26-TIre Carradlan Chamnirra. Fridar,. AnnI 14.2000 Classified MONDAY TO FRIDAY Ai lassified Ads 9:00OAM -5:00OPM AL c appear ai... Yffl il You havn't ohangd In 50 veUuIlc on AMr 101h tm voer ailly i friem MAURO - Kirk & Penny (Hsy) are ttled to announce mhe arrivai of mheir irst chitd, daughter Haylsy Ceceila bore April 6, 2000 in White Rock, B.C., meighing 7 has 8 oza. Proud grand- ý arents are Roger & Donns Macro 0f Miliai ami ichard & Dianne Ha y of White Rock. Second g mat granddrifd for Roy & Donrs Weston of M lon. Spediat thanks 10 Corinne, John, James, Matthere, Bill, Janice, Wendy and ait our friends for their love & support. CASE, Barbera At AJIendate in Milion on Tuesday, Aprit 11, 2000. Barbera Case, beioved ite 0f tire lte Ruse Case. Loving mother aI Leanne Case, Nancy Mail ami Rchrd ami hil mite Joanne Case. Dser grandreomer 0f Matlase, Michael, Lisay and Aesander ami great granmother 0f Ocynien. Predeceased by a s18ter Joan Morilsa .il and f rends vl- ed i athfe Md<ersie-Kodier Funeral Home 114 Main St. Miton ai Wedneadsay. TIre Funeret Service mes held on Tfrursdey, Apri t 13, 2000. InIassent foliowed ai Evargreen Cametery, Milon. Il desired, donations la lihe Canadien Cancer Socl woutd be appredeated by the family. LATHAN, Mollie Loeaia Passed away pascal~ fufly, Monday Apri 10, 2000 a1 Groves Memorial Hospital, Fergua. Mloillie (Hiidsr) Lathaa in ber 79th. yesr mes Mh beloed wie 0f the latle Reina Id Ddyatham (1984). Loving mother a =lnsBiaoe ami ber huabami John af Georgetown ami Maollae McDuffe-Wrigfit ami ber huslrend Fesser 0f Rodewood. Dser gmandreoth- er 0f NIcote Lodeyer and David Bnigatode ami Charfty McDuffe, Paul MeDuffe ami Mal Witght. Get grandesother 0f Paige, Cassaelr aiMadkenzie Lockyer. Dear aister of Kathlaen sharwood of Hamiton. Loving aunit 0f Janet, Chris, Ride ami KMàty. Restig af mhe Gilbert Madeityrs & Son Funerat Home, 117 Guelph St, Rockwood om 2:00 -4:00 and7:00 -9:00 PM Tuedy mire lunens service was onf a Wensdey Apil 12, 200at 1:00 o' dock. Piaefamify ieteenent tout place ai Thursday April 13,20 ai Mita Evergraen Caeefery. REMEMBRANCES tri the fin dtrn.rlnins to lre Mitocn Diserc Horspital Fnruertirn are apprrrrle HUSSEY, James (Robert) At the Milton Distrid Hospital on Wednesday, Aprit 12, 2000. Husband of the lte Uttlian Hussey. Desrlatier of Clive Hussey of Milton, Yvonne Aubert of HovfnIey In Esses England and Berry Huasey orf Biechtey and in Million Kynes Engisnd. Dear frlend 0f Bob and Sylvia Faitis 0f Ff.R.1i6 Milion ami Fred Cross of Mition. Fsmify ami friends msy vistil aithme MclCersie-Kocher Funera -tomne 114 Main Street, Mition on Friday from 2-4 pin. The Funersi Service miii be hel Friday evening at 8:00 pm. Cremnation. 'ALSH, Jasai Wife 0f the fats Jack Walsh, desrfy foved mottier sud grandreother of Mary Fraser, Came and Hesther. Psssed swsy on Monday, Aprit 10, 2000 aithme Milion District Hlospital. A Mamorli Service WUi be hafd et St. Peur's United Churth 123 Main Street, Millon on Saturdsy, Aprit 15, 2000 et 11:00 are. In lieu of tiomers, donations to St. Paut's United Church Vouffi Programas wouid be spprecdaled by mhe tamily. Arrangements Entrusfed tomte McKeree- Kocher Funeret Home 114 Main Street Milion. 