The Canadien Champion. Tuesday, April 11, 2000 -7 «'W ater tank could be used vlofcindefollowing naine e>rrors flOU PIILI AIL;LIIIFIU- n" as biliboard to plug town Club carnival photos that page was Karen Cseff, not appeared Fuiday containcd Cars McGilloway, Alan, a etote Jao in the spots section- Canskaters. W. apologize for th1e By IRENE GENTIE The Champion In Milton, new growth may flot only pay for itself, but make an artistic state- ment, too. A 1.5 million gallon above- ground water tank cunrently under construction on Steeles Avenue near Hwy. 401 may be used as a whopping bilîboard for the town, Milton's community services con- mittee heard recently. Talk of the tower began when th1e Town's communily services director Jennifer Reynolds suggest- ed using th1e site as a public art fea- ture. "lt's definitely going 10 be there, ho large and be looming," she said. "There may ho an opportunity 10 propose somnething more creative." She requested permission from counicillors t0 talk t0 Halton Region, which is footing th1e bill for the tower through developmrrent charges, about launching a public art contest t0 decorate th1e tank. The $2.4 million tower will serve thic initial years of Milton's devel- opment. Ms Reynolds' ides ignited th1e imagination of committee mem- hors, who saw il as an opportunity 10 sdvertise everything froin th1e Escarpment Country trademark 10 Milton ares businesses, sucb as Mohawk Raceway. What they didn't want 10 see was th1e Region of Halton's name emblazoned on th1e structure. T'he appellation which eventually graces 1the tank will ho the decision of regional council. But Milton msy have 10 pay a price 10 put ils own stamp on the tower, said Councillor John Challinor. "I don't want 10 see th1e Municipshity of Halton up there and I îhink 1the only way you're going 10 resolve that is 10 put money down," 11e said. Ho alto suggested that th1e art contest ho of a professional calibre. 'Ihis is going 10 ho a huge bill- board for the Town of Milton." Then il may as well ho used as one, countered Councillor Rick Day. Ho suggested using 1the tower as an advertising placard for Milton- ares businesses. "I wonder if it wouldn't look grest with th1e golden arches on il, or Mattsmy Homes, or Maytsg," said Mr. Day. It could ho donc so il could ho attractive and commer- cial. I think we should ho keeping 111e ideas open." Though the Region shouldn't ho malled s blank cheque, ponying up for t11e project is likely t11e wsy 10 go. responded Mr. Chailinor. "Ho who pays th1e piper calîs th1 lune," 11e said. "That's t11e wsy il works. AIl I'm suggesting is we ho prepared financially." But Councillor Ron Furik won- dered why Hslton's name ws even being considered for 111e tower. But Councillor Rick Mslboeuf wssn't sure 1the Region would ho anienable bo keeping their namne off 1the site. "It's t11e regional jurisdiction. T'hey're paying th1e bill. If I'm psy- ing t11e bill, I want my name on il. I think di1e only thing 10 do it take il 10 t11e Rcgion and tee what they say," hcsaid. In th1e endi that ides was support- ed by conmittee, including Mayor Gord Krantz. "I think we're ai saying 111e sanie thing. This is something new, something novel," 11e said. "We have an opportunity here. I'mn pre- psred toi go down (10 th1e Region) and push for something that stys Milton." Committcc chair Bsrry Le scemed amused by the procced- ings. 'Ibis item sure has inspired s lot of crestivity around thit table. But we should gel on il. "It's going up falrly quickly and (111e Region) nay have their own design ideas. I'mi sure they do." Buying A Home? You cani afford more when you get a MOIRTGAGxE below market ratek through...k HALTON CREDIT UNION Rates as low as 1 % below market rate For more details ask our friendly staff Miton 44 Main St. E. 878-4168 Georgetown 187 Guelph St. 877-4926 350 Qusen St. E. 519-853-091 HOURS: Mon & Tues. 9-5, Wed. 10-5, Thura. & Fr!. 9-8. Sait. 9-1 Certain cond5atins may apply. Subject to change aSSaout notce Ceramics Doils / Florals e Jewellery Leathercrafts Woodcrafts Fudge Figurines and more! WEDNESDAY TO SATURDAY APRIL 12 -15 55 ONTARIO ST. S. IIyIN- AT Eacarpment Countrv'" TOURISM PARTNER 1l9:30 - 9:00 1:30 - 6:00 N 12- 5 Communty Partner-ships For Commumy Safety Halton Regionial Police Service Legisiation as set down by the Ministsy of the Solicitor General in the form of Adequacy Standards Regulation for policing under Section 32(2) states that: "1Every board shall consuit with is municipal councÎ4 and the school boards, community organizations and groups, busanesses and members of the public in thse municipaUiti serres during thse development of ifs business pkm"'ý To comply with this directive, the Halton Regional Police Board and the Chief of Police invite members of the public to provide input to assist them in the development of a three (3) year Business Plan for the Halton Regional Police Service. We are seek- ing input to identify policing issues and recommendations for service delivery. To ensure maximum public input, two public consultation meetings will take place; one in the South end of the Region, on 7k4esday, April l8th Wt 7:30 in thse North Auditorium at thse Regional Headquarters, 1151 Bronte Roa4, Oakville and the other in the North end of the Region on Wednesday, April 19 Wt 7:00 p.m., in thse Council Chambers atl Halton HMa Drive, Georegtown. Ail members of the public are encouraged to attend one of these meetings..For further information on these sessions, please contact Inspector Bill Ford (905) 825-4777 ext. 4722, Alix Kerr, Administrative Assistant to the Halton Regional Police Services Board at (905) 825-4816.