Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 2000, p. 18

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p 18 - Tise Canadlan Champion, Fniday, Aprel 21, 2000 The Jr B Mavericks' home opener is next Friday at 8.p.m. at Tonelli Arena. Be sure ta read up on your local lacrosse team each week in The Champion. HALTON REGION PUBLIC NOTICE BRIDGE REPLACEMIENT (STRUCTURE 08303) ON APPLEBY LINE (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 8) (Over Sixteen Mile Creek, North of No. 3 Sideroad) TOWN 0F MILTON, PR-1730 Notice is isereby given parsat to Sections 297 and 300sof The Municipal Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chupter M.45 as amended. that the Council for tise Regionai Municipality of Halton proposes a(i us meeting on Wednesday. May 3, 2000 ai 9:30 arn ta pass a by.iaw for the prsposed bridge replacement, (Structure 08303) on Appieby Lise. (Regional Road Ns. 8), Town of Milton. Plans shswing tise prsposed wsrk may be inspecied ai the Planning & Public Works Oepartmeni. Haln Regional- Centre, 1151 Brsise Rsad, Qakville. On Wednesday. May 10, 2000 ai 9:30 am ie ihe Halton Room ai the Halise Regissal Ceaime. 1151 Brsnee Road. Oakville, Ontario, Coancil ibroagis t Planning and Public Works Csmmittee will isear an penon, or by bis/ber Coansel, aey person wbo dlaims tisai bis/ber lands witl be prejudicialiy affecied by tise s.,id by- lare and'wbo applies to tise Regional Clers eo laier tisse Tuesday. May 2,200010o be heard. For fartiser information, please contact Mr. J. Chisu, P.Eng., Manager, Design Services ai (905) 825-6030, extension 7610. JOAN EAGLESHAM J REGIONAL CLERK www.region.issitoi.ott.ca NCLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Reconstruction of Ninth Line from 400m south of Britannia Road to 400M south of EgIlnton Avenue mcwm Notice of Compeétion of Environmental Study Report As a requirement under tise Ciss Environmental Asseasment for Municipal Road Projects, tise City of Mississauga isereby notifies ail interested individusis and parties tisai tise Enviroomentai Study Report (ESR) for lise sbove-mentioned projeet bas been compieted. Subjeet to tise commenta received as a recuit of tis notice and tise receipi of otiser approvais as necessry, tise City of Mississauga rel proeeed witis tise construc- Tise study recommendation is to reconstruet Nintis Line to a two (2) lace road witis a continuous ieft tum lane from 400m coutis of Britannis Road 10 400m soutis of Eglinton Avenue, including storro cerer improvement, intersection modifications and aspissit pavement recurfacing. We reelcome public commenta on tise ESR wisicis is availahie for reviere aitie foiiowing location and times: City of Misslssauga Office of tise City Cîerk Information Denk City or Mianluattuga -Fourts Floor Business Department Miasinsauga Civic Center Miccianauga Central Library 300 City Center Drive 301 Burnisamthorpe Road West Miacincauga, ON L5B 3CI Micinsanuga ON L5B 3Y3 Houra: Houru: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. 10 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri 9:00 a.m. 10 9:00 p.m. Sut 9:00 a.m. 10 5:00 p.m. Sun 1:00 p.m. 10 5:00 p.m. Town ofMilton Tise Corporation of tise Town of Milton Office of tise Town Clerk Ma. Helen Liai 43 Brown Street, Milton ON L9T 5H2 Hourc: Mon-Fni: 8:30 a.mf. 10 4:30 p.m. lnîerested individuais and parties bave tiiy (30) caiendar dsys from tise date tisis notice reas made public reitisin rebicis 10 comment on tise proposai. Commenta must be in writing and must be received isy: City of Misuiccauga, Transportation and Workc Department 3185 Mavia Rond, Micainnauga ON L5C IT7 d/o W. Scott Anderson, P. Eng. Phone: (905) 615-4399 Fax: (905) 615-3060 If conceros regarding Ibis projecl cannot be resoived in discussion eitis tise City of Miasisauga, sny person or psrty msy requesi tisaI tise Minister of Envirooment "bump-up" tisis project to an individuai enviroomentai assesament. 