U -Te Cnadan CamponFniday, April 28, 2000 Asthma questions answered at free HHS seminar hl,trnialio osn asthîsta ssii bc fi plcntitîil sup- rom 10I a.ni to socs at Milton Distric Holspital The Irc event ssii) hegin with a short pesen- piralory thi.tpist. cmcrgency departrrnent nurse, ply at the upcomîing 'Actions 4 Asthma: Ask About 20 per cent ot Canadian children are tation by Oakville pediatrician Dr. Zeba Ansari. physiotherapist and Lung Association rcpreseil The Experts' hosted by Halton Healîhcare al'fected by asthma and up toi 10 per cent of ail It will be chock-fuiI of vital points on diagnosis, tative will also be available for questions. Services (HHS). Canadians are troubled by the condition. But the symptom prevention and treatment. To reserve a spot at the seminar, caîl 338- The event will take place Ssturday, May 6 good news is the symptoma cao be contmolled. A family physician, allergiat, pharmaciat, res- 4379. Fin Got Three Strikes Against You? 1 love the story of a little boy wbo was overheard talking to himself as he strutted througb the back yard, basebal cap in place, toting a bat and baIl. He was heard to say, -I arn tbe greateat bitter in tbe whole wide world!" Tben he tossed the baIl up into the air, swung at it and missed: "Strike one!" Undaunted, he picked up the bail and tbrew it up into, the air proclaiming, "I amn the greatest slugger ever to live!" He swung at tbe bal] again and missed again: "Strike two!" He paused a moment and examined bis basebaîl bat carefully. Tben a third time, be tbrew the bail into the air announc- ing: "I amn the greatett batter in tbe game!" He swung the bat bard again and missed a tbird time. He cried out, "Wow! Strike tbree! Wbat a pitcher! 1 am the greateat pitcber in the wbole wide world!" A positive attitude cao transformn a problem into a possibility! Do you struggle witb an ingrained negative attitude? There is real hope for you! You can cbange and develop the attitude of mind wbicb brings peace, courage and succets! You can attain a winning attitude to overcome life's difficulties, win people over and tumn obstacles into opportunities! How? Philippians 2:5 records, "Have tbis attitude in yourselves wbicb was also in Cbrist Jesus..." Our faitbful Lord left us witb a perfect example to follow. His high standard, as documented in the Holy Bible, was not given to, frustrate us but to reveal areas in our lives that require improvement. Do you need an attitude adjustment? Decide today to, discover more about the attitude of Christ and how you cao possess the same inner strength by attending a local church this weekend. Service times and locations are published in the directory below. BANAl O SON 0F MAN Breathe flot the sîns of others so long as thou art thyself a sinner. Shouldst thou transgreas this command, accursed wouldst thou be. and to Ibis 1 bear wltness. from the Baha'! writings LOCAL:...................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL: ....................... 1-800-43M-3284 GLOBAL: .......................... www.bahai.org # MILTON SEVENTH-DAYV È ADVENTIST À09FU& CHURCH Welcornes you to Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sat. 9:30 a. m.n Sabbath School Sat. Il:00 a.m. Divine Service Corne and join us for worship C o idn-ekpae M sevie eo 11Y r o ut h f Derr Po i cl Bothel rAssmembly of God You are lnvlted to Bethel Assembly of God Friday Nigbts at 7:30 Meeting in the Quality Inn 161 Chisbolm Drive in Milton Starling April 281h Rev. Raymond Skelton 875-4058 Email betbelca@Angefire.com "A caring concomed community church" a a Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Miltoîn the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.weleome.tiijGrace.Miltîn Rev. Dr. Mark McDerrnott SUNDAY SERVICES -111 <i, Hîîly Communîinioîn 1t0:00t a.ir. - Sunîg Euclîarest Chsrch SchssI & Csssse Hour Wheelchair Access Thrssgh Parking Lot Doors 0:)) Tbursday an1:XI.i,. -Hllly Coriiîuiîîorî MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 ar n ot ashamned of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to eveLy, one that believeth. Rom.1.9 DISCOVER / AMAZING FACTS BIBLE SCHOOL FREE FRE DISCOVER AMAZING FACTS BIBLE GUiDES BIBLE LESSONS Whee is God aSci peuple mie sufingne d dying? *Whcn iper<'ii dies. wati the,,' *Wii,, i the seret tu, a happy flte'! Ist iipefor5a ciaiic world? Oisc,,er the ara.n Bibi,, antier s tlese aid ciSc, key qui(inisu hai fctl yen happinc Write Box 23012, 55 Ontario St. Milton Ont, L9T 5B4 HOLY ROSARY PARISH httpJSnspldeî ,a-wil-ainia,5p-hilyma.a taI S878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mau ai 5:30 p.m. Saturlay 9:OOarn., 10:30 ain. & Noon Sunclay ST PETER CHIURCH 9th Liai CF Britaia Mau at 9:00 am Sunday Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P 4 t We welcome you to... ST. PAUL'S f~ UNITED CHURCH L 123 Main St. E, Milton Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m' Nursery Available ' Chruch School 10:30 a.m. SRe. John Benham & Ris. John Ambrose Judy Hunier, Director of Music j vwml0N MI" OHUOH DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE LORD WANTS YOU TO DO? IF YOU DO, ARE YOU WILLING TO DO IT? Join us this Sunday so you can be Challenged as Christians ta fuifill Gocfs wUi i your 18e. 10:00 A.M. - Morning Worship Milton Leisure Centre (Board Roorn) Iseparate services ror children 9 years and inderi Check out Pastor Charles Boyce on Cogeco 14 in his "Wisdom for the Week" "LivingA Victotious Life B3v The Word 0f GoI" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Ernail cboyce@ interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Morning Worship& Kida Church 100 Niplaslng Rond, Unit 3 Pastors: Captaine Dan and Wendyf Brooman For more information about our services, and other programmlng plaas cati 876-2420 Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERRY RD. (beiveen the, Firt Hall uami Hospital) Phone 878-5664 * Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs t1t arn. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE l1 a.m. ADVENTUBELAND (agi 3 Bu grade 6) Tueriday ai 7p."'. JR. HICti - (gr. 6-8) Wednesday ai 7p.nî. - PIONEER CLUBS lages 4-la) lîarday ai 7 p.tn. - SR. HICH (g. 9-OACI Foîr nuire infi, titi iiir laiîes, plein, yointh aind childereiîiinric, ilLerisL' ciii! thje ch)urch offTice. salais