32-The Canadien Champion, Tueeday, Apef i 18, 2000 Master Lock, the morîdmida leader 0f supeulor qualmiy bobs and reiated oroduots has an immediale opening Cor: TEMPORARY PARI-TIME CUS-TOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Reponting ta ihe Team Leader. Cusiomer Service you mlii provîde supenior servîfe to our Internai and exiernal oustomers regarding ail aspects of oustomer service. Responslbiiiiles mlii Inolude order proeessing, traclvlng shlpments, tliing. literature requasta and ail telephone reiated Inquinles. The Ideai oandidate wiii be a sirong team player wlth 2-5 years previaus oustomar servioe eupanience and posseaS esoaliant communication sivîlis. Profloienof n Mm OfSoe s a muet. Exposura ta Oracle mould be a definîte asset. Preference mlii ha given ta those indîvîduais who are bilînguai fFrench/Engiishl. TRis la e temporary pare-time position that man iead ta permanent empioyment. lnterested candidates cen fax/mail their resume by Apnil 2m. 2000 ta: Custenner SIervice R.uaresen6atlvo Master Lack Company 2810 UrisCol Circle OakvIIIe ON LSH 587 Fax 908-829-808e Nu ta aphone ce s p anse Wa tirankeca yona (c iha nIa est hawecar an y ihasa unde canada ai an w Sa caniaciad Make some- ornes brth- ci day extra I spedat by plaelng a Happy Dirthday sotie. lu CanalÈn Cbatn~o" GO GREEN THI5 WEEK., KEGYCLEI A boomîng economy and job opportunities a cut aboVe amait you aI Palm Sprînga General Hoapîtal n Soufh Ff orîda Cand dafes musi possess ofe pe socai and communicatîso shilis ahie 15 fond os as a leum paye musl 86 fiel hie and muet a gosut île and enîey Ihe many sîghts and heaches thai Suulh Fin du basIn 011e i . . I. Be ornait and enhance your career Oui privafely owned hospital s offering: * bonus prograrn * healfh care conerage for R.N. and family immediafely on stait date * assistance through entire process * SPOMSGRSNIP FOR GREEN CARO WITH WORK AUTHORIZATION FOR SPOUSE * EBUCATIONAL OPPORTUIITIES * PNB HOUSIM UN EXCLUSIVE MEA FOR 3 MOINS Il ION-CRITICAL CANE AREAS * PAIfl MOIRINO lU FWEiMIVE ARIA FOR OIE YEAI FOR EXPERIENCEO ICU. R.N.S inguoge e chance for adeancernent and opportunity 10 bain Spanish as a second r Join oor rnany Canadian4l.N.s and wurm, friondly hospital. Feel safe and sec enoironment mifb no mollies o) cufbacks, layoffo or casual hoors. Suifoble foi nom grads also melcome mho bave wriffen the NCLEX or in proceos o). We miii ho inferoiewing 0f: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 Travel Loige Hotel on the Lako, 2020 Lakeshore Rd., I Cou Sue (Canadion RN) Homos Rosoorco Managor aI 1-800 810 8776 or or Rab MacCallum rie ergs, c Fao: 1965) 845-9109 Tel: (905) 845-6653 Regiuiered Massage Therapisi, nom accapi- îng appoinimenfe. Oeil * * (905)691-0121 (Milfoni. YOU doci hava f0 .5 spend the yaar 2000 Goligers TravePlus alone. Mis River intro- requirea a Pari-Cime SENIOR LEISURE/ ducliolsu, ~efaiio's f ra- CORPORATE CONSULTANT mith a mini- dilionai rnaichrnaker, bas maîcheut hundredo mum cul 5 yearu Galiieo experience. of people for long-fane Knomiadga cul E-maii and plumet an assaI. reiaiiscships c 1999. n RESUMES TO: Toronto (416)777-6302, South/West (519)658- Fax: (905) 336-1671 4204. When ~uyIn~ or 9eIIIne ed: 905-'e5i-5~13, Stop a vehIcI~, remem~er Car Thalif Sali to h- censed recycler. 