22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnl 21, 2000 I Wtt roos gong bc/r 0 170, rie comituent e bae aia ~ , LEBIMIC. Ltd., a warld leader in tIhe design, manufacture and le-Go g GIs saltnofcommunications toitera and relatant transmaission and rsTaePu shared ai Royal & SunAlliance stays with us as we explore - Irent equlpeget, ettore unique challenges for seif-motivatei roquires a Part-lime SENIOR LEISURE/ new horizons. We reain witolly coaaitted to, the cnstoaers ouil orergetlc persai. fill are on mploje. omi company CORPORATE CONSULTANT vvith s min- who look tous for excellence iu service, accountnitility and a based la Gukirelle, Oltalo, an m h e f tllowlog eppeetunlty fera imum orf 5 yosrs Galileo experience. strong sense of ethics. Ile stîlI hold thte saute trust in onr peuple, carner odubte blnldul. 1 'Knowîodge orf E-mail and InternaI an ansel. an nuprtt nd exren sces diecions Rl th fonllce: Repariing la the Direclar ai Pragram Management, yau wili use yaur advanced andexloe nw irctinsinthefoloingroe:prajeci planning and facilitaion s/nuls ta supervise the day-la-day aperalian ai aur Fax: (905) 336-1671 T1 ' y J.,* Pragram Management Oilice. Ynu must have ai lexi 5 years ai experience in a E-mail: burloak@goligerstravlpls.COtm SWe uffer a grueutus ceapen- nation package lndnding a uulury commninsurte citit expertence, afleuile and coapreheunlve heneSits prora and dre uppertuulry te cer/ Insun ruvironutent dta bath recogodre aud ,snoud ment. We invite yen te loin us ut ur jobt Ple ese brtng yoar résumné vMt yeu sud euf ey s teur of sur calI centre. ltuesday, April 256 and Wednesday, April 266 froat 6tosfp.x., 225 Erin Mills Prci, Ste. 1000. ihite QEW tu Ern iDslI Pkicy, nort te Sheridan MIaâ. Thre cati centre ta hehind the Douminin en te 2nd level coup bnt there lu n sillet indlcating te location. PeRread erMnkirrg autre COME SEE US AT OUR JOB FAIR Underwriter (s) Property, Casualty and Automobile We have se"ea opportities avallable for individuals inerrestedl int (oining our htlusinsuffacati cenrteaMn. Ideu candidulatfl he logrcal, nelf-aorlvateprofesalonuls whe have oruare worldng tocards their ABC desiguation and possean 2-3 yeurs of relalted undercriting experleuce. Qualifications Incdudte strong Inter- personal, orgauloatlonal sud computer skidls, a sulid custorner service orientation, Ite aityto set prlorlties and fuoctltnatugt witIr promises, sud a deutonstratedl comtneul te continuons lmproveuteut. If yrru are accepting of change andclilg tu cent lu a srntctnred envlronnment dmt incdudtes day and eveanus abuta, we'd ike te heur froat ye. ~NCE w wwc.r o y aa,u na 111an e . ca Freightllner Mid-Ontario Inc., *The Company Thot Doon Thingo Right", ix one orf Canada's largent Heavy Dufy Truc/r Deaiers and la conlinuing to grove. We are loo/ring for highly motinated people wvith s lot of enthusiases t/rat want t0 joirs our wvinsing teses who are dedicated 1cr customer satisfaction. Thre followlng openinos are avallable: " Parts Supervisar (Saalhdawn lacaion) Jaob #60245 a Aflernoon Parts Persan (Saaîbdawn location) Jaob #60445 a Parts Persan (Pacific Cincle location) Jab #60441 " Service Advisar (Pacific Circle) Job #60t431 " Techniciens (Pacific C/mbl, Svat/rdswa) Jaob #1440 Thene posittons offer a competitine compensation package ci/r an excellent benefits package. Wie are an equai opportunity employer, offering dlean wor/ring conditions vvith