~jAPLIU AUtOGWas lCracaIfovUSI 8781 MAINST. #1 &2, MILTON 876-47851 A Metroland Commurnty Newspaper Vol. 140 -No. il Fnday, Apnl 21, 2000 24 I «'Conservation Halton Foundation board of directors gets disrnissed By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion In what Conservation Halton (CH) officiais are calling a "fresh start," nine board members from its volunteer stated the volunteers' contracts had been terminat- ed and they had to reapply to CH if they wanted to continue to serve on the foundation's board of directora. Originally, most contracts didn't end until late 2000. At a March 30 CH board of directors meeting, fundraising body were recently Jet go. membera went in-camnera. Afterward, a recorded 'Ibais was donc to create a fresh start for a valu- 6-5 vote had boa-d members deciding that founda- able programi that now bas oenewed focus," stated tion volunteers should be relieved of their con- a CH press release issued March 3 1. tracta. On that day, ail CH Foundation board members 'il was quite honestly shocked," said Cindy except three CH repoesentatives who must ait on Lunau who bas at on the foundation board of the fundraiaing body were hand-delivered letters directors since 1997. 1I amn hurt. 1 arn confused by from CH CAO secretary-treasurer Theresa the action. 1 can't imagine what good reason it can Maguire'Garber. e, The letters, marked private and confidential, However, now former foundation board member >ages Don Ford said he waan't surprised that it hap- pened. "They needed to do that. In some ways it should have been donc earlier." Mr. Ford said CH bas undergone draatic changea over the st several yeara, including a 30 per-cent cut in govemment funding. When an organization changes, it makes sense that the fundraiaing board should aa well. "We serve with the approval of the board. 'Me board decidea what to do and they are in full power to do it." Ms Maguire-Garber said it wasn't an easy deci- aion for the CH board of directors to make. She said the foundation members had donc a tremen- dous job, but the time had corne to make changes. In January, the board unanimously voted to -se. BOARD on page 13 47 Laurier Av., 878-2881 id 4 $1 .00 (GST included) y~~~~i ~ O' UOSRICE_ For ail of your Emissions Testing & Car Repair Needs DRTAIVE IAuto Place credit cards available. Cali for details. orthàk we breathe Sto m* and le o,, tre o*.i*. Comment.......5 Hoalth ......10-11 Datolns ....... 12 Lit estyles..14-15 Sports ......17-19 Classitied .... 20-22 o 3Ihappera dmu Mut a Somr 9 zelens *Food Bustes e Efniguis e M&N Wm*I 0 Albert carpes 0 BIWay SATURDAY APRIL 22. * Walmar* a ss "Smlected aria onIy