12-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnl 28, 2000 R OYAL REPOR DATELIN D.D.T mmn a"NW BISHOP REDENO E.C. D.D.T aiEu CHOO16iuviYuoe Juan anheMnathestt. Grade "A" News at MDHS Royal eportBy Jacqueline Bass and Marissa Cheskey By DIana B.doya & Justin Yantho Earth Week has been welcomed into Bishop Reding as wartnly With the holiday weekend it's heen a while since you've heard from ns. on.Fist f ilthre asthe Easter hake sale last Wednesday that was put upwl locontribute t0 environmenlal awareness. chance ta put their hratns ta resl. The past few weeks have heen qaite îaok place last week. Stadent Coancdl sald Easter Candygrams which were O Cstadents hadt a chance t0 reflect on the last tive years of eventfal, filled with fandeaisers fer pram. the distribation of midterms on tale this week for osly 50 cents each. Stadents nd leachers could hny terlvson Wednesday. The Religion 500 class and varions and the excitemeat sarronnding callege and aniversity respoates. these yammy treats aIl week ta tend tea friead, a secret censh ne mayhe ohrgraduates attended a retreat that promoîrd fun and together- LasI Tharsday definitely praved ta he an taterestiaz day dae t0 even to themselves. These tasty ltle packages were delivered ta home- ns.Gaenines alto had a chance to enjoy their retreal on Wednesday's erahhit anction". a fandraiser held hy E.C. Drury's Prom raoms an Thaesday hefore the Easter holiday. Tusa.Mid-lerm reports were distrihated last week, and Cammittee. Daritg the anctian, many stndents were auctioned aff ta Another fandraiser alto in its glary hefare Easter was the Entrepreneurs Unvriymarks were sent in on Monday. AIl stadents interesled yannger and aIder students alike in order ta maise money for the class Easter Raffle. Twa gigantie Easter haskets were raffled off ta lacky i iigthose straggling in their studies are enconraged tu siga apcamiag pram, which witl he held ini isne. The praad students were winners wha hapefatty wat't ent aIl that chocotate on their owa. On hehaîf u to a tor. Extra money or commonity service hours may be farced ta loak lesstIhan desirahle for aIl of Thnrsday. The rahbits were af the Entrepreneurs clots, vie wauld like ta thank the tchaol for their tnp- gie yhelping ont fellow stadents. Tators are etpecially alto farced ta da whatever their awaer commnnded, sach as sing, dnnce, port of this fandraiser. Samewhere around 300 datlart was rnised lo be reurdi Math and English. Those senior students who are carryr their owner's books, fetch them fond. and do ather crazy thiags in donated ta charity. Thanks ta ail the stndenîs and teachert that helped ont inerstd n hvea inmm B'avraeare asked 10rgitr front of crowds of people. It is not very often that stadents have the with att of tht spirited fandrnîsing. andh have aoisn avrg egse pporîunity ta have a personat slave for a day. especially with the hest Are yo a master chef jt waitiog lo be discovered? Wett evet if this Morssn.intentons in mind. Over $700 was raistd. and many great thanks art doesn't snand like yoa, yon are sù11 etigihte ta enter the "Itttimate Drink" Testudent goverament orgnnized morniing music cotttett estended te those who participated in this partitalar event and sapported cantesl. This event is heing hetd on May 2 and reqaires thal teams of stu- cotne lBso eig h og hthv enheard ovr tepo.dnsmk raienon-alcaholie drinks. Thete drinks wilI he jndged by a decide what they want t0 hear everyday for two weeks. distribnted daring TAG. These reports are especintly important for those Malt and have a chance ta win $750! WOW! Congratulations to Use winner of the Enster Colottring cotest: stadents amailing acceptante inta catlege or nniversity. Many senior Some oif yos ont there may have heard of or even participated in the Jennifer Kim. Special mention is also extended to Joel Branner stadents have heen particularly excited river tht past few weeks ta fitd Watk Agninst Malt Violente hefore. Thit event is an anna fandraiser ai for his artistir interpretation of Enster Ttgger at Christmas Timt. ont if they have received early acceptante letters, however; îhey must M.D.H.S. thal is fan and spiriled as viel as help for a good tanse. The Tht town of Milton is hosting a Community day, in which remain fncused an their stadies hecause the hate is not mon antil the math wili he held in Milton and wtîl take plate with E.C. Drary an May Bishop Reding students are enconrnged to participate. The event .final marks are snbmiîîed! Now is tht perfect lime ta drap hy stadent l7th and anather malk will he held in