the focus on 'The Company T/rat Dons Things Right'. If you wcruld li/re an opportunity to be a part crf this dynamic teses pleane forward your resume ix confidence to0 Humas Ressarce Manager FrelObtliner Mid-Ontario Inc. 7035 Pacifîc Circle, Miasiasauga, On ML5T 2A8 Fax. (905) 564-8292 P/vase îndîcale Jobit applyiag far aad as/than/r ai apican/s far applyinuj bat va/y i/roue caasîdered wl Lie coniacied. Na phane cals or agencies p/vase. www.FlowerBuyer.com MARKET LEADER IN B28 INTERNET FLOWER SALES MCESS FLOWER TRADIS INC., (oner and apersar ai the cebsiies 'Flow- erBuyer' ard T/rvAmericanClack'> is las/ring for dynamic people la nian aur laam ia Oa/raille. If yau are inieresied ta tha Business Ta Business mvIne sales p/vase ae anme ai aur curreni lait npenings: Customer SerViCe/Sales: These assacîies ciii insiruci aur voi- ing and nec clients n i/rn une hi aur Intevnetyniera and ciii pravîde cusiamer serv- ice ao i/eu entire graup ai clivais. Ail tis is don aner ihv phne. Knawivdgv ai flacera is heipial bal nai necessary. Internet training pranidvd. Clerical SURDOII Staff, Tfley ciii support the sffice manager in meeting tho daiiy deadiines. Excellent computer and Intrnevia/ns plus basic /rnaciedge ai Sponish are required. Aliornale cvr/îng an Sol. is part ai theoba. Asî. By r: Assisiing the bayer cîlh cnlieciing data and buying pradaci. Basic knaciedge ai ilacers and flurit le Spulsh (cririen and nral) is required. Manager Quallty Control: Respansîbie for neiiing up and manag- ing qualily canirsi in ail sur perts ai eniry carldide Includes car/ring euth saphis- iicuievi scanning sysiem and contact cii/r bu/ors and gracers. In-deplh /rnacledge ai flacera and esperience ns required. Entrepreneurial spirit ina muai. Loglsties Manager: Blespnnsibie for ail ingisics caridcide. Experience euth air ireighi and revier transpart required. Accounts Receivable: Aii/rnug/ ce have an advanced Nil sysiem, sur client bann is gracisg s rapinlly i/rai ce aee an esperienced NBR person car/r ing iageiher with tho accaunlani. n adiioin ao a campeiilive salary, yau ciii mid an vnvîrnnmeni cammiiied la diversily, challenge and .gracih. lnterestedl parties ufrould fan a resuine ta 1-M0-8474561 or ei-maIl hr@theaarelcamclock.erm Pleasa irdîcale for chîch position yau are appiying. We regret i/rai oe wil//be ana/r/e/o respond io eac/r applicani On/y i/rose seiecied for interviews wi/ ho coniaciod. Access F/anar rading /nc. ns an Equal Opporivniiy Employer CHILDCARE' PÎravideér needed for 3 yr. nid girl and 10 mont/r boy. Sept. 2000- Christmas 2000. Yaur hame or aura. Cali Ern 878-8899. OUALITY dlaycare anailable. Play cestre, i- butry, craflu, cal/rn. Cail Canai ut 876-0620. CONNIE Grinitergo, Regiatened Massage Titenapixt, soc accepl- ing appointments. Cali (905)691-0121 (Miftes). $3,000-$35, Cars Wasl- ed, 905-457-5713, Stop Car Thefff Seil to hi- cessed recycler. 905- busy, dynamic Prajeci Managementi Oilice enviranrani; prvierabiy in a steel man- uiaciuring or a communications reiuivd svfing. Yau have iharaugh /nacledge ai Praieci Management Sofhware sysiemai, time canirvl/reparting software and pra- cesses, and Microsoil Office.. Vaut pr/mary duties ciii include prnnision and caar- dination ai techaica support for PM Software a/nierais, preparatian ai varlaus PM reparla, caac/ring fvr ail PM pracesses, and supemvising the administratian ai the PM data repnsitary. Yau ciii als assiat