905- The Canaôian Champion. 457-5713. re n youi - amuies or oingleo, urîington ody & angine good ondîtion. As a $900 or 1.0.878-1251. 995 GMC Jimmy 5LT 04- Gm aS charcoal sather et., aulo, V6, >06, POL, P/Seat, >jMirmrs, air, cruiae, hO, îverhead rompues/est amp, keyleos, irailer îiich. 127,000km. 116.900 (9051849- 1934. Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364 SHERIFFO SALE 0F 00009 ANO CHATTELS 15 THE ONTARIO COURT (CENtRAL DIVIOLONI BETWEEN CANADA TRUSTCO MORTGAGE COMPANY Piain88 f N FAVOUR 0F PAMELA 06000 - Piaieliti by may aI crosaclaiml -a cd- BRENT HOOTEN AND ALSO KNOWN AS BRENT HOOTON Dafandani Pumuani les Writ cf Saizare anut Sala issaxut ouf of iha Onlanlo Court ioeneral Division) aed tome direcleut againal 18e goodo and chaCals 0f BRENT HOOTEN AND ALSO KNOWN AS BRENT HOOTON i HAVE SEiZED AND TAKEN INTO EXECUTION ail tha nghl, fille aed iniereel et Brent Heofen aise koome as Breel Hooton n iha ioliowing: Jeneair alove; i<iichae Aid elainiese efeel 2-door iridea: micesmava; ireezat 38" TV wah sianut; queae size mroughf iran canopy beut irama anut maltrens; mafching end lablas; laduter back chais: amp; got clubs; mine gleeses; vanoua CDs; vacuum cisaner; lame epenkier & garden bouse; art work; black leather cota anal lova seai: eiareo equipsent; and namemue oihar bouse- holut items. Ail of mhlch i shah offer for sale ai Public Auclion, subleci 10 auch condhllons as may ha mada knom on Thareday, May 18, 2000 ai 6:00 p.m. af Humes Auclion Fane, RR#5, 418 Lina, Milfon, Oniauto if col radaemed hefore Ihal lima. Sale cache cancalieut mithoul fareher colice. Previxe: 4:00 p.m. day of sala Termo: Cash, Caf lied chaque or monay order DATED ai the Couri Hosse, Tome of Milîno le Ihe Regional MunicipaIil~r of Haifon, ibis 121h day ot Apnl, 2000. S Huma, Auctieneer A. Heduten Manager, Ciieni Services Civil Enforcemeni, Hailon No ampiovea vi ha MînsirI' ol lira Alismay Onnaral man nurchnsa any touas or ceavala anas or raramarln auposaf by a Ovarlit lur nain uvalar lagal pruonan aihar draulhorndOaviIC WANTED 3 or 4 bed- room house for tamily cul f ive in or aroued Mîlton for May or June. 875- 1607. HOUSES for rent. Bright and dean 3 bed- room home n Acton. New listing on Lyndsay Court. Gos heaf, fenced yard, Flexible possession, lots 0f $995 + utiliflea. (519)853-4875 or 853- upgrades, prîce flot yet established. 5658. Contact Orval S. Gates, R.E. Broker. 519-766-2996. y maintaieed spaciaus 3 bcd- Uroomhome.Nemeruusefogrades.I IProfessioeaityfinishfdreCroo5ll y room. Large Masier bcd- Large Maseer bedroom. 