Toronto an May l9th. The watk is wilI takt place an the sixth of May. Activities in this volunteer services and visit Mes. Robinson ta discuss scholarship possibilities. The heing organîzed hy Sony Dhillon and Ben Stirling and tht rest of the Anti- evet iclae: lenin yads nd ark, ashng indws nd school effers many hursaries, awards and cash schalarships; ta graduating Violente cammilice. Listen t0 annancemenis for fther details regarding diggtin gade:cnt. yrd Sef alflmnd as wel ns comm nty seric stadents. althougb these tan only he mon if a stadeni profile is sahmitted ptedge sheets. diginggaren. Slf-ulilientas el ascom unty ervce ta Mrs. Robinson. If you have not comttleted a student profile, il is not Tht Salvalion Army Red Shield Appeal is another fandraistr that sta- jhours may bt gained from this event. Applicationts are available Ino laIe and yoa shauld discuss mith guidance whaî iî shauld entait sO dents fram M.D. mili he helping out with on the evening of May I. in student services. yau tan snbmil il hefore May It. ln addition, students shonld nat raIe Volunleers are still needed ta canvass neighhoaehoods sorraunding the Twenty-four golfers teed-off at Georgetown golf club in oui schalaeship opportanities that are nt affiliaîed mith tht tchoat. schnol. If yoa are interesled in httping please tee tithtriJeff or Courtney pursuit of four valued spots on the golf team. Congrntulati"'ss to U.niversity ambassadors have indicaled that there are many cash seholar- following tht annauncements in mre 204 or tome nîher lime during the JotI <Jarvey, Jeff Thomas, Mike Zelek nnd Dan Goralowski who ships available that very fem stadents apply t0, sO il moald he in tht day. Wt thank helpers and tht camwonity in adrance for yonr support. will make up this years' tenm. Many Royals put forth stellar grealett inlerest of slndentt ta explore ait possibililies avaitabte. Tht Report cards were distrihuled en Thursday April 20th in TAP groups la performances altIhe Orchard Park Invitational Track and Field apportunilies are limitlets. sa graduating stadenîs should gel ttared on students. Parents' Night is heing held tht evening tof April 27îh, sîarting ai meet held on Wtdaesday. Dan McBride look first in senior boy's their ttarth nom! The itetrnet ts a great anid easy btgittniig 10 yotir 6:00 p.m. Interview appointment limes will be handted îhroogh tht stu- shot put, Michelle Doell came away with second in bath Use tearch. dents for Ihis nighî. Details are enclosed in tht report envetopes. junior girls' 800 and 1500 meters, while Anna Gori look third in Ibis meek during TAG, potentiat grLdnales met ta discats graduation .M.D.H.S. is basting an tittimate Videa Dance an May I lth at 7:00 p.m. the senior girls' triple jump. Bishop Reding showed their great procedures, valedictorian nominations, tcholarship information and tht until 11:00 p.m. Fret prizes milI be given away Ut tht dance ta by yonr tenmwork, placing respectably in their relay events. The senior apcoming prom. If you missed tht meeting, yoa MUST pick up tht tickets! Tickets are heing sold for $t. althUe door or $7. before hand. Listen boys 400-meter relay tean, consisting of: Luke Brunner, Joel poach coloured faem regarding commencement and fItl il ont IMMEDI- ta tht annauncements for ticket sale îimes. Bunr atBagley and Dennit Kozuh look sixth place in their ATELY. Aise, if there is a graduat that you think woatd hest retaresenl Sptaking of hnying tickets. hopefutly you've att picked up your tickets rnc. Ana on, Bnley Crtta MrrnandDentsyau at tht graduation ceremony, pick up tht valediclorian nominatian ta M.D.'s very ama production of "The Music Man". Tickets tan be race Ana GriMattBageyCrytal orr an DenisKozah, fore and gel three student signatures and ont teacher signature and hand ordered as me spenk in tht front hall aI M.D.H.S. "Tht Music Man" witt temmeofte200-meter co-ed relay team nîso took sixlh il in ta Mrs. Hagel by May 3rd. Before yau nominale a persan, homever; he in tht theatre at M.D. on May 4th, 5th and 6th ta order your tickets plc oor.Congratulations to the entire team on a great meet. please ensure that he or she wonld be camfortabte being vatediclorian îaday! A th colyacotsto a close, we hope thnt students are for tht class of 2000! We hope thai everyant had a grent fonr day wtek and we're tare yau fousngitetl n herstudies. Only forty-six school days lefI, Atthough tht meek has heen busy, il has finalty came ta an end. Please mon't mird geltiag hack lu tht regatar schednle nesî week! 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