The Canadien Champion, Friday, Apnil 14, 2000 - 5 TWin sisters happy to be this year 's Tammys By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Easter Seals has been helping Wendy Neal for close to a decade. Now, site and ber nine-year-old fwin daugbters Pafricia and Stephanie Leopold are bappy to retuin Uic favour to the orga- nization that aids pbysically cballenged cbildren. The twins have been selected to be the local faces - or Tammyt - for this year's Easfer Seal csmpaign. Their main job is to put a face - or in this case two faces - to t he good works of Easfer Seals. "If gives t he community an ides of wbo they're helping," said Ms Neal. The family's involvement witb Easter Seals began wifb the diagnosis of Patricia wifb cerebral palsy and Stephanie wifb a developmenfal delay wben tbey were just tots. "They were premnature," said Ms Neal. 'The diagnoses came wben fbey were very young." "6(Easter Seals) provides a better life for disabled children and their famies." Douc ROCHIER Since then, Ester Seals bas been a part of the Milton famnily's life, supplying botb financial aid and moral support. "At one point, fbey were botb wearing braces," said Ms Neal. "It can get costly." Tbe twint bave alto taken advanfage of the Easfer Seat camp. The girls were firsf contacfed fo be Tammys in 1999, but if was decided fbey were a toucb too young to take on the role. But wben the caîl camne in f0 be the firsf local campaign faces of the new millenni- um, the Leopold girls asswered it. "I was very excited," admitted Ms Neal. was more excited than Pat. Pat is a tough littie kid. She's more into the denial- 'fhere's nothing wrong with me."' But enthusiasm took hold mn the end, and so far, the girls have made a presentation at Town Hall and helped stuff envelopes for the campaign. The 1999 Baster Seal campaign - run by the Milton Rotary Club - took in $ 19,0)00, said campaign chair Doug Kocher. The group is hoping to raise $20,000 this year, and ail the money will help support about 20 Milton families. "What the money does is provide a wide array of services. We provide help aids. Walkers. Wbatever tbey need," said Mr. Kocher. "It provides a better lufe for dis- abled children and their famies." Rot ary bas been helping out the Easter Seal canspaign since thse club's inception, he added. "IAil the money goes back fo these familiet. Someone bas to 1ook after these childoen." mnolo uy mn - Twins Patricla (left) and Stephanie Leapald are the ca- Tammys for this year's Eaater Seal campaign. The raie af the Tammy la ta, put a face ta the campaign. State Faim Undmrtands Life.TM State Farm Lite Insurence Company Canadian Head Office: Scarborough. Ontario man ---L