The Canadian C hampion, Friday, April 28, 2000 - il Mulvale tells off Lastman- -froni HALTON on page 1 prescription drugs. 'Mll communities, including Halton, try to support individuala and familles in need," said Halton's commissioner of social services Adelina Urbanski. "-We must be diligent in responding to the needs of our citizens and ensure that Halton continues to be a great place to live." Thse issue of paying for the poor outaide of Halton's borders also arose at regional council recently as part of the 2000 budget debate. Some councillors wondered bow the Region could afford to keep sending big cash payments to Toronto if thse economy took a nose dive, sending social assistance costa through the roof. "I'm sick, quite often,.about the costs going from Milton and Halton to Toronto," said Milton Mayor Gord Krantz. Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale also used the meeting to air ber objections to an accusation from Toronto Mayor Met Lastman that the 905 areas aren't doing their share to tackle poverty. "For evexy dollar we spend, how much do we tend to Toronto?" she asked Halton ad$ oHalton," replied the Region's maae fbudgets Rob Rossini. Btsimply dumping money into social asitnecoffers won't be effective if afodbehousing isn't in place, warned "h ubrone thing that's driving people'a inability to meet their needs is the high coat of houaing," ase said. "You can't tackle poverty without tackling the bous- ing issue. Photog;phy a Vd»graphy Inc. 16,20 Weldng Portrait Thank Yos Cards &Album for Y2K Wedding Bookings Here% semetini secial ler %oise 8O yer: or bier Ibis Monday, May '1$', 200 Corne in and LMM- -.P un *ALL Regular, Clearance and Sale-picedl Items. PLUS, treat yoursell le any Zelers Magicutst Salon Service and aise Save 10% AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL ZELLERS STORE MONDAY, MAY 1', 2000 *Some exceptions apply. See Customer Service desk for details. tWhere available. - ORET WE WISH TO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING IN OUR CURMENT 'COMPLETE TOOLS & ACCESSORIES GUIDE' IN OUR "ALWAYS GREAT SALES' FLYER. PAGE 5 - DELTA MITE SAW. 55-6869-8 PRODUCT 55-6812 AT $599.99 IS INCORRECTLY SHOWN IN THE FLYER. THE CORRECT ILLUSTRATION SHOULD BE PRODUCT 55-6869 AT REG. $289.99, SALE $259.99, SAVE $30.00 Ht SINCEIELYREGRETANY INCONVENIENCE WE MIAY HA VE CA lIED YOU, cnote dl 17-Zones 0/ 1