32-The Canadien Champion, Fridey, Apil 28, 2000 CLASSIFIED BONUS!V ir ~ ~~~~MONDAY RDY ALLsi id d s i d9:00 AM -5:00 PM appear at... VUR <LASIMM 1O W* SY5-330o wwwf.rnlltoncanadlancharrîpior.com M mtlfondca*Wm (~/)h/,zçIfn4f~ç I I~I~ I ~ III 50 Years Anntversary Wben you're as artîst asnd you're 50j Aprit 29, 2000 : you gel your orvO galtery. ~' Married in Sweden 1950 Congroatlaions arr tha fture apning ut Baookvilla Gallery & Od/rs Congrais(ations ffmm your children, For informatiion or bhesr arrhes cuit 854-44.39 \ grand - and great grandchildren boa Morr, a. Kile & Jenpe and ail tha MÈ "ý_Cso' EdmPArd Stu kah 0f Mio and oyc & Bce Hiagena 0f arabrde H spaal 10hPMenk Ap r.l Vegappan and the labour & deiivery nurses. Paaqalm JeIf & Kutie (sec Mailinson) are lhriled bo anssence the birih of their tirst chil, w Msa ttfiew 34f&en Ea rd'e # born on f4pri(16th 2000 a t 6:52arn, we w(oinA 7(bs 4oz Froud grenriperenlo are Earie & Tinte Mailinsoofa Milton, andi Allen & Selly Pesquale of Miotissuga. Matthem mouiri lîke la oest e spei thask yoa 10 ialî, anny Lnda r ec,r Nure5im3 nda0 ANDERSON, Margarete (Greta> Peacefuly. ut Milton District Hospital on Monday Aprîl 24. 2000, Margarete Anderson of Milton in her 82nd year. Beloved wife of Cameron Anderson of Milton. Loving mother of Dovald and his reife Roberts of Gîlford, Lynne svd her hasband Murray McMurrsy, Karen and her hasband Wayne McConnell and Wendy Deelin aIl of Milton, Marias and her hasband Richard Pools of Kingston snd Sasair Loomis of North Bay. Also loved by 17 grandobjîdres anrd 14 grest-grsnd- children. Desr sialer of Olive Smit hof Milton. Predeceased by her sister Rhonds Pilkey andi broîhers Edreard, Errsest and Jack Fins. At Margarete's requst, cremnalion has taken plsce and a privafe funeral service was held. If desired, donations to the Milton Oistrict HospIlsI Foundation or the Hear & Sf roke Foandalion may be made by conlacting tfhe J. Scott Earfy Funeral Home, 21 James St., Milton al (905)878- 2669. LOW, Andrew Pescefally, sarrounderi by his fm ya I v av e Tralîar Hospia on Taesday April 25, 000, AndLo0fomynhs7h t ear. Beloved husband of Jesn 0f Hornby ovingîsîther 0f Nancy Low snd her husbsnci André Audet 0f Bsie St. Peut , Ouebec, Richard snd bis reife Frances of AllsIon, Jane Moalton and her husbasd Lsriy Brsssfield of Sesside, Cslifomnia, David and his wife Brends Jorgenson- Low of Carspbellville, Psm Low and her husband Ed Adsms of Toronto, Theresa and her husband Mark Eveningham of Bronte. Sadly missed by his 8 grandchildren. Sureieed by bis brother Also Lore and sister Betty Devenish and their familles. Farsiiy and frinds may cati at the J. Scott Esrly Fanersi Home, 21 James SI., Milton on Friday f rom 3-5 and 7-a PM. At Andy's requeat, Ihere wiii be no fusiera service snd cremaion wiii take place. In lies of flowers, donations 10 the Hesrf& Stroke Foandation or chsrl *0f osels choice wouid be appreciated by the famity. SOHOUTEN, Gerda'Peacefuly, surrounded by her famiiy al Milton District Hospital on Monday April 24, 2000, Mra. Garda Schouten orf Milton sn her 88th year. Beloseol aiile of Albert Sohoulen of Milton. Loeing mother of Joe sand bis vifie Johanna of Milton, Gerry and his mite Lod of Clifford, Ben and bis wife Josephise of Caledonia, the late chnis and his wife Dina of Milton, Gerds and her husband Ted Windmoller of Barrie, Wiiiie andt her husband Pale Bader of Cambridge, Edie and her husband Fred Lippens andi Anna and har husband Ted Hoogveld of Milton. Will ba sadiy missad b y her 28 grandchii- dren and 51 great-grandchildren. Famiiy and friands calied aI the J. Scott Eariy Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton on Tharsday from 2- 4 and 7-9 PM. Vigil Prayers mere recitad f rom the Fanerai Home Tharsday al:30OPM. AMass of Christian Bunial wiii be held on Fridlay (today) aI 10:30 AM Irsa Hoiy Rosary Catholic Charch Cremation to totiom. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Milton District Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society wouid be apprediated bv the lamil. Your presence we miss, Vour mereory we fressure, Loving yos alays, Forgetting you neyer. Alwaya ln aur heat Debbis & Ken 7 37 re you planning a i Meodas InMemiriaris speclal aventi that would be cf JEFFREY, Michael interest to those ln memory of a Brother who iv ln the community? We can't have old days back,Adetsifl But secret tears and Ioving thoughts, The Canadian Will be with as forever. Champion Alwaya Ioved & remnembered "Four Hemetowr Debbie & Ken 1 Csmmen1y Newapaper" Ti u ilx875-3300 TO THE ALLENDALE CARE PRO VIDERS The family of Barbare and Ruasell Caae extend aur heartfelt thanks for the care, consideration and thaughtful- nesa our parents received wehite residing ai Allendale. In particular we wish to thank: Jenny Furtner Betty Rowley Alice Lee Sue Ryal i Sua fsael Paula Cumming Lina Vascoffo Janet Clark Chris Henlvy Jane Turner Paf Haringa Sue Ellis Na daubt there are many athers we should specificeif y mention and we apologize to those we've missed. We truly appreciate and admire the quafity individuels thet contributed so wanderfully ta the lives of aur parents and wha's compassion la beyond compare. Again, aur thenks. n0w aveilabie Tues. nighl, Milton. Cai Lynne aI 873- 9958. wtth over A emCAln ebes F W&TDAtC eS APACS nie verN Crsa Aergm orS tae uoar ch ses DoEAlt Moar meSe IN ryrA Wa cbas RAI dolI s aea prren pe ne CollecIE bOsJh/rc erNt (9537 BUNK BEDO, 2 sels,- datdes rails, leridersaend mettresses. Excellent condition. $250 par sel. Cail (905)854-0229._ CARPET Carpes. t have severel lhoueend yerds of new Staismes- ter and 100/. nylon car- pal. t n/il carpat your liv- ing toare and hall for $349. Prica includes carpat, pad and installa- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-639-2902. FREE Estimates.. Got wobbiy chairs... weak springs... lired iooking wood finishes? We do il ail! Castors wood relis- ishing/farnitare repairo. Fields Castors Farni- tare. 9-9 dailyl 975-4427 MAYTAG Cloîbas dtyer, 18 montbs old. $300 O.BO. Ceil Bill ot Trudi et 876-2413. MOVING SALE: Top of the lise GE Washer (11 cydles) & Dryer (7 cy- cles); Kitchan Aid 4 bumer propane range; 4 1/2' a 83/4' slate pool table. Muet go - basi off- et. Cati 905-632-6400 days. SIT on if-Don't eit in il! Replacemeant fours for cushios. Residen- tiel/corerercial. Fields upbostery. 9-9, 7 days/meekl 875-4427. TABLE - 40" round pîne wi 2 vasves, 4 slrong chairs, chine cabinet w/ligbt, hutch. Welnut finish on pine. Good condition, $250. (905)876-4733. JPCOMING MARRIAGE BELAMr onGE (aed cedehri eo Lisa and biaroter Greandto y announce the arroivai ent a sttMyheCr B oedake a n aiy Pa l So Man hnks o aladDr Covchas for hiRwobdert ul ereand sport. Boah, ors Seaprl 15 200e 53 pa rent ar Ei Jee n D iand a ee an d eM r i &f s O n Sounon ray Ma hn 7 l oz Milt o ON Weu Cogulatio hns r ChransD.Bsit n ail hur in loee! etg MDH th Gan er spdl ankone theDr.rrhvrm of affiCef. Br pi 4 egig8Is1 Deaths