j, 8-The Canadien Champion, Fnday, Apnl 14,2000 DATELINE DRURY E.C. DRURY lion 8CHOOL Datelin. Drury By Candoce Hugo, Sarah Hamilton, Keistyn Di Girolamo Ht and welcome back 10 Datetîne Drury! The song "If t were a rich man" filled Uic hatlways of Dmry tasî week as the band and catI members compteîed that tasI minute preparations for the scboot play 2Ei~aIce..oniboot~. After months of bard work the mat and crew detivered polished and energetir performances 10 sotd ont audiences laut weekend. It was an extrsordinsry show sud a vant msjority of the community came supporting Druryn îalented stars. Alto on Wcdnesday of tant week, art one of bbc play wss performed for Uic feeder scboots who seemed 10 enjoy the singing sud dancing plus the Drury students were extremely lurky 10 gel a sneak previcw of the bits "If I were a rirh man", "Tradition" sud "Do you love me" on Aprit 5tb during TAG. This snesk preview proved 10 be very surcessfut sud entired msny mb going on Friday 10 sec the whole play. A speciat matince held for Dmry students tant Friday aflemoon in pcriods four and Ove wss only îwo dollars per ticket. Wow whst a prire! Students enjoyed a wonderfut production put ou by their very owu peers! Some of Uic leading sîsos included Noah Hicks, Erin Linke, Adam Roth, Kathy Farrant, mary Lillico, Rots Coltins. Amanda Braucb, Mike McVety and Josh Brooks. Att of you arc spectacular sud Uic show was excellent! WeIl donc! AnoIber Drury venue that was quite busy wan Drury's sports building on Friday, Marrh 31. the annuat sporb-athon hetd Ibere wcnî welt. This eveut rut by the Student Athîctir Socicty allowed people 10 play att night long 10 raise funds for bbc Athletir Society. Students ptayed basketbatt, volîcybaîl, swam sud did mach more until 7:OOam on Saturday when fiuatly aIt studenîs reîired 10 Ibeir beds 51 home. Il rau very smoothly proving b be a great sucrent. Tbank you 10 ait those wbo worked bard! A group whose bard work bas paid off is Ibe Enviroumeutal club whicb bas won the Blue Planet sward for ait Ibeir contribu- tions 10 hetpiug the cuviroument. Thit is a great bonour sud Drury is very proud! On May 5 at Ontario Place. Ibis group of dedicaîrd studeuts witl receive Ibeir award. Congratulations! Another group of dediraîrd studeuts in Droryt Safe Srhoot tram who bas bren working very bard 10 ensure Ibat Dmry is a safe enviroumeut. The resutb 10 S recrut survey donc on harats- meut in Dmry were posîrd in Uic tockerbay Ibis week for att 10 sec sud duriug TAG earh group rame up with solutions 10 prevent haransmeut. Froos these solutions the bent sud mont reatistir witl he chosen sud used as weekly challenges 10 cusure that att studeuts strive for a harsssmeut frer schooî. A special thank you guet 50 Uic students wbo are working so bard 10 keep Drury sud ils studeuts safe! Tbank you very much for readiug and enjoy bbc weekeud! A tant reminder 10 aIl parents, report rards are coming ouI within the next week. flOTAI. REPORT ~ DESHOP REDENG DISE SCESOL w- k~ya Royal Report By Diana B.doya & Juatin Yantho Witb Essber approacbing, student govemment is attempting 10 make the holiday joyoun for othera. Bishop Rcding't annual Esster food drive will run up outil bbc l9th ofApril. Wr hope Ibat Ibe generosity exhibibeet by students is as excellent an in paut ycam. The Bishop Rcding moming munir content in once again under way. "Can artints sucb an Dwigbt Yoakam and the Dixie Chieku, that tbey have bren forerd lu linten 10 over the pasî few weekt, wilb their owu selections. Sougs witb appropriate words are now acceptable. Fufiber criteria for entries is avaitable in the studeut govemment office wbere nubmissions are alto lobe made. Make the Active Choice membeos organîzed variout events tant week that raised awarenens for substance abuse. The activities wcre welcomed by ail students and betped retieved lunebtime boredoos. The club alto organized Ibe annuat "Uttimate Mix Contrat" tbattook place aI bbc seboot Ibis past Tucsday. Taking Oral sud second sud betped bbc competition were bbc drinku Munkoka Sunset and Skiera Avalanche. The non- alcohotir brverages witl compote for top bonours 51 bbc Mitton Malt. The Enviroumentat club ban bren bard 51 work over the pasb few werks organizing events for Ibeir "Earth Werk Extravaganza". Veronica Sweenry and Laura Houtiban, the preaidenta of bbc club. arc coordinabing varioua events that witl raise awarrnets for enviroumentat issues and bbc importance of prescrving our eartb. Graduates Icarord more about their impcnding end 10 their schoot carecra. Prom tickets will now br forty-Ove dotlam and will go on sale in May. Outstanding grad fers are now duc and abould be aubroitbrd bu student services as soonas possible. Tbonc organizing the graduation brunch slide-sbow arc asking that studentu subroit pictures that epitomize classir