Courtney Camp bail and Chris Kuntz dlean up a backyard as practice for when they partîcipete ln the annual Gaad Nelghbours Cammunlty Day MWay 6. zGood neighbours will go to work for each other May.. 6 Come out and help your neighbours duning the sev- enth annual Good Neighbours Community Day May 6. The annual event will sec hundoeds of volunteers spend the day working around the homes of older aduits and disabled people, said chairperson Len Lee. Volunteers, who are recognized by their t-shirts, will rake leaves, dig gardens, wash windows, paint, take down screens as well as complete work inside homes. They will also dlean up town properties and rivers. Thse proposed By-law may iie vlewed ln the Clerks Oepartment at the Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario. On Manday, May 15th, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. ln the. Council Chambers, Tawn Hall, Miltan, the Counicil of thse Corporation ofl thse Town ofl Milto~n will hear, in persan or by counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his land wlll be prejudicl affected by the. sald By-law, and who applies ta be heard. Any persaw who wlshes ta be heard should, as sacin as possible, niale application in wrlting ta: Helen Usi, Town Cletit The Corporationofthe Town af Miltoni 43 Brown Street Milton, ON LgT H2~ Dated at Milton, Ontario, this 11 ths fay of Apil, 2000. T«I NOTICE Ratepayers of the Town of Mitan are remlnded tWa the 2nd instaliment of the lnterim Tax Bi11 Is due an Aprul 28, 2000 If yau require information about taxes, please contact the Corparate Services Tax Department at (905) 878-7252, ext. 393, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m., Manday ta Fniday. Tex payrnents must b. recelved in the Corparate Services Office an or befare thse due date ta avaid penalty. Late pay- ment charge of 1 1/4%/1 will be ciiarged on the tirst day af deleuit and an the first, day af each calendar manth in wiiich the defauit continues.# Is the responsibillty of the ratepayer ta ensure that the taxes are paid by the due date, even ln the event tiat the bill is not received as mailed. Taxes may be paid: raýmnriata gzanrtàle T25 flanrimnnt- 42 Brown St.. Miltan ON LgT 5H2. Cheanes nost-dated ta the .8 T7he Good Neighbours Community Day gives some- thing back to thc community, Mr. Lee said. "It's grati- fying to help somebody in need." Mr. Lee said the committee is flot only looking for volunteers to do the work, but people who want work completed. For details contact Ryan Leworthy at the Milton Community Resource Centre (MCRC) at 875-4636. Volunteer formns are available at The Champion, the library, Uic MCRC, Town Hall and local schools. W WANT YOIJR INPUT! YOU are cordially invlted to attend a 'n iakand Ride thRutes ,n Wednesday, April 26, 2000, from 6:30 - 1O:0Opm, kskqustinsand provide input éthe Traits Master Plan project. At Lions Hall 1 Arena, 77 Thompson Road. Contact Ken McAlpine, 878-7211, ext 160. Bring your bicycle or walking shoes.