Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 2000, p. 11

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r HealthrN~rs vTown program geared to i get Miltonians moving So your child won't wear a bike helmet? Since 1995, the law has reqsircd that childrcn and youth undcr the age ot 18 ycars wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. So why is il Chat wc still sec so many chu- dren and teens ndtng wîthout one? Heres what high school students have 10 say about why they dont wear bicycle bel- mets: * Parents sbould bave to wcar tbcm 100. * Tbe law sbould be enforccd. * Kids sbould start 10 wcar them wbcn thcy're youngcr. * Helmets need 10 be more comlèrtable. * Hclmcts'sbould look "cool." But even wearing the proper satèty gear isn'î cnougb. We don't allow our eblîdren 10 play in swimming pools if tbey dont know bow 10 swim, yct we oflen allow our eblîdren 10 ride their bicycles on the road wben Ibryve neyer really been taugbt 10 ride. There's more 10 il than taking oIT the training wheels and leaming 10 balance. Young people and adulîs alike need 10 learn how 10 ride a bicycle propcrly and safely. Many communities and scbools offer prograros for cbildren where tbcy leam cycling safety and skills, and bow 10 make sure their bicycle is safe 10 ride. In addition 10 sharing the road witb bicy- cles. sbaring tht road witb rolterbladers and skateboarders is also becoming more common. These aclivîties also require Ibe use oU proper helmet, knee and elbow pads and wrist guards. Ssfety cquipment needs 10 be wom whatever Ibe lengtb of the trip, even il' your cbild s "juet going down the street." Did you know tbat9 As a parent, you tan help your cbild be saler wben bicycling, rollerblading or skateboarding. Tcacb your child the rules of the road, and that cars may not always see tbcm. Let your child know that he or she is expccted 10 wcar their satèty gear whenever îhey bike, blade or board. Enroîl your cbild in a prograro Ibat teaches tbcm bow 10 bike, blade or board safely and 10 kecp their equipmcnt in good shape. Purchase tht safety gear before you buy the bicycle, rollerblades or skatcbosrd. But most importantly, show your child bow 10 wear proper safety gear by wearing il yourself' For more information on ssfety gear for bicycling, rollerblading and skateboarding, contact tht Halton Regional Health Deparîment aI 825-6060, ext. 7442, or 'rTY 827-9833. Health Notes is prepared by staff of tht Halton Regional Health Department. DIANNES PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES <905> 693-0532 CONSUL TING, ASSESSMENT ANO TREATMENT * Arf!l-Slreaa Maaaage, Reflexology * Pain/Diaabilily Management * Back Care Educalion * ADP Walker Aaaeaamenta DIANNE BAILEY, PT. Reg. 192 Main Sîreel Eaal starpages.coffl/teil5eS'PhYaO By ANDREW JENKINS Specîal ta The Champion With tht warm summer mônties loom- ing in the distance, Miltonians are cncouraged now more than ever 10 gel up and gel active with Parîicipacîion's Summerclive Campaign 2000. Tht Town of Milton s parlnership wilh Halton Regions Choices 4 Health Nctwork expecîs 10 ett strong participa- lion in tht fttntss prograro, Tht goal of tht campsign is consistent with tht Active Ontario goal of inertes- ing tht activity level of communily resi- dents by 2 per cent. Summerclive ie a community-baeed educational and promotional event for healthy, active living Chat was impIe- mcntcd nation-wide in 1996 as tIse suc- cessor 10 tht 15-year Canada's Fkwaek promotion. Although tht program was widely pro' moted. there was litîle evidence 10 show that il bcd any impact on changing lifestyle behavior among inactive Ontarians. However, Patrîck D' Almada, coordi- nator of aquaties and active living pro- grams aI tht Milton Leisure Centre, eaid he believes tht program will be succees- fuI in educating people on healîhier lifestyles. "Il aIl gels back 10 tht people and their involvement. 0cr goal is 10 incresse activity by 2 per cent. I tbink peopte are willing b exercise more with tht warm weather coming." said Mr. DAlmada. With some eetooling, tht campaign blends tht same promotional methods of the traditional program wiîh a new strate- gy intended 10 encourage a tiret step îoward regular, moderate physical activi- ty. "We want people 10 spcnd 3Q minutes doing exercises or activities for four days a week for a two-week period. Tben bopefully they will continue on afler Ibal." ssid Mr. D'Almada. Tht implementation of the plan will bave tht event promoîed tbrough local fiîness clubs, active living centres, seniors' centres, healtb services, nutrition services and active living-related busi- nesses by providing try il opportunilies. Alto log sheets will become available aI certain active lifestyle businesses for people 10 record their activity and 10 sub- mil for chances et winning prizes. "Lest year, when tht program began, there was limited promotion. This year we're contacting more parîners witb busînesses througbout Milton 10 bave log sheets on hand for pick up and drop off," said Mr. D'Almada. Ils projected that 68 per cent of adulte are inactive or lead inactive lifestyles. Learn to calm down mmd * fram NATUROPATHY on page 10 cal ailment, il tan also aid those who juet may Col be functioning aI an optimum level. And somelimes cbsnging Ibal tan be as easy as îaking a break from tht constant chaos of life. "I use a lot of different stress menage- ment techniques," she said. "III suggest îaking yoga or lai chi classes." Deep breatbing is anoîber bol. "11 takes a wbile 10 learu if you're a per- son wbo's in their bead a lot and theres a lot of chatter," said Ms Risîok. "Ils jusî learning 10 be stilI and quiet and bow 10 calm their mmd down." ~f ilton Loves The Canadian Champion Fnday Apnl 21 2000 - il ~ aod do so~e swingio' - 3 rd Line Drivîng À>. Range 6621 3rd Line (South of Derry) 693*0303 ModOcar~ T he Sterinol" lormula con- laina the same ratio ol I sterota 10 aterotina aa occura naturatly in many planta. This patented lormutation haa been seientilicatty leated 10 maximize absorption lor optimal benelit 10 tht bodys nalurat delense aystem ModUcare 90 Caps ~ Reg. $34,99 180 Caps$5849 Reg. $6499 Draw for FREE Immune Syalem Cure Book ~'ATURAL FooDs ier Ave., Milton ~78-3O8O PARADISE ir~ 500 [aur Mon.' Fr1. 9-8 Set. 9-6, Sun. 12 5 ZAK'S PHARHACY 70 Main Street East, Milton Cordially invites you to attend a Clinic Day YourWeighL.. Taking Con frol Iii the New Millennium Tuesda~ April 25 4:OOpm - 7:OOpm Have your B.dy Mass ladex Calcuiated Get yeur daliy caiwic requfrement analyzeil Recelve a persoaalized ford guide. Please ste Pharmaciat to aign-up for your personal appoinîment. For more information cail: 875-2424

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