Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 2000, p. 31

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The Cacadian Champion, Tuesday, Aprit 18. 2000-31 E.C. DRURY ANNUAL SPRING CRAFT SALE MAY 6 & 7, 2000 10 arn - 4 prn 215 Ontarlo St. S., Miltan, ON OVER iGOVENDORS Admîsalan $200 $1.011 OFF WITN AD- CHILOREN FREE GIganhlc Auction Sale, Sot. April 29,11 arn. doors open at 10:00 are. St. Andreca Unlled Church, 89 Mauntalnview Rd. S., Geargetawn. To make a donation or for more information please oeil 877-6764. IIOLY ROSARY CWI. RUMMAGE SALE HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL GYM SAT. APRIL 29,2000 8 A.M. ta 12 noon Donations/Drop off Fr. Apr. 28/00 4 p.m. 108 p.m. GIANT GARAGE SALE APRIL 22 REG. ROAD 25, NO. 5165 (NesI 10 AsIle Snake Golf Coume acrosa from the dumpi Cfvina, Glasacare, lofa caf unpainled ceramica and ismas candle boiders, abite elephanîs. Yov name it weve gol if Stan 8 A.M. ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE - Ados Brascb, Cana- dian Cancer Society aI Aclon Arena, 415 Oueen SI. E., Ados. Fnday, May 12, 6-9 p.m. Sat., May 13, Il are. - 5 p.m., Sun. May 14 il sm. - 5 p.m. Queii~dealers. Admission 64.00. Free Parfeing. Want (o Sel) Kayak Pools Appiances? FUr11)UfI? 32 rectangular above-grosnd Need pools nstalled a new car? Save $800- self instati truck? lotiser sires availablel 1.800-668-7564 boa>? trailer? Fax us your Classifieds Phone the Classitleds 876-2364 875-3300 bas opentn~s for ail shufîs. Wifi Irais. Paid trainung. Uniforma supplied. Renumeration based on esperiesce. Apply n person 10: 8501 Hwy. 25 Narth, UlItan 575 Ontarla St. Mîltan ao Manket Dr., Miltan Maunt Nema Christian Nursing Hame A Cammîlment ai Excellence Housekeeping/Laundry Aide needed immediateiy for permanent part lime assignmenta (11-15 ahifla per month) n 60 bed nursing home in North Buriicgton Muat be available to work alternate weekends. Fax reaurne ta: (905)335-3699 Miltan Cammunlty Remaurce Centre ECE required Cherish Nursery School j 3 morcinga per week Are you canno, warm and supportive? Please send resume to: Heather Jackaan Fax: 876-1273 NUTRfTION HOUSE We are restockisg and expasdisg our issaiseas is Mutes, Noar we aeed teare memberx. If you are iaterested is belpins people and bave a knewledge of vitamies. herbs andior body building sapplemesus. We may have as I oppoctunity fer pou immediately. I Apply wuth a reusme and coverisg letter I explaining the ksowledge yos bave and bore it was obtained. Drsp it offat: Nutrition Houne b Milten MaIl by Monday. Aptil 24th. Erergeîic ONDES PROCESSINU /CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE ix required for a houp pockagivg carehovue 0 Miaxixaauga. We are regiaiered la OS 9000 ard SI 9002 ard reqoire a capable ereplaym choix cuxiareer xervice arienled, ciilivg o mmm ard evioyx corleag 0 a taxi paced evvîroxmenl. Dallas ahi Includo: Order procexuir~ ivvoicing and iaveniorp Covirai. Experience ciih CCPAC an axuel. Pleaxe loreard yoar rexame wîih xaiarp expecialioxa 10000 1748, c/o Gakaille Beaser, 467 Speera Rd., labville. LOt 3S4 WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR Fuli-time & Part-tirne SALES CLERKS for Day Shift. Fax: (905) 844-3395 CaII(905> 844-0202, Ext. 319 Attn: Caroine, Personnel Dept. 550 Kerr St., Oakville Head Cashiors Are yos fam t or w tis compute s ond cash bondi cOl These part-turne pas t ana neotre aupervusuns conhuera, preporung bock deponita. douce coabier recocciliotiosa. ond performicg uuloted dutien. Onu ta two peera relevont esperiesce la preferred. Pteose opply n persan mitis reaume ta tise Store Manager 01: Ny b ZeIe. GekviIle Towne Centre Il, 200 North Service Road or las 10: (905) 