30 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, April 14, 2000 Da telin e Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The col- umn is available to local community groupa ta assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or 'non-profit community groupa may use this service. We can only guar- antee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occur- rence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notioes for Dateline should be handed in ai the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to PO Box 248, Milton, ON., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline la noon Friday for Tueadays edilion and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Daleline items wfi ll'ot be accepted by telephone. Friday Apr. 14 Bishop Reding Secondary Sehool hasts Cabaret NigIsI at 8 p.m. Tickets coat $12 and include snacks and a cash bar. For tick- ets caîl 875-0124. Saturday Apr. 15 The Milton Taumuoka Karate Club, which practices ouI of the Milton Leisure Centre, announces a new prograro called Lil Dragons. The cîsass is for children aged 8 years and under. Registration begins at 8 s.m. There's also a six-week beginners cîsass sign up for children over 8 years of age and adulta. The Evening Star Rebekah Lodge #79, 174 Main St. E., hosts the Eucbre Luncheon aI 12:30 p.m. The cost is $7.50 and is held in the 100.OF. Hall. The 7tls Milton Scouts and Cubs are clearing away garbage along Derry Road, the groupas adopted road. In support of the effort, everyone is encouraged to cheer them on with a honk or wave white dniving by. startlng In Marcb, 2000, YOU WIII have the power to Choose your electrIclty from a number of companIes. This important change wiii iead ta greater competition and choice for you, the con- sumer. Naturaiy, if you're happy with your current supplier, you don't have ta switch. Either way, what won't change is the safety and reliabiiity of Ontario's eiectricity system. And ta protect you, ail electricity suppliers wiIi be iicensed by the independent Ontario Energy Board. In the near future, you'iI prabably be hearing f rom a number of new energy retailers offering a variety of price options for deiivery of services beginning in November, 2000. Sa, if you have questions, or want more information, simpiy cail aur toi f ree number: Visit aur website at www.est.gov.an.ca or e-mail: fyi@est.gav.on.ca tt's Your Ilttrlclty Now Uts Your Cholce SOntario WANTED! Halton Regional Police Chorus needs MALE SINOERS We are an enthusiastic volunteer group who, represent the Haiton Regional Police Service through the presentation of music at various community and police events. If you like to sing and wouid like more information please contact Alix Kerr (905) 825-4747 est. 5015 alix.kerr@bhrps.on.ca (905) 825-4747 ext. 5051 kerry.halcovitch@rps.on.c5 Saturday Apr. 15 - 16 People can register for the Milton Tennis Club from 1 to 4 p.m. at the cluhhouse, 670 Childs Dr. Members are on hand to answer questions. Dmop by and sign up for a fun-filled seaaon of tennis activities. Sunday Apr. 16 Everyone is encouraged to dlean up their own property and beautify their landscape in the Kilbride and Area Road Clean Up. Garbage bags and a limited amount of gloves and safety vests are available at Kilbride United Chureh after 1l a.m. Bring back full garbage bags to the ehureh by 5 p.m. and stay for the free Earth Day Community Barbecue. Caîl Sandy at 878-6939 for more information. Grace Anglican Church, 317 Main St., hosts the Lenten Service of Lessons and Carols on Palm Sunday. The event begins at 8 p.m. For more information, eall 878-2411. Monday Apr. 17 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre heada off on another excursion to Casino-Rama in Orillia. Included is a buffet dinner and tbe chance at winning the big one. Tickets cost $5 witb a friend, or $3 per person. Cali the centre at 875-1681 to sign up. The John Milton Chapter of the IODE hosts the Thank You Luncheon for ail bridge and euchre players and subalilules. The lunch begins at noon at the Milton Curling Club. Prizes for the year are awarded. The Milton District Horticulture Society hoats its monthly meeting at the Royai Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St., at 7:30 p. m. Guest speaker Russ Boles speaks on container gardening. Monday Apr. 17 - 20 Join Knox Preabyterian Church, 170 Main St. E., from 12:05 to 12:35 p.m. for ita Ecunsenical Noon Hour Services throughout Holy Week. A free, light lunch follows each service. Nursery care is provided and everyone la welcome. Wheelchair accesa is available at thse Mary Street entrance. Tuesday Apr. 18 Thse Retired'Women Teachers of Ontario meets for the Victosian Tes and Lunch. Members are encouraged to dress in white gloves and hala for thse affair and are also reminded bolh provincial and branch fees are due. Thse event begins at 10:30 a.m. at St. James Anglican Church, 6029 Old Church Rd., in Caledon Est. Parents experiencing troubles with their cbildren can seek advice at thse weekly Parent Support Group at 7:30 p.m. The self-support group, run by trained leaders, helpis parents cope with troubled children. Meetings are held every Tuesday at Pinelanda Presbyterian Churth, 5270 New St., in Burlington. Wednesday Apr. 19 Mothers who breastfeed their child will flnd encouragement and information at thse Milton La Leche League meeting. TIse meeting is Iseld at Cherish Famnily Resource Centre, 540 Childa Dr., at 8 p.m. Mothers with nursing babies are welcome 10 attend. For more information, caîl 876-0772 or 878-6387.