Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 2000, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 21, 2000 - 7 Nothing s worse than bad hairTh Letters welcome It's funny when you stop t0 think about 1 get home and start with the w oaia hmioeecmesetrst h how a haircut can change your whole out Haircutting is taken far too lightly in my editor. look on life. It's amazing the amounit of opinion. Other than our skin and hair, We reserva the right to edit, revise, and reject let- trust we put in our local barbers and haîr ____________ everything else that could ever go wrong ters. stylists, isn't it?inlf a rtywl ebdn.Btou The rea inPeTa-ril elehddn utyu Letters must be signed and the address and the tele- Don't get me wrong. I'm flot in anyway *ý .1 nDee oflhi sotteefr h hl ol ose slamming our fine professionals and their Get a bad haircut and life is over for a day phone nmeofthe wniter includea. hair-cutting abilities, I'm merely stating a cleal or two. The world stops spinning for a day Mail letters ta: point. They iiteraiiy have our heads in or two. Then in a week, with a few mii- The Canadian Champion their hands. Sure, we tell them what we *limettes of growth, life goes on. Box 248, want to have done with our soft, scruffy, (Andrew Jenkins is a second-year jour- Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 freshiy-washed hair. But in the end, who's As my haîr falis in front of my face and nalism student ai Sheridan College. He s holding the scissors? Let's face facts. Hair the vision of what I want done ceases ta currently înterning ai The Champion ar leave them at aur office, 1 91 Main St. E., or Fax cutters can do pretty much what they want exist, in utteriy speectiess. 1 watch the through Shenidan's communiry journalismn ta 878-4943. ta do with us. disaster happen. I sit and let it happen until field placement program.)___________________________ 1 think 1 speak on behaît of a lot of peo- pie when 1 say, haircuts are more than what the word 'haircut' states. It's not just ,, cutting the hair on our heads. Il's sfïaping T/ aur whole entire life. When it comes lime f ta ait back wearing those annoying white - biba which in my opinion do absoiuteiy nathing - and watch them attack aur scalps with combs, shavers and scissors, we're basicaily puppets on a string. I went for a haircut recentiy. I toid themn At Salra, mie are big .nough ta have what you want... what I wanted. I 1eft with the Hindenburg but smail enough ta cars who you are. disaster on the top of my head, or so I e o"kd f o. thought. Everyone who saw il afterward I ' O * O said it iooked great. t saw it jusl a touch differently. I saw a baid head. I saw it roo short here, and extremeiy too short there. I saw my head take.on a different shape. SALE PRICES START MONDAY, APRIL 24 AND END SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 2000, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED Most importantiy, I saw myseif living indoors for a week in hopes my hair wouid grow back ASAP. With invitations ta go out, I deciined. Me leave the house with my hair like this? Get reai. Though no one wouid even prob- RFTMN ably bother ta look at me, I feit as if I would be centre stage no matter where 1I9 2 wenl, my ears bumning with the sneers and CRAFTSWM 4-hp mworbag snickers of everyone as I walked past. la nm"e Then I thought ta myseif of ait the great iih2ya arny eal nsoe things in life I may have missed whiie I sat -3oo er e.299.200 sulking in front of the TV. Though some may flot admit it, a per- son's hair is their second or third moat important feature, if flot their firat. We groom it, wash il and styje it. Some spend more lime grooming their hair than the time it takes la shower and get a hair- cul combined. I think il's aiso safe ta say, we're Kn oa osl absoluteiy numb when we sit in barber el*tiine i liie chairs. What is il about the barber chair # 5/.Sasrg 2.9 6. and the whaie hairculling experience that prevents us froro having any volume in our voice? Have you ever sat in the chair and watched themn cul your hair? Many a lime I have watched lhemn cutting and snipping, saying in my head, "Dear lard, what are you doing?- Though' for some reason lhere's Ibis fear that I have, that . same may have as well, when saying any- thing during the procedure. s » 05 F~ ' J Ereaolution. #14435. remote contrai wîth Waaher. #476e2. Seara lit-o coktp.#w8 SHOPre.599.399 OU NR CORRECTION NOTICE In aur April 12-17 e-flyer (Weekiy In- store Speciais websîte), the followîng error occured: The Pacific Digital 50 pack CD-R's advertised an the Computer Accessares page for $9.99 dîspisys Locally B i i dSTORE HOUNS 100Nipissing Rd. the incorrect price. The pnice for thîs owe and Muin tai t INbmp praduet shouid have read $59.99. NOT ilNIu $9.99 operated by iiiM1= 24M.t ionvenience this may have caused our ATTESO EY U TL 1 vucutmr D900 KitchenAid is a roacî.d trodemora, of Ktch.nAid tiSA. Ktch.nAid Canada lcns.. in Canaida Copyight 2000. Sears Canoda Inc.

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