siGNE h~n 1999 Bush Pilot Special 18 and 20 ,nch frames Reg. $465.OO Available n Blue and Malte Green $3 5 000 3 Un-Store NORCO ~ Advertised Flyer Specials Bikes - Helmets - Locks -Traiers - Pumps - Shirts - Pants - Grips -Tires - Etc. s ee S S S Tho Canadian Chanspoil, Friday, Apuil 28, 2000-27 The Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) CCAC of Halton HAI TON lise Commwsity Cm Arcesa Centre ofHalton (CCAC) bas recendycomnplcted the Requcet for Proposai (RFP) proceas to determinethe organ~zation(s) that wiil provide sud deliver nursing services to CCAC dienes for the nextthree years oemmendngJuly 1,2000. Bette Martin, Chais~ CommunityCsreArcess Centre of Haleon Board of Directors, as pleaseel to asinounce that subsequent os this RFP procesa tbe Board bas approved the awardissgofcontracts to tbe following tbree organisa- tions: 'Victorian Order of Nsrses Halton Brasscb for 50% of the volume of service requeseed * SEN Communaty Heakh Cm for 30% of she volume of service requested * ParaMed Healels Services, Oakviule Branch for 20% of tbe volume of service requeseed The implemenration ofthe Request for Proposai procesa is in keepingwitb tise mandate of the Minisuy of Heahh and Long-Term Case to introduce a procesa to ensure tise purchase of the higisese quality case at a reasonable prace. lise CCAC looks forward to worltingcloselywîth these agencies to continue to provide higis qualieycommunieybased care for Haiton citizens. TIse Commwsity Care Accesa Centre of Hakon coordinates home case services for Haleon residents, offem information and referral ro community services, and provides information sud placement into long-tenu case facilities. Services accessed dsrougb the CCAC are funded by the Minusuy ofHealth sud Forfurther information contact: Jane Galbraith, Purchasing Manager 440 Elizabeth Stoeet, 4th Floor Burlington, Ontarlo L7R 2M1 (905)639.5228 ext. 8742 or ... if long distanoe dial 1.800.610-0000 "Be # i with us!~~ I ;¶a UT2.~ ~ >1 - physical fitness - self discipline KICK DOXINO - motivation - Have Fun - concentration - self defence "For the very best in Traditional Ancient Arts" FIGHTING GRIFFIN MARTIAL ARTS >N\AA878-8941~ 3 * + o f - sISSI'e exp. May 31/00 "Joîn our wïnning Team!" 465 Main St. (above Rogers Video) ' i $ I I *~ ,..,t ~ - fl4 #-f1~ S$tîiI$t St >J~IP 5 J~4 ~-'