 555 Rexdale Boulevard, PO. Box 156, Rexdale, ON M9W 5L2 Fax: (416) 213-2129 MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE e-mail:, SAT. APRIL 29, 2000Wetukalupcusta hrneraaniwhladvetutnyCse 8:00 A.M. -.1:00 P.M. etakatapiatfo hi neetadwsIoaveta nltoe 7575 + 7579 MILBUROUGH LINE sleoa rn interview w/I be csntacted. (go West ta enti ut Derry Rd. anti tua right - sautir ut Steeles Ave.) Lots ut baby clines, (mastiy boys), kitis & o A W < aduit ciathing, laya, books, games anti house- holId items. YARD SALE Fur mrore iunformartin, p/ease r/s/t nier sebs/te: IN AID 0F WOMEN'S SHELTER *w.j.c n Spunsareti by Royat LePage Saturday May 6, 8:00 A.M. atart ROYAL LEPAGE PARKING LOT NEEDED: Any Items in gooti condition CAI L C N RE - Canada's Largeat Natural Gas Whoiesaler (clothea excudeti). Ou y.ehe effeactive communication ukilin miii gout keybuurti If you cas help with items that yuu nu langer abilitien9 Caou yeu hantile client inquilien etlicienlly anti cupe wilh senti, please tieliver liera ta thre Royal a vuîiety ni dulien? o you puunenn a punitive, upbesl attiltde LePage Ott ice at: 388 Main Street East by andi cun mok in a lar envirunmenl? Fniay, May 510. Cal[ centre experience ideal e Slrong English comprehevsion a imat 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Wa .-ar Cumpelitive wsge ;Mun. lu Fri., 8:3Oum lu 4:3Opm; 7411 McNIVEN RD. St requireti every 41h week, 12:00 Nuen lu 8:00 pra CAMPBELLVILLE PLEASE MAIL RESUME TO: Bêtween Derry li Steelea DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING LIMITED (Derry Rd. enîrance onty) 12G. 344 Lakenhure Rd. E., Oukuille, ON L6L iJ6 Fae: (905) 338-0091 Set. Aprit 29 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. No Plhone Catis Pieuse Fsunics, househaiti items, clotiing, tiecorative accessafles, trames anti painting. FAMILY GARAGE SALE Kayak Pools SATURDAV APRIL 29IsrdcsfaNw Woy 374 BELL ST. Itoue h e Woy 8:00 A.M. TILL NOON 16 fi. x 32 fi. rectanguar siove-grouni pools isiatîcti. Tricycle-Toys-Od Wooties Sciruol Desk Gardes $7,500 ui, $800 - self inusai (oher sizes uvuilaile) Lawn Tradaor 1-800-668-7564 I .-~~..AOlAMT0AIF I AENTION INERNET USERS Unlimitati Acceas onty $15.95, great local ser- vice anti support tram SURF THE NET. 8 73-2602 Astique Tin Teys, Colis, Dinky, Coke Items, Sports, Beer, Magazines, Bih Histsry Traclur, Signu, Paper Celiectables, etc. Cusl/App. Chq. Ar Veley community Centre, 287 Olti Guelph Rd tendus Brasa Martin Aurtions 19051 628-6116 lue Beacan Truck Waeh la naw hiring fli time 2pm-8am, 8am-4pm andi part time 4pna- 2pm. The successîsi applicants must be lx île, highty motevateti anti able ta work week- nds. Vaur motivatioaa skills coutd eam ysu n average haurly wage of between $10 tai 16/hr with a base pay af $8/hr. Pleane appty in ernan at: 40 CIURIIOLM Na phone calta please la ara currently seeking amplayans far the fat- îwisg pasitians, far aur expanding plastics acility in Miltan. REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY IENERAL LABOURERS - Days & Aftemaons REGUIRED JUNE 2000 GENERAL LABOURERS - Aftamaons & Mitinights MATERIAL HANOLER - Midnights Appty by Rasume ta: Humas Resaurces ACS Plasties Grnup Inc. 8120 Lawsan Rd. Miltan, Ont. L9T-5C4 Fax: (905)878-8452 SAN DIEGO IT eAsistent Manager with ratait axperianca requirad for our Milton Mal location. Must be energatic, autgaing and able to wat ;aturdays. The succaseful candidate could start immediataly. Plesa appty In persan with rasume. Part ime salea help require t aour Milton Malt location. Muet be avaitabte days/evenings and waakends. Apply in persan wlUn resumne. CLEAN-UP PERSON Respansibte persan with n valid driver's licence andi the nbitity ta drive manuel transmission pick-up trucks is required tai hetp arganize aur vehicle inventary and ta keep lot cars dlean. For an interview please cati Dwain McGilivray et Milton Chrysier 878-877 Next Step Shoas a retailer of better quali- ty footwear is seeking enthusiastic individ- usis for the following positons: FULL TIME SALES ASSOCIATE PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES For our location in Georgetown MarketPlace. Previaus sales experience an asset. Please tas resumne 10 (905>331-9742 Aten: Diane Thibaut AnIresrmeîlibe receivednornibeln May 500 SHOPPERS DRUG MART MILTON MALL is accepting applications for the fatlowing positions: PART TIME CASHIER/SUPERVISOR PART TIME MERCHANDISER Evenings and weekends raquireti. PIase pick up an application form et the pharmacy cauniter.