Tue CanadIen ChampIon Frlday AprIl 14 2000-25 ~arrigan gets scholarship ~Sïu-Jîtsu club brings home from Northern Michigan ~ tram WHEELIHAN on page 23 prestigious eaat- coast univeraity, the naral teen will tnake it officiai today when he $~p~r s ptsflt~ MJItdn Yas-~i*su Ç~sb ~ae* K0IS1I~ NrhyS J~Ou~OgliIl5 pid Cuati~ 1)avse~u signa a letter of intent. borne wi~n foot ~ euu4*~ur1eeW*$6eC Wê~çli0td1~àb<5~ "I'm really excited about thia opportuni- ~aT 9~ôfifo4iIZ ~S~p9tt )ius4~tpu 59W~W99fi d&f~btl1)$ '~4~5 ty," said Wheelihan, who later titis year ~ tp<eag$n w~s lisp coottusngilj~csiveasf~,sYe4uu'IBenL'Ih0 WIII UV ~tIIUII5 MA i~aijuiuyain - ~ .~ us..u~ut, .un~ eeulntLfaw tvaeh nuneh orkidk litaI J.,O*fl~ tSJtlty. Opa nsaInnui~aey a~nn~yvwn ~aw'.n 15 former Merchants competing in the NCAA. The I 9-year-old Winger - wito tradi- tionally atruggles with consistency, but is neverthelesa a itighly talented scorer - actually had bis citoice between two achools in tite Ivy League. Princeton itad sbown intereut as well, but couldn't ensure itiro much ice time for next neason. "Dartmoutit really needa to generate more offense," ite explained. "I fit mb tbeir immediate planu more SO titan ut Princeton. Tbat's wbat it came down to." Meanwitile, Ryan Carrigan of Burlington wIl also be joining the Mercitants' exodus. One of tite Ontario Provincial Jr. A League's mont gifted defenceman - who really came into his own juat before tite playoffs - hua earned a near-fuil scitolac- sitipto Nortitena Micitigan. Carr gars - who tumed 19 lant Friday - had lite citance to play in site NCAA titis paat yesr, but feit anotiter neason of junior itockey was needed to round out bis game. "I tbink I matured as a player titia year and really developed as a leader. Now I'm ready for anotiter citallenge in my itockey career," ite remarked. Carrogan was on tite NHL's Entsy Draft libt for mucit of tite seanon, but opted out in favour of attending university. He and Wbeeliitan join a couple of otiter 199912000 Mercitants wito're off to tite NCAA titis falI. Pitil Baruki is iteaded to Bowling Green witile St. Lawrence - currently in Site NCAA's Frozen Four - bas acquired tite Mîke Wheeîîhan Ryan Cerrlgan services of Rocitauni Peverley. Tite Mercitansta' university advancement pngram - one of tite most nuccensful in tite league, if not tite entire province - is run by executive members David Dermo and Nick Slawson. v MfltQ~~1 p~e~ud~ /~G4de G~w~ ~4J. Shawna MacHeIl * Equine Feed Specialist Davld Ploken * Gallagher Fencing Specialist K.IIey Cialgh.ad * Milton Equine Product Specialist F..dI.mg for Perfoi'nmance * What's hot - What's flot! Parasites & Control * The usual suspects F.nclng Syste. for Horass * Safe Fencing Alternatives *i~wf8l, piudrsrd, ~o4..asa~ius- aau4~ euey iso~. ows*~" I ut Mîlton Country Dpot &$~inftV~diVi4S~'~, wb1kK~* »lasco and »radley Caippiteil elso aclniêyed firat pIade~pdsird~i~lp0L F)»owing site first-plsee finishea wose Dassiel ~ost1dbvcbeenc~O1tt(a~ lmduatt~co~ Ingdoflisekpe5til~rttS~flttPt10dtY. In sport Jîst-Yhss~ tls~i~ are tiso sake-dÔ~~sss (Und5rsppbligOnUseVOUfl<L Football registration 011110W Tite Halton Invictas Football prograro. for 16 years of age and under). For Club is currently accepting regis- Players aged 17 years and under more information contact Jack tration for its new nummer bantaro are eligible (no weigbt restrictions Crawford at 905-639-5992. HALTON REGION PUBLIC NOTICE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT (STRUCTURE 08303) ON APPLEBY LINE (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 8) (Over Sixteen Mile Creek, North of No. 3 Sideroad) TOWN 0F MILTON, PR-1730 Nottce s bereby givcn parsuant to Sections 297 and 300 of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1990. ChapterM.45 as arnended. that the Council for tbe Regionul Municipality of Halton proposes ut ils meeting on Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 9:30 arn ta pass a by-law for Ibe proposed bridge replacement. (Structare 08303) on Appleby Line. (Regional Road No. 5), Town of Milton. Plans showing the proposed work may be inspected ut tbc Plannittg & Public Works Departuscut. Halton Regional centre. 1151 Brotttc Road. Qakuille. On Wednesday. May 10. 2000 ut 9:30 arn n Ibe Halton Room ut tbe Halson Regional Centre. 1151 Broute Road. Oakville, Qntario. Coancil tbrougb its Planning and Public Works Committee milI bear in persan. or by bis/ber Counsel. any person rebo clairon tbat bis/ber landu will be prejudicially affected by tbe taid by- law sud wbo applies to tbe Regional Clerk no laser tban Tuesday. May 2.2000 so be beard. Por furtber information, pIeuse contact Mr. j. CbnI, P.Eng., Manager, Besigu Services at (905) a254030, catenslon 7610. JOAN EAGLESHAM REGIONAL CLERE www.region.baltoti.Ott.ca OFine Oak â0i!iii~s@ flIIAIITYOAK FUlNrflJRE Huge selection aI solid oak dining room suites Mission & French Country Mix & Match tables & chairs to croate your own setting, many stains to choose trom Many roîl tops, tiat top deaka, book cases, tue cabinets & office chairs tor ail your home office needa GUELPH UNE, CAMPBELLVILLE 4taga~54-O649 I ~ - .------