4 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, April 18, 2000 EASTA Have a Safe & Happy Holiday Wsekend RRRAIFftDRIVE CLEAN ~Aî~jrrMUIPIITEST & REPAIR OSTATE OF THE ARr FLUSHMOUNT INGRGUND DYNAMOMETER / No rampa or obstructions. High volume capability gets you in and out in the shortest smount of lima. Appointments flot always noces- sary. (however recommended) Drive GIean testing. soly1 Criteria for sehool closures spelled out to public board By DENNIS SMITH Special to The Champion The ABCs behind'contro- versial school closure rec- ommendations were spelled out at a recent Halton District School Board meet- ing. Eight criteria were cited April 5 for school closure and disposai rec- ommendations made in consultant C.N. Watson's $409 million capital strategic plan. The 20-year plan recommends closing 15 schools and building 41 others. Proposed closures for. Milton are E.C. Drury High: School, Percy Merry School and Martin Street School. The board will consider approv- ing the plan tomorrow. Closure proposais are aýimed at levelling off capacisy surpluses in achool review areas, said consul- tant Cynthia Clarke. "MIe overwhelming factor is try- ing 10 find space at a school or two schools to match capacisy and enrolment over time," she said. To trigger Provincial grants for new schools, Halson's board must eliminate about 4,200'excess pupil spaces. So the capital strategic plan con- siders how much surplus capacity is in a review area. "If an area is 500 spaces ovcr fwWtristlinhgtftd enrWmmt over tim0w capacity, ýwe look as which school we could close with 500 pupil spaces," said Ms Clarke. Other criteria for the consultant's school closure recommendations are as follows: - The ability of a review ares to sustain enrolment over 20 yesrs as the elementary and secondasy lev- els; - * Extensive discussions with planners acrosa Halton region. "We looked as 10, 15 and 201 years of developmens and what areas could result in additional development," said Ms Clarke; - If two schools have comparable size, the one with declining enrol- ment is recommcnded for closure; * Age of facilities. How recently renovasions have occurred as a school is also considered; - The configuration of a achool site, iLe. its size and shape; - School closures are proposed if a lew facilities are clussered togesh- er. "The Burlington and Oakville cooe have a number of schools very close to one another," said Ms Clarke. "Wbuld one of them fit the right number of spaces?"; - Proximity to future develop- ment. "tn Burlington, there is no per- ception that significant major rede- velopment will occur in thse down- town core," noted the consultant. "Although there may be commer- cial/induatrial lands that are rezoned for additional (residential) development on Fsirview Street." Ms Clarke said there's potential for significant residential develop- ment in northeaat Burlington if thse Bronte tndustrial Park lands are rezoned. "This could have the potential for 6,000-8,000 more homes," she aaid. The consultant said it's also pos- sible that 1,200 low-density resi- dential unita could be adided as the ShelI lands in southwest Oakville. 'Me capital plan bas come under heavy fire from communities where achools arc closing, parlicu- larly in Burlington. The board is being asked to approve the first five years of the plan in principle. The plan will be reviewed annually and the board can alter it, but scbool spaces will have so be elimi- nated to trigger provincial grants. By-low No. 70-95, as amended, regulates thse tlcenslng and contro! of thse keeping of dogs and ankima/ othier titan dogs wftin fhe Town of Mi/ton.. TAKE NOTICE THAT: "Every swser ofta dsg shall, wtt/as seven (7) days ut swnershlp, cause each dsg 10 hoe licensed and regittersd wIt/a the Clark'a Office. The swner saat keep the tag seurely finit on lhe deg ai all tJmes; " Evey cat owner sha place oe the cat s coller on which sa pormainsntly Inscribsd the naine and address et the ownec " No mmso shai ltm mor an tw ( 2) dog b the lJtban ame thrm (3) dogs Inthe rural are; " No poison saat lump more dma lhrae (3) cals in the Urban arma; fIe (5) cals la the Rural Area (unlêss i bainssand olheraglculural beildhpa); " Ne anWlmmal pwneromt fls çorrwialuto lio at largemon asy public place; " No animal ows alla permit his or lieraninmal te ho altlarge on any private propoty wilbesit te conset ofm thé mtt p o fOty tef& M: Aettp s4#q» be iee olsnmkaat largu ff t dW any place otfie- tion thepromises of th. oieno &W netfim h ont fU 'an r T be ewneus et dalla andI sala shelI bc resmapn bI. lor t lanl andI anllay disposai of any oeremenî ot the anial ftem any primate er pùile lande amd ladinog le do se la gally otaen attenso, Ali rasidents are requested to adbere to the require- mania of By-law No. 70-95. 000 TA/O$ ARE YOUR PET'S PROTECTIOIL By llcensing and enssring Ihat the tag remains on the dsg at aIl times, lacreases the chancas ut havlng your pet fetraithome, Animal Central Service la provldad tb the Town ut Milton hy the Oatvlla Hume Society (9"5-- 1551). Sbeuld tartber Information hae requlrod, pItane contact tbm Clerl(s Office at 878-7211 and te tmg/a/ar ctlnplalntslatv /t/a 10y-/aw infractions, catl By-law Enforeeont, Town of d Telen 01mb Tessn of Milon 331L_