338-6822. No Cafupheoo colis, pieuse. HY&ZEL'S General Labourers reqoired bu oleel carehooae. APPLY N PERSON: Crawford Metal Corp. 610 Harrop Or., Millon FAX. (005)693-9936 Office Clerk reîloired îrereedîaiely or generai elfice FAX RESUME: (905)693-0036 Are pou planning a spaclal evenl fiat wouid ho aI intareit 10 Ihose le the communltyl Adeerllue 8 n The Canadian Champion t'eorHuuuuteue Ceuseuefty Nusropqur~ Phone 8754300 I e su Fer Laaarp Relire- muni Residonce in Gakuilie. Two peam sapervisory oxpori- once n hoteV restaucant dining service and a cortificato n The Service Inlervonlion Prograre a ossonlial. tnlorestod appbcants submli resamo 10: Simon Jarvia Manager, Food Services Fax:(505)542-9229 E-mail: ko.fs@lrc.ca FUTURES Crafted to Perfection Ai Michaeiu Alfa & Crats, ce dxvi joui apecialize v hohbîea, ce specialize iv corners We are iookîvg or maxi piapera chu ceai 10 nove lomard iv our hîgh grocih operohuha Explore ove ai ihexe bu-urne pouiliora ai oor OAKVILLE localion DEPARTMENT MANAGERS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMER Michaela s a fou place 10 cark avd olieru carepelif lot corepevuaiiov, esceilevi hevelila, geverooa reerchax dian diacoovia avd greai camer opporiovilea. Il paon couloreer orievied sud bave sorne experievce iv cou lac irareiag, PLEASE APPLY N PERSON ai Michanlu Alfa & Cr880, 200 Nurih Service Rd. Oaiuviiie, ON. EQE. MICHAELS The Arts & Craîta Stare Viait Our Webaite ut: www.mlchuuiu.carn 94 Goorgo Shoot, ban Square Gakaille, LOI 317 (~)33S-3344 USF~7 OU GROWWITH US ]îui /,ielutvtr/stl .xuuujuuee- pua-/vs, lieue r<uroe/o/~1,~.rosei'tIu eus- suiv- t/s-v fusr lu/glu/r usuor/ive!sd /uud/i'/sliusulv tuujuu/uu Cf us- fISFSuuu/suoe l'îx-/vsuuvutuuuui Tesuuuu iii <suer tarit' vtstfe4v/-flus.seuC 100,000 oqiusurv-forut c-tii4ine-L-r/uug/tuusicuuftuctuuriuiy fsssllîti' iuu lluurlingf.rîui, Oitsuuiuy. Wi: havi: titi: fsuiluîwîîvg puusitiuins iii he. lulie.d uuiaeutudi uts.lp FITTERIWELDERS tii tIns nu:, puucu urteusi iuuissu:s %truing hlsue.pruett ru. usting uîast w<.lu.tuiag -kilts îuvet titi abiiity iii Oîtvricîuî: csistuuuvt vu ut.tauuae.ry fruuiatshuupdruwiiag-. I miii irit> mitta 5iiit~ lifting i:qsuipmi:uvt isuivo n.-steuîru.d MACHINE ASSEMBLERS Yuîsî ivuissi:ss Iruuuist itî:ctaaoii. il k.uauiwte.uigi. suait skuti-, insi uru. ibis. tii wuiri, t ruuuuu fabricatiuuua ansi assi:ethty drawiog. iuuinti, w<.lding -kilt-, un. uinsi-,t t uutaulu uflt~ 'reutia eusilag lifting i:etuuipna:ni ix aInes oeqeuir:d. If pour amhitiuun ix to gnîw witla ais fnî:rnatiuinal cuulttp.uuay wlsuisi: ntissiuuet ix tus lii: the feircmeist pnsdsici:r uîf Ssii-face liri:panltiuun Equipust:nt, tisi:uv w: want tsi tievur fnuîm yisu.Please forwardyour resume b: 9299 Corporate DrIve, Buringeoua, Osatarto L7L 5V5u FOX: (905) 3u9-7881. E-mail: sstoduls@blsctcleamlng.cons I $500 or more por week, j asaerebiing product n I fie corelori et poor vas I home, send a self ad- I dresaed stampod envoi- Dandas Si. West Sole 541 rot 940 Misoisaso- ga, ON L5K 2R8. OPO 10. O.P.H. 6-2400 FREIGHT Brokevago s iooking tor sales per- sennoi with minimum 1 year experience in transportation business. Alao iooleing for mme- one 10 bandie AIR and payables. MuaI bu ou- perîenced cils Sîmpip Accoonling prograre. Noodod one day/week. Please oeil (905)693- 1448 lor interview or tas reaume to (905)693- 1450. HIRING f riendiy, mature attendants for busy Mii- ton laundmmat. Muat be aide 10 cash and ires and handie some heavy cioanisg. Position s part-lime, isciuding cookenda. No phono oeils ploase. Bricg yoar reaume 10: Tise Lausdty Faclory: 761 Main St. E., Miltos. Provious ap- piioents nood sol applp. JANITORIAL Cleaniso Companp reqaires P/T bolp. 5-7 daya