ÀAmnesty International cornes to Milton for public info night The Canadien Champion, Fniday, Apnil 28, 2000 - 25 The Champion's Lifestyles section wiII be published next Friday. This section runs in eveiy second Friday edition. By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Amnesty International proves the pen is truly mightier than the sword. By tbe simple aci of wriiing leilers, Amnesty International (AI) bas beiped people tbrougboui the world gel released from jail or receive bumane ireai- ment wbiie in cusiody. "Wben tbe firsi 200 letters arrived, 1 was given my cloibes back," said one Prisoner of Conscience (POC) in a media release [rom AI. "After tbe nexi 200 letiers, my food improved." AI said as more leilers arrived, tbe prisoners case was reviewed and he was released. AI waa formed in 196110o preveni buman rigbts abuse. Since ils inceplion, the group bas grown 10 include more than one million members; in 162 coun- iris and leritories. AI bas been in Canada for 27 years and bas about 67,000 members. Tbe, organizalion bas four goals including freeing al POCs wbo are jailed because of ibeir beliefs, eibnic original, sex, colour or language. (AI will only belp ibose wbo have not used, or called for violence.) Il also wanis to ensure prisoners receive a [air trial in a reasonable lime, Ibal tbe dealb penalty, torture and olber cruel irealmenîs are abolisbed and ibat execu- lions and disappearsnces stop, said Rebecca Waliers, a Milton resideni wbo belongs 10 tbe Oakville Communiiy Group. To informi people about AI, tbe Oakville chapier will bosi an information nigbl Tuesday [rom 7 10 9 p.m. in tbe Loblaws Community Room (Upsiairs ai Loblaws). "Amnesty began because one person spoke out," Ms Wallers said. 'After bearing wbal we have 10 say, you may decide 10 lend your support 10 Ibis important work" Amnesty International belps POCs by writing leiters tu goverument officiais. AI's research deparimeni, funded by members, invealigales human rigbls abuses. Once the information is galhered, tbe organizalion assigna the case 10 one or more groupa. Tbe groups receive a case file ibal includes informa- lion about the person as well as bis arresi, what mem- bers sbould ask for and wbom ibey sbouid write 10. Photo by GRAHAM PAINS Rebecca Walters, a Milton resîdent and mem- ber of the Oakvilie Communily Group of Amnesty International, hoids Up the Unîversal Declarallan of Human Rights. Amnesty's goal la ta help stop human righls abusas. Ms Wallers said wbile Amnesty provides a sampie letter, tbe organizalion requesis members write a per- sonai note, polilely asking for tbe release or bumane trealmeni of tbe POCs. The group still bandwriles lellers because AI's researcb depariment bas found ibal govemment offi- ciais respond fasier 10 regular letters (ban emiail, sbe said. Depending on tbe situation, il may lake several monibs 10 several years before a POC is released. 'Sometimes lbey neyer are," sbe said. If a group bas been wriîing for a case for a wbile, AI may iransfer tbe case elsewbere. The Oakviile group bas wriiing letiers for the lasi 17 years. Since ils incepiion, it bas writien letters on bebaîf of 16 people, ail of wbo were released witbin iwo years of writing. For more inforamiion, visil AI's website ai www.amesty.ca or www.amesty.org or caîl Ms Walters ai 876-407 1. ~Halton Heall Caring lbday Grosa4ng for Did you knoi 1 in 9 Canadian women will cancer in their lifeti *Over 80% of ail breast cancer by women themsel' <Attend'a free breast seif-examin MAMMAýCHI v thcare C * E .*S lbimorroW develop breast ime. s are discovered ves. ation workshop: ECK Wednesday, May 3, 2000 1:30 - 3:00 pm Upstairs at Loblaws, Milton 75 Nipissing Road This workshop incorporates the following e Video presentation ePractice with silicone breast models eDiscussion -Instruction pamphlet Cali 338-4379 to reserve a seat. A community project sponsored by Zonts Club of Burlington 1 Burlinglon Brest Cancer Support Services Upstairs ai Loblaws Dateline from DATELINE on pageS8 Track 2000 BMX bosts its firsi annual Open House and Swap Shop frors 10 arn. to 4 p.m. The event takes place on the north- wesl corner of Britannia and Trafalgar roads behind the Drumquin bail diamonds. Everyone is encouraged to bring out ibeir old mouniain, BMX or road bikes and sel up a sales area. Aduission is free. For further information, contact Nicky ai 873- 3018 or Dave at 812-7860. Sunday Apr. 30 The Haion-Peel Branch of the Ontaio Genealogical Society hosts ils regular meeting in the lower level of Chinguacousy Branch Library, 150 Central Park Dr., in Brampton. Guest speak- er Jane McNamara addresses the îopic of using ciiy and rural direclories for Canadian research. Visilors are welcome. Caîl 458-1031 for more information. The Milton Youîh Chorus serves up Spring Tea and entertain- ment for ail ai Si. Paul's United Church from 2 to 5 p.m. The cosl is $5 per person. Proceeds benefil the group's trip lu Moncton 2000. Monday May 1 lie Halton Is Quiters Guild meets ai Centennial Middle School in Georgetown ai 7:15 p.m. For more information, contact Geri Kunica ai 878-3787. Walking la good for you. Join Ken and Treasa Lamb ai 1:30 p.m. ai tbe Milton Seniors' Activiiy Centre, 500 Childa Dr., every Monday for an easy one 10 lwo-bour siroîl along the Bruce Trail. Reaume, Cover Letier, and Contact Card Workahopa are now available ai the Milton Human Resource Centre. Sign up for a one-to-one session and receive a finisbed produci for eacb. Cal 876-9828 for ciass urnes. Women's chorus A Cappella Sbowcase presents ils Conlest preview Show ai E.C. Drury Higb School ai 8 p.m. Admission is tm.efitt 141411 bt 6lfi- -e*fhM~ -ý ,t.