Brake Problems Q & A Q. When I apply my brakes they don t respond mme diately. A. This may b. an indication that your brakes are flot working properly. If yau have dsc brakes, your calipers are probably stîcky. (The caimper is the cast iran mechanism that applies and releases the disc pads that stops your car.) Q. I have ta press very hard on my brakes. before my car stops. A. Your brake booster may be defective and need replacing. (The booster helps your foot ta stop the car. Without the vacuum booster you would need 30 lbs. af pressure rather than 10 lbs. of weight ta stop yaur 'car.) Q. My daughter says she hears Ioud, grinding or scrap- ing noises when she tries ta stop the car. A. It sounds like her disc pads or brake shoes may be worn out. They should be cleaned, serviced and likely, replaced. Q. If I apply my brakes and my car pulls to the right, whats wrong? A. This may indicate that one of the calipers has seized. Be sure to check for low pressure. ut s reeommended that you check your brakes twice a year. Sprîng s the best time ta start. With prampt atten tion ta problems yau can save maney by sîmply replacing worn out brake parts ar cleaning sullied mechanisms instead of buying and mnstalling new brakes. For additianal information, you can speak with your local Bendix installer ar caîl the Bendix Technîcal Hotline at: 1-888-633-1438 - News Canada -~ I Transmasçgon ô b i Automatto and Wheel Dnve Dufferentials Performance 6 Clutch Repaurs Domestmc Front Wheel Dnve lmports FIIANCHO OAC 348 Bronte St. S. Unit #11 & i (905) 875-1572 I-oT.éi~ TR 1976 x4's mfuilatloei, - valve alvin, Mm disposai Wl range et M.chanlcal SeMcea u78-6785 A MilItoWn Tire Service Ltd. STEELESAVE - FREE OL 675 Steeles Avenue Ave E Multon CHANO ANSM i BALLOT i ___________________________________________________ I ___________________________________ Address ______________ I ______________________________________________ Phone# ___________ i Dmp off Ballot aU I 909 Nipissing Rd. I Draw Date: May 31/00 L------------------ Ps. unis ~heeI Drive AVAILABLE~ ~.xle Repairs AN'8 PRUCE 5:30 pm ~00pm .5:30 pm Units 3,4 & 5, MILTON 9