6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuoaday, April 18, 2000 SCOMMENT WENQ~T VISITELL Do NT YwbU TlN K?~ Panic selling could resuit in more losses It had to happen sometime. 'T0 - -4 Friday's colossal crumbling of the high-tech Nasdaq stock market, 1 ' wihhelped cost investors at least $1 trillion U.S., should be histortc.U Oly so far, nothing about it has followed a traditional path . Istead, lured by the sîren song of technology, investment in dot- com stock has been elevated to dizzying heights in the recent past - without regard to the actual value of the companies behind it. In other words, investors have been running with their hearts and gambling on the sheer imagined potential of high technology, instead of the dollars and cents that usually rule the day. Now the warning shot has been fired, plunging the Nasdaq earth- - ward from its heady former heights. But it's tough to judge what it really means since the Nasdaq has been racing through unchartered waters ail along. Early indications are the market is more prone to stumble than soar right now, and panic selling could result in more devastating losses. Event if it doesn't, the unreserved optimism in high-tech stock has likely corne to an end. 'O UR READERS WRITE Constituent dlslllusioned over waste Smokesralydn'twn heeIw of taxpayera'money, and gas prices (The following letter was sent to Haitoa MP Judian Reed and a copyfiledl wt/ The ChampioiL) Dear Editor: Thank you for your laat Parliamentaey Repent. 1Up until asow, my family and t have agreed with most of Bbc decisions your goveroment has macle. However, tbc recent scandaI about the waate of our tax dollars by tbe H.R.D.C. depaetment is so disguating that I will net dw»ell on iE any further because it upsets me too mucb. AS for the high gas pricea, this could bhave been partly solved if the federal goverriment would take a lean sd eut some tax on gas and ask the provinesB t0 do the same. With best regardn, your unhappy con- stituent. (Believe me, Ebere are many more people unbappy.) John Goba Ho//y Avenue Dear Editor: A omoke frite Halton? Has il occurred toi anyone that omokers don't want Iaws againsi smoking? This seems so obvious, yet these idiotic Iaws being proposed only ritally apply go pitople who omoke. A person neitds go bit of legal agit to amoke. This meano we are not childritn. We neyer asked for Iaws to, proteci us fromt our own bad habita. But whaî about second-hand smoke? Vvet noticitd something very intitritting ait Coffeit Time, whitoe l'mn a frequent customer. On a busy night, it wiII bit less Ihan haif full, the smoking sitction packitd and the giganîic non-smok- ing sitction almost completely ditvoid of anyone. The samit phitoomitoon is oboervable at mosi itstablishments serving coffiti or biter. Shouldn't it bit up to thit owners of restaurants go decide how much of their prit- cious space should be devoied to non-smokers, basitd on thit desires of Ihitir cliitntele? Non-omokers cao proteat wiîh their feet, jusi an 1 did go Tim Horions and thit laie Coffet, Tea or Me whitn thity went non-smoking. 0f course, thal makes t00 much senst. Everyone, smokitrs included, knowo thal smoking is deadly. Yen, we are killing ourselvits. Is it 100 much to ask that we bit Ieft the dig- nily 10 do il over a cup of coffite? Sam Cooper Mlton Milton has helped maike a dîfference +THE CANADIAN CHAMÏPION Dear Edito It's wiîb gratitude th you, the me ty, who o Ontario Iv Box5 ,48, 191 Main Si. E., The Canai Cheampion, publisheit evety Tuesday and Friday ai 191 vassers duri Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., 191 4N9 (Bonx 248), is one oi Tht Metroland fui do r- Pninting, Publishing & Disiributint MA. gtoup oi subuntan compunies wtiich (905)8 '7 8 2mAI idies: Ajaxfickenlng News Advetten, Allision Hnrald/Couriîn, Bannit January. (go5 878 - 34 1 Aitance, Banry's Bay This Week, Bolte Entenpriîe, Brampton Guardiat, 'M1e resul Boriiogion Pasi, Burliigttn Shnpping News, City Parti"t, City ni Yotik tions are in Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Guardian, CtllingwoodlWasaga Contectiot, East York Mirror, Erin AdvocataiCountiY Boutes, Etiioki Suaditat, Flamborough Post, Fartair Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Young, Geongeton IndeperdenlActan Fnee Priss, Huronia Business W limes, Kingston This Weîiu, Lindsay This Week, Marithan Econisi & u Classified: 875-330 Sun, Midlandftenetanguishene Mitron, Mitas Shopping Nîws, Misaissauga www.iltncanduacham ioncom Business limes, Mississauga News, Napanîn Guide, Nassagaweya Newis, wwwmiloncnadancampon-OM Newmanritlitunana Ena-Banner, Northumbierland Newis, North York Minair, Ia lie P bsh r Oakvlle Beaver, Oakvle Shropping News, Oldtmers Hockey New, ril. Neil Oliver Asoncuate Publisher Tribune, Peterbonoungh Titis Week, Picior Countr Guide, Richmnd iIlTharnhiliNaugttar Liberai, Scurbarough Minror, Stouiiaille/Oebritigi Bill Begin Genera! Manager Trbute. Karen Smith Edaenr denttsing as accepted an the condition tirt in tht aaet ai a typa- gnaphlca errai, thai partian ai tht adnentisinn spae accaupitd by the erra- Steve Cromler Circuaioîn Manager nmaus Ien. tagetirer with a reasanable attawance tar signature, will not be Teri Casas Office Manager changeli tan, but tht balance ai tht adairtitaneni will bi paid far ai the apicable rate. Tire publishîr resantes the right ta categarize adoentisi- Tîn Colas Proaduction Manager mnts ar décline. siacere and beartfelt ai I woald like 10 lhank mbitrs of our communi- pened their doors 10 larcb of Dimes can- ing Ibis year's succens- o-door campaign in ts are in and congratula- order. We were able to raine almosi $7.000 in Milton alone. This money fonds important services and programs that assist people wiîb disabilities 10 bit more seif-sufficient - providing assis- tant devices, recreation opportuni- tien, attendant services and bouse- keeping support, employmenî training and placement support. 'Me resuli - providing someone living wilh a diaability more indec- pendence, wbicb is pricelens. I would also like to tbank tbe canivassers and captains wbo gave their time and beipitd Ontario Marcb of Dimes achieve Ebese results. Site you nexi year, as Ontario Marcb of Dimes celebrates 50 years of 'Building on Abiliîy'. Pearl Wolfe, reglonal director by StePe Nease