jéýin late July or early August 51our community wull be jutigeti an the following c rira as part of the Provincial Communities ln Bloom prograin: tidiness, urban forestry, lantiscapeti areas, floral dis- pîsys, turf areas, environmentsl efforts, heritage conservation, anti community involvemelit. Here are a few ideas of how YOU can help... " Organize a spring dlean-up " Participate in Goati Neighbours Community Day " Paint a fence " Refurbish a vacant lot " Pick weetis C Cut your lawn *Plant a tree or garden If everyane doca their amaîl part it will help aur cammunity ta "bloom" now, anti in the future. If you are helping out be sure ta let us know sa that we can include your efforts in our 'cammunity log book"' which will be presenteti ta the jutiges. Information can be given ta Joy Anderson, Town of Milton at 702-3143 ar Jennifer Mirosolin, Milton Horticultural Society at 878-3597. Ta encourage cammunity participa- tion, aur local Communities In Bloam committee have tiesigned an awards progra'm. The Tidinesa Awards, Tree Hugger Awartis, anti Lush Lantiscape Awartis will be given aut in Miltan tiuring late July 2000. Each af the above awartis will be given out in 4 categaries - Business - Industrial Business - Cammercial Public/lnstitutianal Praperty Residential The committee will also present "Great Garden Awards" in 3 este- gories: Perennial Gartiens, Annual Gardens, anti Contai ner/Balcany Gartiens. In atiditian, an Environmental Awa.rt will be given ta a cammunity graup or business, which bas given consitierable turne anti effart ta participate in an enviran- mental projeet. For mare infarmation an the campeti- tion, check the following locations - Town Hall, Spice o'Life, Taylor Nurseries, Cauntry Depat, ar Loblaws starting the firat week in May. Written by Joy Anderson Comnmunies in Bloom às generously supported by: *LbIAé 2000 11110rent Simpleton ready to burst onto scene By ANDREW JENKINS Special ta The Champion Punk music has gained much fanfare these days. The genre slowly crept itself back into the maaînstream music scene and has grown with '1(R' ;L heavily promoted bands like Green Day, Offspring and Blink 182. Punk fashian is tiaminating the teen markets. Radia statians are catching on as well by playing more tunes of the genre on a more frequent basis rather than the traditional law dosage hearti an the air waves. Milton is home ta several punk banda reatiy ta burst onto the scene such as pop- punk quartet Simpletan. A carbon capy of hugely successful Califomnia bandi Blink 182, anti influenceti by graups such as The Ataris anti fellow Canadians Gob anti The NoTalents, the bandi is currently in the studio recarding their firaL CD entitieti 'Between Yau anti Me' anti have seen favourable reactions from kitis attentiing their shows. Simpletan also recently toak honour in winning M.M. Robinson High Schaal's Battle of the Bands. Members of the talenteti quartet range in ages froin 16 ta, 17 anti have been playing for a year or sa. "It ail starteti out as a joke," saiti leati guitarist anti back-up vocaliat Kevin Kennaley. "Weil nat as a jake, but none of us took su. PUNK on page 23 75Nnls ngR. ml 875-4999.. Simpleton's first compact dise la expected ta b. avail- able in stores ln August. Renaissance festival will hold auditions Thie Ontario Renaissance Festival will holà auditions for variolis positions next month. Auditions art scheduleti for Saturday, May 13 frons 9 a.m. to 3 pin. ai the festival site. Actors must be 18 years of age or older. Ail performers nst prepare a Shakespearean monologue no longer than one-and-a-half minutes. Akpcture anti resume is requireti. Ali positions are paiti. Auditions are by appointinent only andi can be arrangeti by calling 1-800-734-3779. Performance dates are weekends froin July 29 ta, September â4 Presents M4A'XITIM PUB iV16/(Tr A down east celebration wi1h Maritime sangs, Highland Dancing, s i ve bandi andi an sudience sing-aiong. Bring your spoons and ciogs for a toe-tappin' time! Salurday, May 131h, at 7:30 pm at the may The Farm brIted. et Museum"$ ahead Gambref Ba*rn of time! Guests: Jacqueline Smith Highland Dance Studio Dancers Live Band Il Food/irefreshl'Oits: Cash bar Snacks to nibbie on Adufts $15; Senior/stutients $13; Chiltiren 12 &under SFREE Tcets ai Peggy's, Deiacourt's or oeil Robin at 905-876-3307