24-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 28, 2000 Automatic Lawn Sprinklers Save S protect y/ Terry Roi 925 M time and money and our landscape invesimnent. iley Mechanical Inc. ain Street East, Unit 3 878-1979 #fÀAA4B2IRD. * \'1! u i~M SHER-BOND MAONRY *Block Foundations a Fireplaces *Cbimnney Repair e General Masonry *Retaining Wafls Work Free Cail Steve McDougall Esti mates 878-4196 wm, l iwn1i7 ouva Ma-WuWlff, irwwuulmW F- Specializing in Cusçtom Fltled ingl Windows and DEntranc Sslemis ALUMINUM LIMITED Also VIgi Sidia, Seffit, Fascia and Seamless Alumiaam Tough callS875383 between 9am & 9pm WOOD5AVER ONTARIO The specialists in restoring wood products decks e fences* -Iog cabins - cedar siding - roofs Our systein isenvironmentally fniendly *Cai for a no obigaîwuifree quoze Tel: (905) 569 2639 Fax: (905) 569-2702 www.woodsaver.on.ca 3209 OsboÔurne Road, Mississauga 4 ~ Over 50 Years Experience Residential & Commercial "é=.HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 4252 Holnderson Road R..: <905) 878-3447 R.R. No. 1, Milton Fax (905) 876-0936 0O av E *vit V- a R7E7df C - lUE Main £t- Emt nit US bifietoHEATING ..ÉBD "I &COOLING ýare;; % LET LTD. 5 i SERVIN mILTN& ARA O inion S 5 FOROVERSOVEAAS -. 0 ork SALES - INSTALLATION - REPAIRS Iimg High-Efficiency Furnaces, 'ÀRÏWU;UIFAir Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces 878-11177 Jt7.q-,I.2l ui Ae nit i17-Milton Natural Gas & Propane MIQS BBQ Parts AuLLMa Terry Rowley Mechanical Inc. ins 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 ~IORW 878-1979 Bwîunonaas rl5îw TOWN &CUOUNTRY WINDOW CLEANING Eavestrough -Siding eWindows & atfaton Fuily Insured& nded./L 5..*d 12Y.',aifPfeaianal Exmerfnm Cail us for a U i3SS mFree Estimate 85 o5 5 SEPTC TANIK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. *180 t of hose for crossing Iawns *3 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Don't wait for troble - Pump b.fore ,t's t00 late! <Should pump at least every 3 years) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acton Answering Service 878-6869 Garage Doors - Electric Openers Sales, Service and Installation Windows, Entrance Doors, Stormn Doors, Patio Doors TEL-. 519-853-2114 (AcTion) r r.m. contracting Itda «'RENOVATION SPEC.IALIST$6" Résidentiel & Commercial eAdditions eBathrooms eRoc Roonis Garages eDecks Llcenced 878-8625 Riefeences Mal 1,8i i CUSTOM MADE ,ALUMINUM <905> 331-9333 Fax: (905) 331-9334 RR 96, Milton *WINDOWS.e DOORS e GARAGE DOORS SIDINO e SOFFIT e FASCIA e EAVES Five Vear Labour Warrant>' Seniors' Discounts e FuIIy Insured eYearly Inspections e Financing Available Larmia Tus Hardwaod atroarns 876-4023 steal Studs Drap Caillaga Quality Custom Homes Additions - Renovations Commercialllndustrial Construction Free Estimates 'i *1 .4 (905) 826-0892 M.A.R.C.H. vater Furnace Systom . 0aa, roliane and teat Punîpa - Air, Oreund *@ctul@ Pswnaces L Waller sources - Hlgh UffIIno Air 'entrai Rooni Air Plfters & HuuiddMm 785 Main Street East mtnai 8uie-11 M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parts for Washers e Dryers e Ranges - Freezers eRfrigerators e Dishwaahers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 Across from the Go Station a % T Ir nu i Y - r[u V-iz Terry Rowley Mechanical Ic. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Puinps e Furnaces *0 -925 Main Street East, Unit 3 ~~Oti878-1979 LENU I I