vx 24 -The Canadian Chaniîpion, Ftdày, April142000aa T#v a Lynch waiting fi wîth HOW ABOUT HAWA11, OR A GORULLA TREK.... TRAVELLERS ARE INVITEDTO BUILD THEIR OWN HAWAIIAN VACAION by combining Canada 3000 airfare with optional ]and componients, incîuding hotel mights, car restais, Aloha connectoïr flights and transfers, in ther new summer 2000 FIT Hawaii bnochure. Hotels on QAHO, MAUI, KAUAI, The BIG ISLAND and MOLOKAI are féatured, and there are numerous 'extraa and "bonusea"' suc& aa free hotel nighta and upgrads, SENIOR DISCOUNTS, and food and beverage credits. Flighta depart Toronto every Sunday year-round. Everybody wanta to go to Hawaii tometime in Mherlife - NOW may he die fight time! UGANDA MOUNTAIN GOktILLA TREKS are available with the seven-day packages uaing GUIDES to lead guesta to FORESTED MOUNTAINSIDES tat are homne to the large primates. The tour operator TREK HOLIDAYS reporta Ugandan authorities have takes steps to ensure secwrity in dite area and that Ugandas parks and towriam infrastructure is "being run efficiently." Your local professional travel and cite officiais have ail dhe details to aasist in making your hooking for you. Sounds intriguing! CANADIAN TUR OPERATORS EXTEND SEAWORLD/BUSCH GARDENS 'AT-PAR' OFFER is Florida. They are offering the 'Choice of Adventure" pans for $49 for aduits and $39 for children, good for unlimited admission during their lenglt of stay to either seaworld Orlando or Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. The two-park "Adventure Passport' is heing offered at $92 for aduits mnd $75 for children. A good deal for these two veuy popular tourist areas and sot that far apars for dxiving. AMERICAN EXPRESS HAS LAUNCHED AN 'ISLAND 0F THE MONTH' PROGRAM, witli CURACAO Aprils featured destination. Travellers who book and pay for. their packages with their American Express card will receive a US$I 00 Ametican Express gift cheque and a fiflt night free at participating hotels. They will also receive a Curacao bookiet offening US$500 WORTH 0F DISCOUNTS at restaurants and stores. Four of the main islmnd hotels are participating - sec your Amex rep for info and booking. TOURISM SPENDING IS ON THE RISE IN CANADA, according to Federai govemment figures, with foreigo tounsm spending up 7.7 per cent in 1999 fromn '98 to reach $15.3 billion, although the number of visitors rose by only 2.1 %. Our own spending to tour ourcountry is stili the major componient with an increas of 8. 1%. Looks great - shows we love our country mnd the wonderful variety offered coast ta coast! 16 Martin Street (downtowfl) Also in Halton Hilla and Oakviîîe www.brucehood.com rnusa uy z - - Colorado Rockles pltchlng prospect and Milton rosi- dent Pet Lynch knows he's good enough for a cameer ln professional basebali. He.8 just waltlng for hie chance to prove It. r shot in'big leagues It's flot much comfort ta Pat Lynch to leamn over the tele- phone that it's snowing in hometown Milton, despite the fact he spends part of his days sunning by the pool or seeing the si ghts around MMw0 Tucson, Arizona. 1W" He would much rather be shrowing bigfras 1 £a heat than living in il. The Colorado .Rockies pitching utradg prospect is on a rehab bgla program at their ........ minor league base P because his sitoulder wan "bothering itim a litie" at the start of spring training. It'a notiting serious, mnd as fair as he'a concerneci, everytiting la okay now. He juat han to wait to receive the word from the club. "I'm really anxious to get going and upset titat I itac this littie setback. I'm rayagtita tise season." The season for Lynch will probably sat later this month mnd wiIl Iikely begin in Salem, in the Clans A Carolina League. He finisited off laat year in Asiteville, afiter being tradeci from tite Toronto Blue Jays organization where he had somne ecllent statistica, including a .10-5 record. It wan a bit taugh to accept the trade at first, but Lynch han leamied quickly about the life of a professional basebal player. Ist's mnother organization, mnotiter team you have gos to climb tite ladder with." Stuck ln Traflc? Thlnklng About Taklng Transit? V/ho Should Pay for Building lllghways? ls Congestion Golng To Choke Our Economny? Is Umban Sprawl Cawling the Problem? Too Many Tucks Out There? Feeling theSmg A: Corne To This Open House The Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) has recentiy released a Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area & Hamilton-Wentworth suggesting improvemnents taoaur road and transit systems for the next twenty years. Learn about this Plan and have your say on how transportation systemns should be planned and buiit ln the GTA. Halton Region, and your local community. 6:30 pm. Wednesda>S Apni 19, 2000 Quallty Inn, Oakvfle, Bronte Rd south of 01W Staff Pmesntlion at 7:00 pm (Courtesy shute bus leaving Burlngton Go Station at ôOO0pm and Appleby Go Station at 6:1 Spm- call Buringion Transit at 639-055 for further details.) 6:30 pm, Thursday, Apili 20,2000 Halton HMi CIvIc Centre, Georgetown . StffPmmsenlaf I .i Opm GTSB, Regional and Municipal staff wll be present to explain the GTA Transportation Plan, answer your questions and recelve your Input. For a copy of the Plan, you can download It from the G1SB website www.gsb.n.caor cati Lynn Johns at Halton Region. 825-M03 ext. 7933. Locci Enquiue pieuse col: OakuiIWMdt - 825-6161 *Acton 853-0501 # Georgetown 878-8113' sNdershot 639-4540 GTSB ',,', -' '« !t once his season gets underway. -I'm definitely expecting a lot of inninga. I like to stay in gaines a lot. 1 wmnt to banicalîy stay healthy. That's my main goal. 1 want to continue to stay strong throughout the year." He said the Colorado organiza- tion isn't as con- Ïke togo as cerned with num- get o t1w bers as it is with performance. or lefle) They say they t a hotat he- want hlm to be --. consistent as a ...... ..... starter, get in his innings, mnd get his tffl wins bere and there. Thse ultimate goal, of course, is making it to the majora, and few pitchers who make it that far aren't confident in their abilities. 'I'm definitely gelting to a point where 1 know I' m good enough to make il. It's juut a matter of getting my ahot. I wouîd like ta go as high as I cas, get on the 40-man (major league) roster and get a asot as the big leagues soon." But ho knows it takes time. "Not this year hecause I'mionly 21 years old. It's ste saine with eveiy organization. They like to take it easy witls their pitch- ers. My next goal is to get to AA. If I cmn do well there it wilI ho a big step for me.' Now if they'd only let him get away from the sun, the perfect weatlser, mnd the swimming pool, he could get on witls his cancer. WANTED! Halton Reglonal Polie Chorus needs MALE SINGERS We are an enthusiastic volunteer group who represent the Halton Regional Police Service through the presentation of music at various community and police events. If you like to sing and would like more information please contact Alix Kerr (905) 825-4747 ext. 5015 alix.kerr@hrpsonca Kerry Halcovitch (905) 825-474 ext. 5051 kerry.halcovitch@hrps.ofl.ca