The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 18,2000 -7 *O UR READERS WRIT.E Let's see some bang for our new-found casino bucks, okay town councîllors? Dear Editor: The Town collera are as fli or fuller than they have ever been yet the benefits of this wealîh isn'l being seen by Miltonians. Shortly we will hear what the nexi windfall from Mohawk is going to be and it will lie added to the roughly $12 million the Town ia now holding in reserves. Meanwhile, ice time ia at a premium, as young kids stilI prac- lice weekdays for hockey asnd figure skating in the early momn- ings, and hall diamonds will once again bie in short sup'ply. SAdd bo that the fact that performances of any nature - Milton Choristers or Players and even most school plays - have nu decent place 10 put on shows. These examples exist today without even consideralion of new development, which will put further pressure on town facilities. Council said il would form some type of citizens', commitlee 10 spend Milîon's windfall from Mohawk. Where ia the commiîtee? Does counicil plan to sit on this money forever? What we hear are commenîs about raises for counicil and town staff and money being spent on sncb things as pathways for new development. T'Mat money belonga te, exisling taxpayers and should lie used toward their facilities with new developmenî money going toward even more facilities for new citizens. Milton is in need of another ambulance $ 1l00,000 is the esti- mate given 10 me. Councillor Wally Hunmer menlioned a pet peeve of our Milton Ratepayers Association in that detibrllators and advanced train- ing is not being given 10 our firefigliters. Detibrillators are now so simple that even some town council- lors could figure them out. This money is equivalent 10 almost a year of Milton's share of SMacLachian College Family Garage Sale 337 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville <1.5 km south of Q.E.W.) Saturday, April 29, 9 arn - 1 prn Great deals in household items, sports equipment, kids' clothes, toys, garden & outdoor items, baby stuif and much more! Notice of Liquor LicenceOnai Application The following establishment bas applied to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Waltzing Weasel (The) 270 Main Street East, Milton Any resident ofîthe municipality may make written sulimission as lu whether the issuance ofîthe licence is in tise public intereat isaving regard lu the needs and wmshes of tise residents. Submissions muaI be received nu later than May 19, 2000. Please include yonr name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted 10 the Commision, please idenîify the designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives thse applicant copies of ail objections. Ssbmissions 10 be sent 10: Licensing and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail aI taxes on our homes. How about a tax decrease rather than patîing yourself on the back about holding the line on taxes, counicillors? Gel ouI frors Ihose closed doors for your in-camera meetings and recognize that sometimes il's a good idea 10 spend money on the needs of the citizens rather (han hiring another consultant to try 10 make yourselves look good. Patrick Kelly Milton No special treatment:- reader Duar Editor: Re: MiII Pond restoration project volunteers upset with Town ( March 3 1). Some seem to forget tise Mill Pond ia for ail to enjoy. No amouint of volunteer trne makes any reaident of Milton more deservîng of inplut into town maltera. If the Mill Pond Committee needa 10 lie consulted before the Milton town council can mace a decision, tisen eseis and every Milton resident should also receive a exi or visit with a personal invitation to voice their opinion. L Nown J