Kirk knows a lot about volunteering -trom ALLENDALE on page 1 knowa about valus- The 92-year-oid has been volunteer- ing at Aliendale sinca her husband paaaed away 19 yaars ago. Ms Kirk said aile MnyK made up ber mnd MnyKr site wass't going ta ait at home and mope and tumed ta helpisg otisers inatead. 'I think it'a great ta do aomethisg for someone else. You belp yaurself, too," she said. Ms Kirk said site gets piessure out of helping the aider aduits, many of whom are younger thas herseif. She said sha alsa enjoya the hugs she receives. Allendale has about 140 volunteers who do everythisg from visitisg with aider aduita ta taking them as outings asd work- ing in the hair salon. This year, the volusteers have per- formed about 16,000 hours, said Anthea Hoare, coordisator ai valunteer resources. Ms Hoare said site doesn't know what she or her staff would do witbout tise vol- unteers. "They do the things that staff don't have time ta do. We couidn't manage without there." At the receptias, wbich included dinnar and an award presantatios, adminstrator Margaret Stracker said she hoped volun- teers k new how much everyose at Aliendale appreciated them. "We ail gain from your amiles and your humas ricbneas. It wouid reaily ha a bar- res place without you," she ssid. Adelins Urbankai, commissioner of Halton Regian Social and Cammunity Services aiso thanked the volusteers for tiseir dedication ta Aliendaie reoidents. "How rich we ail become when we do unaelfsb acta of service," ahe said. Ms Urbankai toid a stosy ai a Dutch boy who volustaered ta save the life ai a mas wbo was stuck as boat in a terrible storm. Daspita bis mothar's pias ta stay where it waa taie, tise boy and tome others west ta save the mas. os hia rature, the boy toid bis mother the mas he saved was bis brother - a per- son tisa famiiy thought was loat at sa. "Whan you work at somatbisg, whes you give (aomatbing of) youmseli, you' Ii neyer ksow wbat rewards asd wbat riches you'ii rap," she ssid. Ms Urbankai said sot oniy are the vai- unteers riciser for tiseir axparience a, Aliendale, tisa staff are ricisar for tiseir bard work. Aftar tisa speeches, voiunteers acceptad awards from tise reaidents tisey help. Tes people wera awarded bronze pins for voiuntaaring 150 boums or more boums, sevas silvar pins ware gives to tisose wbo had voiunteered for 300 boums and tisre gold pins were isasded out ta tisosa wiso voiustaered 750 boums. "Tisera are sot asy I ,500-isour (valusn- teers) tisis yaar, but tisere ara two 3,000- isour awards," said Ms Hoare. Tisa voluntaams recaivad goid pes. ibis was aiso tise timst yaar tisat som'eosa was awardad for 5,000 boums ai service. Ms Kirk was presantad witis a speciaily- dasignad goid asd silvar angravad nack- lace. -I tisink ase is absoiutaiy. wondarfui," Ms Hoara said. ,5.)Iý ' f01.0;C,'fef'-)( -3j,,r.7ý' r-- li Tise Canadien Champion, Frlday, Apil 14, 2000 - il Royal stroli Bird watch levent Sunday Wild birds hsve begun their rature home for the spring sesson and snyone interested in seeing them can visit Mountsberg Conservstion Ares Sundsy from 10 s.m. ta 4 p.m. In canjuniction with Nstioasl Wildiie Week, Mountsberg will hast Wsterfowl Wstch Day. Stsff wiIl lesd s tour ta the Mountsberg reservoir ta view migrating wsterfowl species. Last year, 27 different species were seen there. Participants shouid bning binoculars for better viewing. Bushneli Canada bas ass given the con- servation ares several telescopes for bird- ers af ail levels ta better their bird-watch- ing expersence. Admission ta the ose-day event coss $5 per persan (ages 5 and up). Children aged under 4 years are admitted free. Mountsberg Wildlife Centre is Iacated an Millbaraugh Lise, 5 km west of Carepbellville between Hwy. 6 and Guelph Lise. Cail the Wildlife Centre at 876-2276 for more information. 'Mita"u 1999 Cammuziy,4aurd&r T.Eninq. aws a,.gq/ of memane& wo We cfieridedfiirer. Our fiear#Wd admà-atùm., and apprediadan ta, fl& Ciamker af Cammterc., aur namùzatar, fieid and dupparter iptm t&e wenmunte.g Craiq and -Fkim 7&naa 'Mitn,&ç 1999 Citiz&af tiear 15 WolPr inson Awareness Month T he Parkinson Foundation of Canada is dedi- cated ta raising funds ta elimirrate Parkinson's Disease and ta ease the burden it imposes, through research, patient services, and education. With your help we are confident a cure wiII be found. .59mptoms Of F'arLnson's Eisease " Slowness of movement (bradykinesia> * Tremor of the limbs * Muscular rigidity " Difficulty with balance and walking " Reduced volume and clariiy of speech " Difficulty with fine movements <e.g. Handwriting) Revion Cut-a-Thon.................... 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