'Bump-up" requesta moust be received by tise Minister aitie address below reitisin tbirty (30) cal- endar days of Ibis notice. A copy of tise "bump-up" requesi sissil be forwarded to tise City of Mississauga Transportation and Works Depsrtment. If Ibere are no concerna espressed by May 22, 2000, tise City of Miasissauga reili proceed reitis Ibis projeet as presented in tise ESR. Minicter of Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue, 15tis Floor Toronto ON M4V I P5 Thsis notice iasued April 18, 2000 ~Mulé shines again with the Twisters Victoria Muid was onîce again tise star - but couido't quite add tearo saviour 10 ber resume Ibis lime around. Miiton's gifted sniper taliied twice and added s pair of assista for ber Halton HuIs Twistera' minor peewee girls hockey squsd during ladt weekend's Ontario 'B' Cisampionsis in Brampton. Unfortunsteiy, ber offensive efforts were about ail tise club could muster attse provincial finals - as tisey recorded oniy a bandfui of goals tisrough four games in an extrcmeiy tougis division tisaI inciuded tise eventual gold and silver medaliats. Muid - whose overtime iseroica gave tise tears tise North Metro League tille two weekc earlier - bcd a goal and an assiat in Halton His' oniy win, s 3-i round one victory against Barrie. From tisere, aise picked up an ascist in a 4-1 losa to Wingbsm and scored tise lone tally in as3-1 defeat 10 Cobourg. Halton HuIs wouid then close ouI round robin play by being blsnked by eventusi champions St. Catharines 3-0. Al-star selection Miiton's ion Gieed sure knowvs bow 10 close out s hockey season in style. Tise 6'l1", 160 Iba. defenceman spent tise msjority of tise year witis tise Mississauga Reps' AAA major bantaros witis feilore local Ryan McManus - but once tbey were eliminated from tise playoffa, he was clied up 10 tise midget tearu. Making tise most of Ibis opportunity, bie beiped iead tiser o 0tise GTHL champi- Sports Shorts onship and ultimateiy a third-place show- ing a( the AII-Ontario finals in North York - where he was nsmed to the tourna- ment's ail-star squad. Gleed, 16, had a couple of assists and a fantastic defensive effort in Mississauga's 6-3 win over Don Milis in the bronze- medai tilt. He and McManus - as well as a num- ber of other local players. inçiuding Mississauga Rebels' Dan Rogers - are among those who stand a good chance of being picked up in the Ontario Hockey League's bantaro draft in June. Triathlon training Tins Braam, founder of Women's Triathlon Milton, wili be hosting a series of training ciinics for femnale athletes at tise Milton Leisure Centre. The first session runs Ibis Tuesday, April 25 from 7 t0 9 p.m. Topics covered wiii include heaita and weiiness through exer- cise, setting up a training schedule as weii as nutrition for training and racing. Qîher ciinics, that wiil progress 10 specif- ic racing techniques and finally to, a dry mun triathlion, are set for June 20 and August 8. The cost for each clinie is $20, whiile ail three can be attended for $50. For more information, caîl Sue Leeder at 878-7329 or Tina Braam ai 878-7104. "SELECT" SERVICE Lefi to right: John LitIle, Drew Galles, Joel Taggar Pmvidingaautoimsilh: aExpden (2Oyeaac) * Factoeyr"nW éConqtdpeipces * Quuliy iristalalion e Warranly * Guaranteed customersalfadfio Now earn AIR MILES' reward miles for ail Sales & Services! We service ai madies and modela of fumace5 hoilers central air condiionrs and ga fireplacen rENTR A RCONITIONINGSALES &'INSTALLATIO"N' PAYMENTS1 NOOR LNTEREST: ,NO FOR 3MONTHS- iPLUS GET 100 BONUS AIR MIE@REWARD MILES *With apoe r financing on tispuhse o nisaidcnrlarcorditioner I * Not valid wîîth any other offer. Offer in effeci untîl Apoil 30/00. J ViSIT OUR SHOWROOMd Georgetown À Select Enerf MON-FRI 9-5, SAT9:,3M- Marketpiace Mail S 4361 Harvester Rd. Mon.-Fri. 10-9 ~~P z j & liYW*"Un) Sut. 9:30-6 aec~ar (905) 632-1377 (905) 876-1020 e "Teolvu*isAit MILE i ttenutkned ivkhmf N.S Uvsiiilm knmly .at unntejC.sl.t.aitli 'etninreIe NeeoeAi ARMILint l iv U CM .flnu,m t M hlep ieniMK nnI, Wt nhndmt IIIMW5essm

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