Are you an energetie person. wauting te work ina fast paeed environnent? Wr are curreutty acepeuins applications for tise following F/T P/T Fuel Attendants P/T Fuel Bar Cashiers Appty n person. Fifth Wheel Truck Stop Fuel Bar 40 Chishoin Dr., Milton STONEHAWN FARMS TRANSPORTATION Requires qualified AZ Drivera for short US. Highway work and local Ontarlo work. Pull lime and Part lime. Good equipment, Benefit Plan for Pull lime Drivera. Require criminel seerch record and dean abstract. Phono: (905)878-6835 Mount Nemo Chratian Nuralng Home t A Commltmont 0f Excellence Houaekeeping/Laundry Aide needed lmmed e or ermanent part lime assignments (11.15 shifis per montt,) in 60 I bed nurstng home tn North Burlînglon. weekends. Fax reaume ta: Must be avallable to work altemate (905)3354699 A SETTER LMNO ~ HOME HEALTH CARE MMC. - s hlnng lor tise lottowlng: INSUE OUSTOMER SERVICE REP. Part-lime days. Occasionat Salurdays. OUTSIDE SALES REP. Medîcal supply & equiproant background an assaI. Salary plus commission. Mail or Fax resume 10: Botter Living Home Health Cars mc. 25 Commercial St. Ut. B, Hilton L9T 2H6 Fax: (905)875-2081 Au appllea*iouu aaot be recelwed b> 8lay 1, 2000. We are currenlly seeking employees for me fol- lowtng positions, for our espandlng plastics facllliy n Miton. REOUIRED IMMEDIATELY GENERAL LABOURERS - Osys & Altemoons REOUIRED JUNE 2000 GENERAL LABOURERS - Altemoons & Midnighls MATERIAL HANDLER - Midnights Apply by Resume 10: Human Resoarces ACS Plastics Group lnc. 8120 Lawson Rd. Mîlton, Ont. L9T-5C4 Fan: (905)878-8452 NUTRITION HOUSE Wr arr restocking sud erpanding our business in Millon. lSloar Wr nerd tram members. If you arr intrrrsted in hetpiog people and have a ksowledge of vitamins, herbs and/or body building supplenents. We nay have as opportunily for you îmnnrdiately. Apply veitis a resume uud covrring lester eepiaining the knowledgr you haveaud hose it veas obîainrd. Dmp il otTal: Nutrition House mn Million Mati by Monday. April 241h. 1~ft /1Ott~4u bus openinga for ail sisifla. Wîtt train. Puid truinlng. Unilorms supplied. Ranumaration bssad on axperienca. Appty n person 10: 8901 Hwy. 25 North, Hilton 575 Ontarlo St. MUlton 80 Haricot Dr., Hilton SHUPPERSI'RECEUVERS Miton wareboasa bas opeeslssgs for eaparrencad slnipperslreceivena. Great worfdng envireemerît. Sonna htting required. Sturting aataty $Blbr. For thesa und othar positions in me Haton ares ceil: Kut O ABL Employmant (905)829- 9132 THE GREAT CANADIAN BAGEL EXPERIENCED BAGEL MAKER High enrrgy tram player available 10 seoris flexible heurs. Balcery aud/or kitchen experi- mer would be idral, but yul train individual with s great attitude, enthosiarre und stnong customer service skiils. Resamea te: 580 Laurier AVe., MBtes (905)6934042 - Grq The Cunadian Champion, Friday, Aprîl 21, 2000-21 a fuil- lime MtLLWRIGHT/ nequines RFACE MACHINIST - FasI greaint îîeîd W Machîning Cnmpany, requiren risilîed machînirîr wdh milI- community newspaper, publishing I~~VV VV I LI cens ana cenîraci We're for . ~ ~ ~*>~ T H ~ arigisl espeuience. Ilirea limes weekly. looking f/hF .nîsnftîc /'ît/eriieifiiist îs f/ic tî rît/e/ s Pucidni ~ ,>î~» ~ ct/ieî/iiiit-itt mayîead te lu/I-lime. saies-driven individual wilh a desire pin estu/tevtî ici! eiîîJeecc piepeiieitî<sit fax 905-304-7865 to succeed as a memben 0f our team, aniic Cri nue/ast! rsîritt I/i tic sale rs/Jcn/îtq cnce//citf ii/r/rrsîIeiitefics fis> /in//i/I eiiref/ivîte-e/ Responsibilities inciude servicing uiteîît-:ehsîceîv frîjes/îs flic f/SF %iîi[cicc- î'nepesîcîîîîeîs 1~îîîî iii relis iteti xecser.rq:uîe-.csi.