'Be sUif and kniow mhat I are God." Paitr 46.10 The Van Stelda Famfly mishes t0 express mheï ppe tio t the membera of the C Fpe inlaRe Deprtreent and mhe Mition Hospital Emergency Depertment staff for their prmtresponse ami ceai ethme time aI Dacda cdnt. Our thanta goes to friands ami famity for their ongaing assistance and support et fits ditticuli time. Dîner il Hen Van Sicide Susan, Pet, ll and Familles. EASY MOVEMENT CLA SSES. Fat & RtClse noa etiable Tues. night, Miti. Cati Lynne et 873- 9958. - .......-.. GOOD Friday Moreirg Breakfast - Eden Mille Pres- byterian Cliurch, Apel 21, 8 are. - 10:30 are. Aduts $5, chidren 12 & under $2; Prasehoolers Ires. rHALTON SPOATISMEN'S HAM&W SHOOT April 21, 2000 Good Friday 9 AM. - 1PRM 5155 Selles Ave. Milton > Att Shootera Welcame <905)854-2741 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail dlaims against the estate 0f VIVIN LUCILLE Doug Kocher Carolie Kocher Andrl Kocher HALLER, tata of the Towan of Milion, Ontario, Placement Officer, who died on or about the Gth * 24Hou Sericeday of August, 1999, must be rdled with the * 24 our Srviceundersigned Estafe Trustees on or before the * Pre-arrangment Options 5th day orf May, 1999, sfter which date mhe estate Grie Conselng ervies ill be distributed having regard ority f0 the * Gref C unseing ervies daims of wfiich the Estafe Trustees then shahl * Cremation Services have notice. - DATED at Mition, tbis 31 sf day of Mardi, 2000. 114 ~ ~ ~ Vad ManMtaMlon 88,5 Estate Trustee 114 ain t Mlton 8784452 NiholsandServos Barristers and Solicdtors 207 Mary Street, Bos 249 Mitlon, Onitario L9T 4N9 LOST. Classes with SUPER Specal Save btue trame and grey up f0 30% on deloao case. Milton ares. 878- fabnics' Psy no GSTI 4722. Love your fumilure.. haite your cofours? Sofa & mstchsig chair f rom 47LuirAeMilton 878-2881 $788. Loveseats from 487S Laurer ve. $448. Chairs frors $199. APPUNCES hlde,2 Free Estimates. Senior domr Stove; autonrstic Discounts. Fielda Quailie weer & dryer. Also hustom Upholliterfeg, spartreent set. Under Wsrrsnty. (905)637- 9(905)875-442 Donlmratch &128. "«DISTINCTIVELY Apntl 16mh, 1996. BUYISELL Stair 1t~ Vor"secsie Wfist wed qive 9 me colf say p r h its, e il, cetingst fwrwd Heflo, Dad, in tha samne aId wsy; ding boqu t ofer To heer your voice, see your smuIe, eleatora, smiers, floral arrangements. To ait wiffi you and dhat swhile. beda, etc Ci 905-847 Cen creste beautifut So yu wh hav a aitir, 504.keepsakes for your spe- Chrtsti hlm wlth cere, CARPET Carpet. I datl day. For appoint- For you'tt neyer kniow the heartache have several *lfiousand ment cati Taremie Ti you ses hos vacant dhair. yards 0f nera Stainreas- (905)878-51>14. Remnnbsrsd wlth love fer and 100% nylon car- ing roomand hal or an ~$349. Poice indludes carpet, pad and installa- tion. (30Osol yards). Steveý 90-639-2902. LITIID Thank You inDLF IlNES MNERET I woutd lite to tfisnk My mite and chitdren formte NoOLF intitin esS UER surprise bsrthday party, Salurday night, aith No initi.aout 1es2 Umte Ace TLagin fhalm red n eatvsfrsrrn year eai on member- onty $15.95, great mias pedat lme find ayltnd rate fer woafn- s Cati (519)623- local service and] dertul cardsasnd gifla. Ilimes a great psrty - thn ______ upr rr you-i GOF CAM THN u ET. Geow rge p 1000EN1 87320 GARAGE SALE 789 CABOT TRAIL SATURDAY ARPIL 15 8 A.M. Ran Day Sunday Aprit 16 -9 A.M. Sofa bed, patio chairs & cuettions, air condition- er, tape deck, lots moral GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, APIIIL 15 8 A>.