2 f/2 1,1j Bock1 job ~ j iusd. Mas>, j exîrus isctuded. Some fursilure sego- fiable. For appoielmeni 10 view pieuse cati 905-878-3568 or 4f 6-697-2736 REQUEST FOR TENDER FOR CONTAINER STATION EQUIPMLNT AND RELATED SERVICES Bid documents for tho contracl or sororce lîslod bolow addrossed lu Iho Monogor ol Purchusing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 miii ho rocorood unlil 2 GO pm. Oaknille lime on the opecifiod closing doto. Bid documents con be 5060 or obtoîned thiosgh Ihe Porchasing Olol- olon of Ihe Corporate Serorcoo Oepaitment, same addross as ubove, belephoro 905 825 6000, eotension 7031. Oocumenfs miii be aoailable for pick up on ond alteî Tuosdoy April 18, 2000 Thero is a non- retundable deposif ol $2500 plus $175 GST. Bids will be opened n public aI 2:15pm on the doe date specified n Ibo Neloon Room aI the above address. Those sobmitfing bids are invited to attend. A cerfified cheque or bank draft mode payable f0 the Regional Monicipalify nI Halton n Iho amount $10.000 and a signed Agreement f0 bond moot accompany each document. A non-nandatory pro bld meeting will ho held aI the Haltan Wasta Management Site, 5400 Regianal Road 25 (formerly Hwy. 25), AdIniatnatIOii Building ut 2:OOpm on Monday, Alarli 24, 2000. Under no circumsfancen mili lacsimile or lofe bids be occepled or considerod Lomesf or any bld nof necessarily accepled. OO-T-050 INVITATION TO TENDER CONTAINER STATION EQUIPMENT ANO RELATED SERVICES CLOSING: TUESDAY, MAY 2,2000 A MINDENHALL, CPPO, MANAGER PATR)CK MURPHY, COMMISSIONER 0E PLANNf NO & PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASINO SERVICES mmw efnbids com mmm reolon halfon on ca/Seioices/Oesart/CorD/PurcbOoino for reni n pavafe home. Close b ail arneoilies. Parking avouable. Ufifities included. Aduifs oniy. No pers Pieuse cuit 878-6912 anut leave message. Aoarl- abie May 1,2000. TWO hedroom apari- meni. Avaifable May 15, mii h balcon y and aI luttes iecluded. $880/rnonth. No doge. Cail hafmeen 3:00-9:00pm. 878-3023. TWO levai oea badroorn apartrnanf iappr9O. nutoosq.h.l beaulîful cuunlry eaeicg sutabie for single or profesoisoal cou- ple. Firaplace, oak spiral siaircase, uppeiresef deck, eic. $1300. CatI Mark Mai- laliao, Comrnonaeath Reai Estaf e Sernices Cor- poraf ion. Filoute une (905)875-0633. X/L Rm + Bd Rrn $550 mont h inclusive. Avail- able nom. Cali 693- 1179. or eaae. I prestige indusirial. Avaifabia Juna 1, 2000. Dock lavai door. Phone Ac~ MeTear (905)878- -u 2 Acre MILLSIDE Estate Lots TOWERS 82 MILISIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING i anut 2 Bedrueins availahie se hua roafe, freahly decorat- ed, 2 appliancea, sc- oute faandry, inctudea ait utilites leucapi phene & cahie.) Frea parking, ne foata. Town of Milton Refererices reqairaut. Oftce Heure ara lOam-Spm pnced from Sf34900 905476-1249 wooded. 2 maikenis Sy appeiniment mly i wîth pond ONE hedroom spart- i wiih sioeam ment acaitabte May 1. uppros. 200s500 6. ru. Cati 693-9658. ONE bedroorn, 3rd floor Orval S. Gates of house 20X12 Baico- Real Estate Breker ny, view cd Mîli Pend, ~.509.766-2996 parldrig, atone & fndge inc.Shared laundiy n baaemenf, aforage, heat & hydro. No peta, $850/rnonfh. Raf. ne- RETAILJOFFICE apace - Main Sf. locaton 2400 quired. CatI beimeefs 10 nq.ft. Rear parking, gea heat $1400 par monfh. Cati arn 2 p m Weekdayo 905-875 2468 ater 6-00 p m VILLAGE Parc Condo Two bedroom + o8 ce eouthern esponure 5 appt ancea new carpet/pa ni Surnmer poneeseon $175 900 (905)693-8509