î existing clients, coid caiting, md IOfJfjfX) vt/îesilv Jeeref cîttrintc-îtttnr/îîusîsttfcecrsentîat~ftacefeCî ut /deer/engIrssî, Ostteeî/rs. layost, seliing fealure 5ectiofls. Wr tsavr tht festlinwînte niittssin, tii lie. ttltn.d iissinns..ds its.t~ The succesaful applicant seitI have at least 3 years of sales expenence atong with an abundance 0f enthusiasm and self-motivation. Media sales expenence would be a definite asset. A generous compensation package wiit be offered. Please repiy n wnting by Apnl 26 to: Peter Wlnkler Retali Advertieing Manager The Brampton Guardian 685 Queen St. W. Brampton, Ont. L6V i Ai Fax (905) 454-4385 Email: p.wlnklsr@flsobrampfanguardlin.cGR SALES I LEASING CONSULTANTS Brîng yens erperienca urd teperlire le an espard- îng prelennsenal envîrermeel wilh an rppurlenîly le rom an ahene averuge inceme. Saluty & car ulleaunce cnmmenrurale wilh erpenience. Forwan/ aromes le: Fairview Chrysier Dodge Jeep Afln~0gbUrg~bas( 2377 Fairview St. Burlington FAX: (905) 333-4454 PHONE: (905) 632-9855 - - INTERIOR DESIGNER Cemmerical/ Induntîsal Denelegmenl cempany, Incas- ed ceas Airpers, requirer an enperierced upace p/acres, lamiliar euh cennîruclien drueirge md linirh relec- lime. Slrrcg AuIrCAD ski//r & isnea/edge nI Ihe Oclanie Building Cede prelerred. Fax reseme uiatlng quallflcatians, experleace A avallability te (905) 672-3109 On/y sa/ecled candidales wl/I Lie cen/acleri PART TUME UNDIVUDUAL Required for Local Engineering 00. Energetic person for generai office dulies inciuding fiiing and computer work. Couid iead to advancement and fuil lime empioyment. Pieuse fax resume 10: Gerry Thuruton (905)875-1675 Burlington 1~st INSIDE SALES TELEMARKETING We have immediale epenint(s) 1er highîy mnlivuled individuain aise can achieve rerulle Ibreegis cnîd cail- ieg ard praspecting cee curlemeir se Ihe Ba/ieglerd Walerdean aiea. bmw * geed leleitheve saler eupeiieece * erganizalienal nisilîn o cenlidenl eslgning peisenaîily * denire le sacceed * ahilily lu manage neversî preieclr cnncerrently. Fax rumeamo: 905-132-9182 Att. M. Tistoti se oeil (905)1324444 mxi. 229 Ne tel~bave calis pleure We Ifasis uli applicanîn lot appiying bul usly Itese neitded Ion ta interview adi lie canlucled. FITTERIWELDERS ttc tItis risît-. ysîst snniist ~ -striure hlumtînrssnt r îcltog seul ~s.tdsscg vkstt. tmnul tînt ahitity tsi cusssiisns ns ss.ttisne.ry friiisnvtniiîsdrt~vîsng-. I tîssîti inn> vvstlc stalag lifting cqesipssncînt iv sIres re.quisre.d MACHINE ASSEMBLERS Visu îsiivvcvv ginssut sticctsaîni<. il kssiiwkdgs. tîrd -.kitt-s tises arc ahît- tes wîîrk fresînt fabricanitîn assd avvcmsthty dr-îwsssgv Sinron. we.ldsîsg vktlts art- a tsnusst. Famitianitv vvitls usr~imsg lifting t-clsiiponcîst iv si-si> n.qusmre.d if youîr arohiticîn iv tsi gnitw watt .10 sntn.rn.ttîssnst n.estnnpese- wlsiast- nsisvimmn iv tsi lit- tht- fumremitet produscer tsf Surlece Pst-parati<in Equsipearet. tînt-n wt- wamst tsi st-ar frsîm yînu. Piesse forward your resume tes: rzrg Corporate Drive, I5urlingtous, Ontarlo L7L 5V5; Fax: (905) 319-788n. E-mail: LA. Lti., s onU Usai. Us Use isolga, .u.faeture mmii.