- 12 P.M. 819 MAPLE AVE. il yesrs worth ofstff frore cribo 10o bikes. DAYCARE NEEDED for 7-reonth-oid, lwo deys a week. Non- amoter relerences. 876-1469. QUALITY deycame evailabla. Play centra, lbrsry, crale watts. Cati Carol et 876-062. REUIABLE daycars mevable for ages 18M +. Fenceel yard, play- roore, referancesaend raceipt Cal 878-8773. GIANT GARAGE SALE- At old Loblawa Store CONNIE Grinherga, Miito MailRsgialemed Massage Millon ailTheapit, oa ccept- Saturday Apnl 15 tnents Cai 8 A.M. -.12 P.M. (~5Ô102 Ma> Tmenty tive femilles (5)M21(ào) MacDonald Caladonla Pipe Bami cal834"t No Esfly Bired1ryurcanli Kayak Pools JO**, dO.., JO. il Introduces mbe Newe "-Wesd Compeny in Millon has permanent fullt l 16f mx 32 fi. positions evalfanle tor rectssealar Generai Labourera, Dellvery Drivers, airove-groend Warehouse Staff end Order Deet Staff. fpools isalled Training pravidsd. $7,500 Save $NO0 - self istati Start $9.00 and up. (tser sites avaial Fax Resume: 1-8W0-668-7564 (905)878-3012 ONE pair Emu for salle. Piesse catil (905)854- 2717 siher 6:00 P.M eetnights or anytime Vseekemie COPS &SPIEs! Se ait you cen be in Law Enforcement. Stant as an otticer lae your mey mhrough canine division fa Pl, aval bomb squad. Car essentil. Cati 1-800-461-7731. Ses our website, see how many have gone tirem ber 10 Police. www.llewellynseour!W-.coml Company Drivers and Owner-Operators Who eljo interesting and Chaltenglng Worc co809DDU-mI Owner-Opnrato *Enqty Mites- Sta 90.31*t 0p t0 $0.389 :$1.05 per mite ehen EMPTY *Loaded Mites- Stanl 90.35*t upt Io$1.35 per mite ehen L0ADED $11.42s *Premiom of 90.03It ter ail U.S. Miles *Premiom of $0.03$ for ait U.S. Miles *Paid Fuei Surdharge *Paid Loading il Unlsading eNo Paint Code Regrsremsnts aPaid Layos 0 eff i LO PU ePlO eff LOM P UP Te $11A* ru m IF Te 111131111 MO m PLUS: Fuît Banea * Pension Plen - Safety f ncentive Fuel Bonus - Steady Work wtm Guersngeed Incarne, Phono Bob Kirsch or Sam Kingma et 1-800-263-0240 BEHAVIOUR Theralf DISWIPREP Persan. JANfTOIAL Clfeaeing Tesching Assistant. Mondsy - Fridsy and Conmpany requires P/T Part-lime, shfemoans somne Saturdays. Per- halo. 5-7 days meee le snd/or weekenda, 9 manent postion. Also Milion. Midnights. $8- hrsilwk. Committed, rreed summer hflp for $l2hr. Ken (905)274- cening, rellables thereplat Saturdsys aily, break- 4164. niede to prkOind Ol fast colir buspereons, LOVE your communty? on-on intensiv tscf r dishiasiers. Appiy f0: Ara you e-motivated? ing (in-home> uaing p ne 14o MainStaet Mtton. Wsnt fieal Wef- dînles of Appti e - ce Wagon as inter- haviourat Anabjais toa sHIRING friedly mature visn cndildates for cdwitih Pervasive De- attendants for bosy Mit- poiin gca il vetopreent Disorder. ton laumironiat Must e ptionsmblIe n Mt Training provided. Fax: able ta wasfi and lirai puter/lypewriter re- (905>875-1832. ami handla somne hesv quired. Car essential. CLEANING Personnel. ciesning. Position sa Pess fax resumes to We're tokn o en psrt-time, inciuding 905-812-5115 or cati prt-tim higli eneryin- weekends. No phone 418-364-0017. diviuats 1t in our catis piesse. Bning your tesm. Enperiencelisirot resume to: The Laumiry .4 msý.î necesssry. tnterested Fsdtory; 781 Main St. individuels sfroufd caftf E., Miti. Previous ap- o it (905>791-8M8. plicants need nat apply. . -isiiu 26-T Canachan Chaminion FrIdav Anril 14 2000 la jj-J