SPORTS Thse Canadian Chamçion, Friday, Aptil 142000 --0 Go&4i4p»us fr 3yur p &t spý>iseedS! $ae*S5/0*Acc0bories .3051S St»ee Ave. E. 876-2211 vbook season e *AlbborU, tIrlUSn %LoxuIme- John McCart was thse Canadian champion in thse 105-kg Juvenile division, whiie Chris Holmes acbicved national stad- ing with e tilver ins thse Juvenile division and Rab Petherick placed lifth in the Cadet division in bis first national champi- onship. For McCart, it was bis fourth consccutive Canadian gold miedal. Het wcnt 4-0 aSthde nationals ta extend bis season record ta 40- 2,wt 1neas ieo hr ad flhc defending champion isad ta carn bis titie in a tougis weight cleas, <lcfeating opponents fromt Quebc, Saskatchewan and Alberta, bcforc pinning a British Columbian woesticr in thse final. Camter performance 'It was a carcer performance for Chris Holines, itiat tise fourts Dnsry woestter ta be a finalist in tise National Iuvcnilc division. Ise provincial bronze nsedalist battled isard ta win hie tirst tisee matches, and made it into tise finals wisere isc waa out- pointcd by tise Ontario gold medelist. Holmes closed ouxt bis scason record witis a carcer. higis 39 wins and eight medals. In tise Cadet Division, bath Jordan Lambs (63 kg) and Rab petiserick (48 kg) won matches, witis Petiscnck posting an excit- ing 1 1-1p victary ta take fiftis place in bis division. Druy helped the Guelphs Wrestlmng Club toa athird-plice club fliis in tise Juvenile Division, and Ontario ta the provincial teami title. E.C. Drury wrestlers John McCart (lft) won gold and Chria Holmes eamned siNVer et tise Nationale on the week- end. Overail, the team'a storybook seaeon ended wlth tise two medala and three top-f Ive finlisesa ethlie JuvenllelCadet Cisamplonahlpa In Abbotaford, Britiash Columbia. vWheelihan earns ticket to Ivy League sehool By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion America'a scholastic elite will soon have another local hockey player in ils ranka. Merchant Mike Wiseelihan - a Campbellvilie resident and graduate of Bishop Reding Secondary School - recently landed a full ride tu Dartmouth University. Starting this faîl, he'il become the third arcu native in just six years to study and play ut an Ivy League school. aI atisletic scholarships, Wheeliisan'a ticket ta Scott Bertoli recently graduated from academia will be paid for via a financial aid Princeton, while Doug Janjevich is currently fin- package. isising up his junior year ut Brown. Having already verbally committed to tise Since Ivy League schools don't offer tradition- - sea CARRIGAN on page 25 Buy 1 Lunch Buffet ai the regular pricé lu r Plus a Large Beverage and up to 3 more people get ASOiEtSU Buffet for $399each aA 1-,0 , a Not Valid with any orner aller. Coupon Expires Ap 2810. APRII 1 1, 2000 CI 1AMPION