32-lb.e Cwnackn Cluoplon. Tueeasy, Apail 11, 2000 OflwUNE ICEI BESTPRC on 200 1000 F.1IO's tIAi 2000 Turas C 9Ur.e R.g. & SupMcab 4X2 & 4x4%s Gao Priems Gottling You Down ]EXTRA RbNUIS: 300 ILTIRS F11REl OAS WIhPurhaso 0f New Or Pro-owned Vehlcles o ENDS APRIL 15/00' ~**SPRI,1G SPECIALS - Clean injectors distribut. fuel Un st uni- bais "prY pattess -Ptgged injeotos sut ftW iiito tthe cyllnders erraftcaffy, causIing uneven coembustion anad poor Unjetor4pay puMO =gnrone Plus Taxe For mobt cars assai glt trucks. Offer Essds URy 30<05 CMINSERVICES reabt osah*,te ao aseo eo * rure ta lin gsteaadceitr asn haesur md c4ardisanddt frorksi -o E adcate sytmand ata retcoan(Mtrat) euftratize ad mlbaht Msp. MtOJ) neSate acid cod pco every 3 moati - ncludes 6 lire otarcraît colant and PH neutazer to 163* comnbat acid bauid up Disos of aid wart in enviroranetatytriendy masser Plus Taxes For most cars and fight truck. Offer Ends May 30100 - Mauntaïn optimum performance, tfuel efftciency and cleaner emîissions - inspect pollution contrai systm - inspeot flutera, P.C.V. throtte body, EGR - lnapect spark plugs, - Clean air intake - Reduce intake valv .ServIce bafteay tenntnab pFuTxe For moet cars and N tucks. oifer Ends May 3M/ 655 MAIN ST. E. k) i MMM ecce,/,O*