Tho Canadian Chamrsiari, Frlday, Aptil 28 2000 - 29 * SPORTS PQt~§TO POOl, PPODUCT& LTD 305B Steeles Ave. E. 876-2211 ~Milton baseb ail teams ready to rock By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion S pring traîning is now complete and Milton's three high school basebali teams are ready to take on the best Hatton Region has to offer - starting tomorrow during opening weekend play. The followîng is a preview of eacb squad, their strengths and weaknesses, plus pre-season predictions by their respective skip- pers. Teans: Bishop Reding Royals Manager: me jurus Coaches: John DeLuca, Terry Hughes Last Year: Lost 5-2 to Oakvîlle's St. Thomas Aquinas in ftrst round of playofis after 4-3 regular season Hitling: With just about everyone back (rom 1999, BR should hoîri its own offensively and put together faîrly decent numbers. Look (or Taylor Lawton, Andrew Coe, Mark Antonelli and Niko Zentil to be bnght spots in a stili developîng but quite respectable lineup. Pitching: Somewhat of a question mark, with competent hurlera Mike Eichstedt and Bobby McKnight having transferred to Georgetown District High School and graduated respectively. But returnee Shawn Hili - a top major league prospect, who missed Isat year witb an elbow injury - could more than fuI the gap. However, he'll be throwing for several scouts this spring and may flot be available on s fulI-time basis. The Royals will alto he relyîng heavily on crafty sophomore Conan O'Brien. Flelding: Should he solid up the middle with Chris Dumencu behind the plate, Lawton at shortstop and Mark Antonelli in cen- tre field. Some platooning might have to be done at the other positions - especially the corners - but witb a fairly deep team, there shouldn't be too many big holes. Newcomers Craig Hudak and David Lajuenesse are among those wbo'll help plug tbings up. The Botton Line: Despite moving over to the tougher Richardson Division, Junis is confident his troops cen equal Isat year's regular season performance - and enjoy a little more playoff succesa. "I tbink it's defînitely within our reacb. Three losses is enough for this team," he said. Opening Day: Saturday, Apr. 29. Doublebeader at Burlington's Nelson Park againat Nelson at 9 a.m. and M.M. Robinson High Sebool at noon. Team: E.C. Drury Spartans Manager: Phil Dufl'y Coach: Freeman Nelson Last Year: Loat 11-5 to Oakville's QE. Park un second round of playoffs after 5-3 regular season. Hitting: "0f our fuve or six seniors, only Jack Turner was par- ticularly productive lest year," said Duffy, who doesn't expeet a repeat of that problem in 2000. Merchant import Steve Scbentag and fellow newcomer Jordan Jeans should help boîster a balanced lineup that already bas tome solid contributors. Mike Austen should once again be a consistent offensive threat. Pitching: Drury doesn't sport any aces on the hilI, but with seven or eight guys who can tbrow the baIl lbey may be able to get by without a genuine dominator. The big question is will the bullpen's youth be a stumbling block in tight situations. Southpaw Jon Gleed and nght-hander Chris Holmes should lead the way on the mound. Flelding: Expeet E.C. to be a better defensive club, particularly in the outfield with the addition of Jeans. Brother Evan Jeans and File photo by GRAHAM FAINE Miltan DistrIct Mustang Bud Hall la ana ai many vetarans wha shauld help the lacal basebail tsam Imprave thîs sprlng. Mîltan DistrIct and the tawn'a ather twa hlgh schaai bail clubs - the Blshap Reding Rayais and E.C. Drury Spartana - wlII atarI their seasans tamarrow. more plate pop overaîl this year. Speedy outfielders Paul Duff, catcher Austen are among the other bright spots in the tield. Jed Cosby could alto be a standout - if be can rebound from a recent shoulder injury. The Bottons Une: Cautiously optimistie, Duffy knows the dif- ference betwecn aixth and second place in a tougb Richardson loop could come down to just a win or two. Witb that ssid, he's aiming at a .500 or better regular season to secure a gond playoff spot. Opening Day: Saturday, Apr. 29. Doublebeader at Burlington's treland Park (D) against Notre Dame at 9 sm. and Lord Elgin at noon. Teans: Milton District Mustangs Manager: Jason McGuffie Coads: Damian Canapheil Last Year: Lost 5-3 to E.C. Dmry in firat round of playoffs after 4-4 regular season. Hitting: Wbile Nathan Perrott's departure leaves them witbout a bonafide power bitter, MD is expected to bave significantly Michael Volpe and Jeff McLeod plus solid sluggers Reese Davies and Mike Leisbman should combine for an impressive hit-and- mn. Pitching: Adam Finkbeiner and newcomer Jarrett Konkle will be the centerpieces for wbat should be an improved pitcbing unit. Duff and Volpe are among others wbo can give tbem quality innings. No stars in this department, but depth is certainly there. Fielding: The Mustangs will be solid defensively and could sport one of the better outfields in the league witb Duff, Volpe and McLeod. Davies and Bud Hall will help form a strong middle infield witb Leisbman, Andrew Neilson and John Melito filling out the rsssks. The Bottons Line: Afier a strong second baîf lest year and witb tome key additions, MeGuffue bat higb expectations. Among them are putting together a plus .500 regular sesson and making a serious mn at the regional crown. Opening Day: Saturday, Apr. 29. At Burlington's Millcroft Park as 9 arn. againtt Acton and as Ireland Park (C) versus Lester B. Pearson at noon.