week s. Miltos. Mideigista. $li- $l2lhr. Kes <005>274: 4164. LOVE pour coremsnity? Are pou solf-reotivaled' Want fioxibility? Wei- came Wagon s inter- viecing oesdidales for poaitioss n Mii- ton/Cawpboilviile. Com- puter/tppewrilor re- quired. Car essential. Plusse f55 rosureos 10 905-812-5115 or oeil 416-364-0017. REOUIRED One part lime persos lor farre heip and sod laping. Cali 878-1011. ROOFING companp seeke pouso, aggres- aine isdbeduais. Duties include helping 10 atrip off old roofa asd ground reaistesusce. Driving s an asset. Wo provido more for adoancereent and seiarp iscreasea. Pieuse oeil 878-4928. 1~ motnrstod snd peoplo- oriontod.to pin our buay ~ono rut prectice n ilion four dsys por aoek. MuaI ho HAAP oertitiod. Forwsrd reaumo 10: Dr.D.Johnsen, 201-550 Onlsrio SIS., Milton L9T 5E4 or tas 10 905- 876-3278. Human Resource Officer LT. Xchange is a growing international computer reseller company located in Oakville,. In this role you will be responsible for the administration fonctions relasing to benefirs, out-sourced payroll, recruhitment & ortpntation, employee contracts, management of personnel data & records and HR policies & procedures. Tise succesaful candidate will be an excilent communicator with strong organizational skills, able to manage multiple taska in a fast-paced gcowing company. Immediate. Competi- tive salary & foU benefits. Send/ fax resume to: 905-829-8901 or mdempster@itxchange.com Growisg rapidly and in nced of: Customer Servicel Admin. Part-lime Fr1. 8- 6 & Sat. 9- 5 Muot be flexible with hours. Mississauga location. Office experience a muat. Fluent in English. Good taies and customer service akilîs. Multi task job. Apply Today! CaO: (905) 567.5295 between 12- 4pm Pull-lime experienced Accouni Receivable Clerk required immedialely for long esiais- fished Mutas Company. Muai be computer lii- ersie and be cusiomer oeienled Pleasani worklng condiliosa, employee benoîts Please fax reaume la: (905>075-3802 CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR St Pauls Umled Churcis s seekmng a fuli- lime admmnustrator. The succesaful candi- date wiii be a hîghly motivated, seIf-alarter wilh outstanding people skills. Relevani experience, organizaluonal akilis and prof i. ciency n word processing, bookkeeping and data base software needed. Please forward resume, marfeed conhiden- liai, AlIn.: Ministry & Personnel byApril 25, 2000. St. Paula United Church 123 Main St., Milton, ON, L9T iNS FUU.-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK Rsqoired fer a Iesdibg Dislribatur ai Iahsrats- ry înstrsmenlt (401 Miasissauga Rd.) flaqulraunets: * Psrchasisg & lnventory Ksswledge * Gond Commeuicatien akîlia * Proficient n Wisdsws 95 Irlakmaen laslrumbatu <Camada> Lii. Fan remuas ta <905)020-5424 Logistics Coordinator Lakurde Frelohi Spalerea lac., a proornuaive Irans- pertalias reaoagemenl und lugialicu corepavp n OaA- ville ix aeeking au aggreuuiw, lalse charge odîvidual le i5in our leam upiriltd eperaliet. The auccesulai candidate ciii hase escelleal interpeovoal ukillu, and be caretarlahie in a corepslerized tnvironreenl. Dia- palch ard couloreer aervioe eopmience ciii be a defi- nue autel. Pins. fax ~ar roua.. lu osoftdooce ta: (905> 842-8889 OFFICE Adreinistrstiee fuli-timo position seau- able. Exponence in NA & AIP roquirod, t pou are s hsrdcorfeing reli- shie snd responsible pomon, plosse tas pour reaume 10: SL-Spedsi Labomtonea Ltd. Fan: (905)876-3729. ON CALL COORDINATOR for Oalcvlilo Henni Agoncy Ideat for Local persont focepiioval coalorner & corereonîcalior akillu, veeded or every 3ad ceehevd & i evening cou peu ceek. Fax resume <9051-338-5616

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