/00eh Eden to get * $1 million ski lift goodness The Champion By thse stail of next year's ski season, visitors to Gien Eden Ski Area will be whisked up thse hill on a new quad-seat chairlift. As k osrainHio recently approved thse purchase of s $1 million chairlift that will replace the 27-yesr-old Twister. The Twister, which seats three people, is the oldeat chairlift at the ski ares. "Et will increase thse uphîli capacity by 30 per cent, said Bob Burchett, director of conservation land services. The new chairift, whîch ix manufactured by Poma Canada, wîll be instslled by November 5, he sssd. The proposai to purehase s new chairlift was tirst presenied to Conservation Halton's community relations sdvisory committee March 9: At that time, Mr. Burchett explained to members that ît was time to replace thse Twitter. "We could kcep it going but people would notice ît would be stopped s lot," he ssid. And it would be expensive to make itpairs. A, Tise Twister is considered an orphan, an industry termn meaning £ the company that oiiginslly manufactured tise lift is no longer in P / Ibusiness. And because of that, parts that have womn out or have broke would have to be custom-msde - an expensive and time- ~ consuming pmocess. En addition, tise chairlifi would have to undergo an engineering oeview tisat viould cost between $30.000 and $50,000 "with no * bn guarsntee of passing," Mr. Burchett said. Gilen Eden's otiser two lifts, tise Sidewinder and Boomerang, are also made by Poma. Tise $1 million cornes out of thse Gien * ~ IEden capital reserves. Why Exercise? Question: Wîth my hectic schedule, I just can't afford the time to exercise. Why should 1 bother? Answer: Exercise increases your ability to concentate, restores your energy level and elevates your mood. It is perhaps the single most effective way to cope with stress. You will sleep better and feel more in control of your life. Exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, and helps you to manage your body weight. The only remaining question is: How ýcan you afford not to exercise? "For goodness sake» is brought to you courtesy of Halton Healthcare and SCanabian Cinp Accrmdltmd Emissions list& Ruphir Facility " Exhaus , nuaiSahfirh qs#oa SIÈHDi *SeaAi cMpw a Dumlk lpan aa- 38 Drin * aul DlAheEaai Unit) DEMRY RU. _______ __ Serving Milton for Over 25 Vears - Melerao -F aiet -vwlue DrIve COMPARE OUR PRICES LEE BONIN 878-5323 Fax 87"4439 à AVANTFI McCormack 10 Auto Services -COMUT'EIDIANOSTCS 1RESJOHN MCCORMACK BsRES *WRLCSN&5115p LICENCED MECHANIC - DOT Inspection Station Rust Proofing * Computer Diagnostics General Repairs c.LIFETIME EMSAUST AND BRATES -Air Conditioning *Tune Ups -PERSONALIZES SERVICE 85 staes Ave., Unit 6 *90 NIPISSINC O 5 7025 878-0870 11181- ire sales <0 SENTINEL & service AUTOMOTIVE Major & Minor Rtpairs - TLne Ups Air Conitioniîg - Brakts - Engines.- Diesel Exhaust - Satety Inspections - Towing Marine Repairs - ---- 9(HghrTech Se th 0 Imd- (-ashwoned V.a(hS 342 Bront. St South, Unît$ 12 a 13, Mlton 555 Main St. E. 876-4788 878-8066 0 Miton# Import UN service Car Centre Àoigur 7u7ecent-re Speciaiàng in.. FUEL INJECTION Specialists onfl *AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING *AUTO AND TRAILER WIRING Volkswagens * Import fuel injection & SYSTEMS *DELCO BATTERIES Diesel - Used car sales & service *TIJNE-JP & EMISSION CON-* BRAKE SERVICE TROLS S AFETY INSPECTIONS - AUO AIR CONDITIONING AMI538 Main St. E. 18 Thompson Rd. Unit 12 190) 8w33Milton 878-7221 to yo .u lnoomtng chair Mary Dsvin (loft), end paat chair Tom Logis celebrate thit 2Oth annlvaraary of thea Milton District Hospital Fâundation wlth a plaque fren Ilalton Heaithoare Servces. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Clean out the cicet for Amlity GoodwlII. Please take your extra clothing and household items f0 the Amity Goodwill store close to you. Ask about aur Toi Receiptprogam Uiza and her teamn are eager to help you 550 Ontario Street S. .?"<- amiuntLO CORRECTION .NOTICE In aur April 12-17 flyBra, the follawing arror occurred: *Thse Quick Books 2000 Regular adver- Iised on pagt 20 for $109.99 (sfter rebale), dispisys the incorrect producî picture. Tht Quick Books 2000 Regular is $109.99 (atter rebate), NOT the Quick Books 2000 Pro. We sincerely apologize for any inconvanienca this may hava caused our valued customers. 9 0, e B ia 5 Main St. E.