Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Apr 2000, p. 27

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Thunder Bay makes big noise at Mohawk The loudesi ibunder coming througb the sixib race ai Mohawk Friday night was courtesy of Thunder Bay. The tbree-year-old son of' Presidential Bail picked off borses one by one until reaching the front jusi belore the wire in the only division in the ibird leg ol' the Youiblul Pacing Series. Driven liy Randali Waples. the home- lired of owner John Basllio of Ancasier, coveresi the mile in a career besi 1:53.4 l'or bis firsi win in jusi iwo season siaris. "He was ready 10 race. Bretn (Robinson) gave bim a goosi drive lasi week andi didn'i bufi bis a bit," said Waples. "He juai biasied home l'or me. He bas s0 much go to bim." Fierce fiih Waples said the viciory was ail the more impressive conaidering thse moderate frac- tions of :28, :57.2 and 1:26 - as weli as wbere Tbunder Bay was situaiesi througb mucb of the race aller siarting Irons post nine. "He was parked the wbole mile and I didn'î wanî 10 be that lar'back," said Wapies. "But 1 wasn'i realiy concernied. He's lil like a tank. 1 tbink dtinal nexi week wili rome down to post position. Locksmith Hanover bas a lerocious laie kick 10 hira." Tbunder Bay, oui of the fine producer O.J. Aimaburai, is a three-quarier brother 10 standouis John Street North (1:50.2, $895,912) and Paling Avenue (1:52.2, $677,990). At two, be won twice in 10 staris, inciuding a speed tali of 1:54. 1. Sent off as the 6-5 lavourite, Thunder Bay reiumed $4.80 to win and loppesi a $193.40 triarior witb Gebrig and Giggle Ai Lile. Locksmiib Hanover, a winner in the firsi Hoof êe Beat two legs, opted to miss the third Ieg, but is expecîed b lie back l'or the $53,000 final this Friday. The Youthful Series was open 10 ihree- year-olds who were non-winners of three races or $15,00as of December 31, 1999. Added attraction Racing fans were treated 10 one of the beat stretch drives of the year in the week- Iy $38,000 Fillies & Mares Open. Four of the circuit's fineat lemnales were spread across the track nearing the finish with Canada's pacing darling, Odies Fame, emerging victorious in a Herculean 1:52.1 mile. It was the lirai victory since lasi October's Breeders Crown for the world champion daughter of Apaches Fame. Paula Seelater was second with Nines Wild and PanYankees third and fourth respectively. "She's jusi leamning to race like that," aaid driver Dave Wall, referring 10 Odies Fame adjusting lrom her front and style of ber two and îhree-year-old campaigns. "(At two and three) she was neyer in against the likes of' these mares so il was easy f'or ber 10 race like that but these old mares are 50 smart, they'lI save enougli for later in the mile. "You have to race ber different but she'll race anything. Sbe's just a great horse.' Trained by co-owner Harold Wellwood l'or bis partner Dr. Normn Amos, Odirs Fame's 201h career win boosted ber carrer bankroll 10 nearly $1.2 million. Sign up for hockey clinie Registrations are now being acrepird l'or Mike Scbuiie's Defenceman' s Training Camp/Cross Border Hockey - wbicb once again wili operate in two one-week sessions tbrougb laie Augusi ai Buriingion's Appleby Ice Centre. The camps run from Augusi 14 10 18 and fromithe 21 1o25. %Why dud the chicken cross the road? Ca"4 à: To live longer. By walking arm tise masi, the chîcizen and kjsgs cins a posilve de Intermediate and elite camps feature several area OHL and NCAA guesi demonsirators. Tuition - wbicb includes five full sisys of drills and competition - is $129 per play. For more information or 10 receive an application forso, raIl 335-1504. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 18, 2000 -27 Olympie trials to run locally The road to Sydney, Australia wiIi iead Ibrougli Milton, Ontario Ibis summer. Milton bas been selected as one of five locations for the Olympic Selec tion Trials of the Canadian Show Jumping Teans. Hslton Valley wiil host the l'ouilla leg of the trials on July 23, afler a stop in Albees and two in Quebec. Thie flfth and final quai- il'ying event wiIl be beld in Bolton, Ontario. The top two ridýera in the over- ail standings afler the five events will be selected to the Olympie tram. Two additonal home/Jrider combinations wiIl lie namced by the sellection committre 10 maire up the team of four, witb one more added as an altemate. Two local ridera, Ainaley Vince, and Heaiber Manliri- Srmiuk,ý will lic amng dise com- petiiors, along with Pan-Amn golsi medalliat Ian Mille. The night before the com- peti on, Haiton Valley wili lac bostîng a Blackr andi Whaite gala bail 10 beip "it flhsdrsing for lIse team. For more information you can eall 905-827-2234 andi speair 10 Sandy Holat. ORDER YOUR FAMILY 4-IPACK TODAYI uoI () c31)E Milton Youth Soccer Club Community Course Youth Level 1 Saturday, May 20, 2000 Milton District High School' 8:30am to 6:30pm Pisase cail for furiher Information and registration Duncan Gilmour ... (905) 824-7547 Howard Leaman ... (905) 878-4745 Ç~ T Bill Clifford ....... (905) 878-3594 ~ Maximum of ~VW~ ~~25 particip1

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