moments ofîbe past Ove scbool ycars bu students services. The Biabop Rcding players arc prcnenting their interpreta- lion of bbc musical "Reluru 10 bbc Forbidden Planet". Notable mention gors 10 Amanda Dwycr, Laura Banducci, Aaron Scarîcît, Robin Came and Daniet Dumat, aIt putting forth stellar performances. Grades omet and lent receivcd bbc chance 10 sec a steak performance of bbc play on Monday sud Tuetday, minsing OrsI sud second periodn. Tickets for bbc ptay are on sale aI bbc urbool sud aI bbc door for eight dollars. Regular performances wilt br brld on Thurtday sud Saturday. Cabaret nîgbl is bonight, where tickets witt br notd for twctve dollars. Good luck ta aIl play membros. Thanka are extended baIl those who bave belpcd bbroughout bbc montbs of pracbicing 10 ensure bbc high qualîty of bbc performance. GRADE "A» NEWS - DISfl T MU SCUGOL MatsnaClantny Grade "A" News ai MDHS By Jacqueine Bass and Marissa Cheskey Its a husy time of year here at M.D.H.S. Mid-term lime is approaching quickly with reports being distrihuted on April l9th. An order foros for studeuls. families and friends b order tickets for this year's spring musical. "The Musie Man", will he distributed along with the reports. Tickets are $8 for students, $10 for aduits and $5 for children. The cast bas been fstted for costumes and are very busy reheaming. It will he a great show so dont pass up the chance to order your tickets! To ait students planning on attending univcmity or college ont there. the time for scholarship searching is now. The scholarship designed perfecîly for you is ont there waiting 10 be discovered SO dont let any opportunities pans you by. To begin your seareh check out the wehsite www freeseholambins rom. As well, dont forget to check Student Services regarding deadlines for scholar ship applications handled through sehool. If you are reqairing a letter of recommendation he sure to see Mrs. Schofield in Student Services and make sure to gîve sufficient notice to allow time for letîem lobe written. We hope that everyone got a chance to buy raffle tickets for the snowboard and the Sony Discroan that Uic M.D.H.S. Student Council was raffling off. Tickets were sold I for $3 or 2 for $5. AIl proceeds are going towsrds Uic M.D.H.S. spring dance heing held on May Il. We'll keep you posted on ticket prices and sales. Mrs. Lloyd and 3 students fromM.D.H.S. have retumed from Nepal wbere Uiey nraveled to bring supplies to Uie uchool that was previously built in a remote section of Uic country. They delivered supplies such as books. cloUiing. school materials and medical supplies. Mm. Lloyd and the students wcre accompa- nied hy 10 other students and 2 adaîts from Nelson Higb Sehool. Prior to Uic tnp Katie MaGee, Brendan Coyle, and Jay Sakuta spent monUis mising funds for Uic tnp. They wcrc required to collect $6000 as a wbole for the group whicb Canadian Govemments Intemational Devclopment Agency would match. The fundu wcre uscd to build Uic sebool in Uic remobe arcs of Nepal. Afler areival in Nepal the group bas a 3 day stay in Katroandu before Uicy hegan their 10 day trek to visit Uic new scbool locabed in Uic southeast section of Uic country wbcre there is no ronds or electricity. The Canada Sehool Projeet bas bren taking students from Halton here cvcry othcr year for Uic past 10 years. This is a non-profit charitable organization which requires no administrative costs. Att of the funds are donated to hetping Uic people of Nepat. This was a very excibing and rçwarding experience for att 0f Uic students and adutts invotved. Lastty wc woutd like to Uiank Jeff Wbite ("Whitie"). Uic owncr of the restaurant PhitUiy McNasty's". for bis wonderfut motiva- tional tatk on Wcdncsday. The whote sebool watchcd Ibis young entrepreneur wbo bad quite an interesting sbory about how he became successfut. "Ils ail about attitude!" Thanks for a super- fantastic lime. Whitic! Witb Uiat said, bave an amazing pre- Easter wcekend! THE 8TH ANNUAI. OOOD NEIGHBOURS ~I~4 SATURDAY, MAY 6TH WANTED Volunteera are needed (adulta and atudenta) b apend a few bours helping a senior citizen or adiaabled indlvîdual by completing simple Isaka sncb as wasbing windows, painting a room, yardwork or help dean up Milton's waterways and parka. * HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS... THIS QUALIFIES AS COMMUNITY SERVICE. Sigu up forma avallable aI: Milton Seniors Aclivity Centre, Milton Town Hall, Milton Chamber of Commerce, Tise Canadian Champion and ail three Milbon Higis Seboola. Cail Ryan Leworthy for more information, 3754636. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR!! ~*flZank ~QU4, ARTHR~S To our dedicated volunteers in 1999 for the successful September Campaign, the Medical Open Forum on arthritis and the aquatic pooi pro gram. The Arthritis Society, Milton Branch 878-9151