4 - The Caniadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 11, 2000 UUEC L6UDE SERVICE Isatuving QUAKER STATE EL ru FRAM GEL6 FILTERS We off.. Vour car requires Safety Checks Drakes 214 Wheel Aignment Cooling System Service En gifles Quaker State 011, Lube à Framt 011 Filters Computer Analysis 0 Tune Ups m BrIc Auto Fptr Hicden Hith Suspension service ' Tire Rotation& Daiancing Goodtyear Tires IONTA P iO'Sy Generai TiresDRV Transmissions & Service -CLEAN Electricai Accredited Test Air Conditioning & Repair IaciIity Shocks & Struts ir ctr Photo b, GAIAHAM PAINE 'AMien attack Bishop Reding student Amanda Dwyér struggles against allen tentacles as rabat Rabyn Currie looks an in the secondary schoal's production af Return ta the Forbidden Planet. The play, open ta the public, will be staged Thursday, Friday and Saturday. NOTICE 0F PROPOSED SALE NOTICE lB IIREBY GIVEN THAT the Cauncil ibis Notice is pravidéd pursuant ta Section of thé corporation of theé Town of Milton ,193 (4c) of Thé Municipal Act, R,... 1990, înténds ta declare surplus And dlispose of a Chepter M.45, as aménded, and in accardance -ace of land heing spcIl n oown as Pt. vwth Town af Milton Praperty Disposai 8y-Law Lot 15, Cano. III, Part 2 on plan 2OR-12204 ln Na. 34-95. thé Town of Milton, (former Township of Fuhr Information wlth respect ta tee afare- NassagaweYa), RéO1QI"&MW04W f 1*1101 méntioneci Notice of Proposedl Salé, may é (suhws ornertfGuéph Unel and #15 ohlélned froo Mr. Phillp Antoniow, Co-ordina- tor, Engineering Services, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Streét Milton, Ontario LOT 5H2 (90) 878-7211. Dated at the Town of Milton tItis 11 tht day of Apil, 2000. H. List Town Clerk NOTICE TU PROPERTY OWNIERS DESTROY NOXIGUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN ta ail persans in possession of land, in accordance with The Weed Contrai Act, R.S.0. 1990, Chaptér W.5, Sections 3, 13, 14, 16 and 23 that, unless weed seeds and noxiaus weeds growing on their lands wlthin the Town of Milton are destrayéd by the date of June 15th, 2000 and throughout the sea- son, thé Town of Milton may enter upan the said lands and have the weeds destroyéd, charging the casts against thé land in taxes as set out ln The Weed Contrai Act Thé ca-opération of aIl property owners is earnesty sIlicitedl. Complaints and inquiries may hé mnade by téléphoné, to the nunher lstedbetow. Pléasé note that dandelaés burIock and goldsnrod are flot considered noxdous weeds witln thé Town of Milton undér Thé Wééd Contrai Act, therefore, complaints conçérning thèe weels or any anonymous complaints cannat be aoSépted. For information of ail property owners, the followlng are designated as noxiaus weeds in the Town af Milton: Complaints and inqtalries shauld hé diréctéd ta: MR. DOUG MCPHAIL Weed Inspectar (905)877-1819 H. L151, Town Clark Town ai Milton 0