- atallatie. et essalcati..a tam mi talutai truamlmalea mai hessieaatsq.Ip.set, effara .lq. chaileogea lot aelf-ustUsatei mi emeqetie petasamol. W. aie.. euejleee esesel esmp~7 1usd le 0.1,1k, 00Usd., mi luxe lIe ellowieg epg.oeta s caisse edestai WELDERS CWB cerlilieri selders and supernirers wilh nalid cards are r~uir~ les plant and lield welding. GMAW Clasu F card jr reqaired 1er plan; SMAW Clars 0 jr requîred 1er laId. MACHINE OPERATORS Reqaired loi steel laliriculire rhrp Knrwledge nI rawr, drill press sheariron- antis, punch preer reqsired. Some knrwledge et melal lubricalion machin waald heu deltnîle urnes. MAINTENANCE/DELIVERY PERSON Thir iran entrv-leeel penîlîre. Yea ai/I be rerpensihie fer luancure ard miner ne- paîrr, elc.Valid driver r licenre ard nehicle jr reqsioed 1er et rite pickapr ard delinervir (mileage paidi. lrlererlod candiduler, pitare rend yrur rerame le: Rese-Msris Few, camp Vice Presideut, Ukases Ileseiwcss LoSimo LU. 461 Ceranali Rosi, P.O. ha - 0*uille, M LSJ 5C5 Fax: (905) 0444837 On/y Ihere applicanle Ihal are granled inlerviewr w/I he cenlacled. Nephenecalîrpleaee. LeBîanc isanEQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Patient -~ Registration Clerk Working froro our Mutes district hospitat aile, yeu wiil reginter patients uoing Meditecis software and perferm general receptien duties. Fluent te Englisis, you hure a good underotunding of medical terminology, computer proficiency with Win'95, VinWord, and Oulleois, and uccurute duta entry akilîs. Thia ire pmrt-ddveepoeitwm of 15 hoters per week Please appiy te: Humam Reaooaceu, Haltes Healtilecare Services, 327 Reynoldu Street, Oakville, ON Ilaînoar uealchrc.sre L6J 3L7 Fax: (905) 938-4187 r s r s e-mail: eo tisulsis tiumiîeulsLv hsssesiv soIn tOrs> t,, tilsnillvuseds,555 5>,, ssiset.rt PART-TiME LOCK CLURK This position is faut paced and nequires an indivîdual 10 veoile Tueaday during the day, and Thunsday eveninga. If you possesa stroeîg interpensonat akilîs and the ability 10 adapt quîckly 10 new situations please caîl or fax nesume. PULL TIME OFFICE CLERK If yoa would lise 10 veoris n a busy but pleasant environment and have supenor interpensonat skllls witft lIce ability 10 adapt quidlely pleaxe caît or fax resuma. Kethy Macflonaid (905)875-2910 - Fox: (905)875-3522 NO TELEPHONE CALLS ACCEPTED ON TUESDAY'S FOR THEABOVE POSITIONS MEDICAL Asa nIant part Ime enenngs und ceekerds exper enced ECG PFT yen punctare Norlli Oais n île Pue (9051338 3144 4~iy ~I1K~ ~LEA~E RECYCLE THI5 PAPER s cerrently hinng espenefced individeals mme CATV industry for AeriaI and Under- ground con- struction. Wage based on Experience. 's t Fax us your IClassifiedsl ~364 gui * Bu ~ a SmaIl construction company, requires senior accounts payable clerk for busy accounting department. Duties also include banking and telephone relief, expenence n the constructIon industry required. Salary based on ex- perienoe. p.~0~Yxt4O24O, Tise Mississauga News, 3145 Woifedale Road, Mississauga, On L5C 3A9 Tali Troc Lumbor Company s a whotesale lumber company tocated n Oakville that hua an opening n lice Traffic Departmenl. The ideal candidate veut have five years of recent office expenience, and provide as- sistance 10 lIce Trafflc Department. Oulies 10 include lreight payables, monitoring rail cars, tauing, switchboard relief, fiting and vanous altier office dulies. This a an demI opportunity ton an individu- ai who would tlrrive on the challenges and escitament 0f 5 busy tearo envîrooment. Vos will be computer literate, have food problers eolving abilities, superior commu- nication und interperanal skilla as watt as an excellent aptiliude for ligunes. An ac- counts paybale backgnound would be an ascet. We sUer a compeli/ive ralary aed beee/ils. Oealihed applicants are invi/ed le deliver or mail tiseirîernemes: Tail Tree Lumber Company 481 Morden Road Unit 2 Oakville, Ontarto L6K 3W6 ATTENTION. Office Manager CMbraIIng - Anuivmwy. Slrthday or Any Spulal Occasion? Atesoonso Ut b' ~ ~aua~ùn Cbanpi. 875-3300