cii/r the develsyment and maintenance ai PM Psicy, Pracedurea, Standards, Farma and Tempiaies. Excellent communica- tion and interpersanai 5/nuls are required. Inieresied candidates, please send yaur resumne ta: Rose-Marie Fm, ClEF Vice Predeont, Human Resources Leiliano Ltd. 461 Cornwafil Road, PRO. Box -8 Gakule, ON LSi 5M5 Fax: (9U5) 844-8837 Cniy t/rase applicants t/rai are graniod rierniecs ciii ho cnntacted. Na phovne calis pieute. LeB/aac is an EQUAL OPPORTUN/fl' EMPLOYER YOU donxl bave la spesd the year 2000 alune. Mis- ly R/ver Intrsductions, Onterlas randitiana match- ma/rer, han malcbed bundrenix of people for long- termi relatisns/rips in 1999. sn Toronta (416)777- 6302, South/West (519)658-4204. Fuitime & Pait-time & Summri An exanding reliier ai barbecues, paio turniture, tirepiaces and related services ban immedialo apparuniiies for indîvîduais cil/r a slrang carr ethic. e Managers e AMs. Mangers eSales Pros e Qualilei Oas Fîtters e Baenerai Labeur & Ass;embly Yau ciii have a strasa cusiamer service orienataiion. cîlngnens a carr flexible baums asd a valid driver's licenne. Fax resome, indicahang pasition of ieres.. Dassa, Fax: 1905/ 639-1506*Tel: igv5> 39-0436 RUCHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To nease or purchae your car or truck Hwy 25 S. as Derry Rd. 878-2393 Worklng Harder fa stay # I cl TI nc mtx -comp ltM botdyJ 1TS Tan lMme Again Parsana & sutal busi- -, , , mall@globalserve.net 1983 Olda Callans 305 Engise. Runs gond. Aa/ring HOUSES for ranI. 5 w $500 0.B.0. Caîl evanings balceax 5-7 Or weO- Br/g/rt asd dlean 3 bad- /rands (905702-1716. raam hnome in Actan. MILLSIDE 1995 GMC J/muty SLT 4x4- Gm cw\c/rarca uval/rer Gas beat, fencei yard, TOWERS inI., aura, V6, PW, PDL, P/Seat, PIfuirraut, air, $995 + aii/aies. (519) 82 MILLSIDE DR., 853-4878 or 853-658. 1 MILTON traiter bilc/r. 127,000/ru. $16,0 (905)849-1934. SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WflN FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SEIL - LEASE IARGEST SELECTION 0F USEB /rEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 BASEMENT apartiment, bath, laundry Wood- ward-nilsn area. May 1. $400/Mnntb. Cail 876-1643. TWO bedranut apart- ment. Available May 15, ci/r balcon yand uiidies isctudad. $880/mont/r. No dngs. Cxii between 3:00-9:00pm. 878-3023. NOte LEASING 2 Bedrooma avait- a/rIe on bas route, Ires/ny decomad, 2 appiunces, as-site iaundry, includes ail utilities (excapt yhasne & cabie.) ree parring, no pets. Referencen requirad. Office Haurs are lOues-5pu 905-876-1249 Oy uppaintent anily i UNt anai tco nearsoma for May & Jane. P/rase 878-5041. ONE bedrcrsm apant- ment axa/lubie May 1. Caîl 693-9658. TWO itedrosm spart- ment for sent is prvsle boute. Close la ail ameniiex. Parring avait- able. UtIf/en iscladed. Aduits asly. Na pets. Pleane oeil 878-6912 and leave message. Anailabie May 1, 2000. TiNO bedream spart- ment. Anailable May 15, cil/r balcony and uti/ties incladed. $880/masl/r. Na dcrgs. Cal belceen 3:00-9:OOpm. 878-3023. ROOM formrent. Saitable for quiet, reapanoible carring pernon. Non- nto/rer. $400/utost. Ana/Initie May 1. Cali 875-1806. M. Rut + Bd Rut $550 utantr inclusive. Anal- ubie nue. Cail 693- 1179. VILLAGE Parc Cnndo. Tca bedroom + affice, soul/rer expaxure, 5 appliasces, sec car- per/paint. Sumuter pos- ses/aon. $175.900. (905)693-8509. IL â LUUaying on course while *xDIoring new directions. 1 Beaillifill 1