30--The Canadien Champion, ruesday, April 1 OAKVILLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY REQUIRES: Machine Operators General Labourers FULL TIME AND PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE FAX RESUME TO: (905) 337-2521 SUN SHADES DECORATING CENTRES SALES PERSON for drapes, blinda, ahutters. Experience preferred, but will train. Car needed. Hourly plus commission Par resume: 905-713-2842 Large Canadien construction company raquire a 2nd or 3rd year $HUET METAL APPRENTICE for OaIevllle job alte. Expenience in indus- trilVcommerciel duct wore Installation pre- ferred. Muse have own toola an r- portation and be willing to trael =itin Ontario. Join our growlng teamtl Competitive wagea andi fuit benefita p acte- ae. Fax resume to: (905)854-2011 or mail to: P.O. Box 389, CemmbcIIvtiIe, Ont LOP 150 Attn: Susan BIackweil, Dîrector of Hunsan Rsources. OuNERAI. LABOUR Raquireci to aaalst in taleing care of faim propcrty in Milton. Dutles include Generat Maintenance, Handyman, Lawn Maintenance and Miscellaneoua dutiea. Worte achadule: Moniday to Friday - from April to Novamber. Hours 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Interestaci epplicanta mail resume to: #1314091 Ontario Ltd., 6200 Vpond Drive, Misaceauga, ON LST 2B2. 1, 2000 Ambassador Coffee Service seeka a service technician for outaide work. We require a presentabte, neet, organized, energetic person with strong Engtish atolls. 'ebu shouid have somae basic electricat knowiedge andi a dlean driving record. Hourty rate is competitive, company vehicte, bonus & benefits avaitabte. Great opportunity for advancementt Day shift, Mon-Fni occassionat emergency. Apply by FAX only ta: L (905)670-3069 DAYCARE NEEDED tan 10mdad4yroldo& My hase or ynur. Flexie '0,r visilon lu Io bc Chu, global leatier ti proîxkllng ite uinxiteitiI'prfe-îrd foitiI soliîCon Jr». sii)iiUC f>cust>iosi îu. TECHNUCAL SYSTEMS COORDINATOR In lii roui., >îuei wiii assis( ia te develi.i nia impeiaenalisî, idianard dacumîsentationa of curret mnaagemaent syslt.îaau <sfîw;tre-îaienled). Working witl ACAD dacuemnta maanagementl soaftware anad Microsoaft Office, you hauve a dipiîama iii lecianoiogy anad/oîr ceumptîler rt.ijîid priagrammînri skîiirr 2-3 years' practicat experiitcdtri.Icic rteîiiîreti PROJECT SCHEDULER Slroîag Microasofat 1'rîic 98, Woîrd îai Excel skltis cîampletîm. yraîr expeKrtise lia AtitoCAD. Yiu are a sîrîang comananwicalor, flenta in bh verbal and wriîlen English. Picase torward your reaumne 10 (905) 319-7881. E-mnai et sstodîbtalçbastctlng.coml FCmP1U mRPEENJAIE Neec itmmeciialet n oat ares. &IAIIAlN intereste i n education, fluent tI Engiah, good people atolls, and flexlbitity. JOB .DESCBfIPMN: Speaak ta parentsistudents about education &. baook eppointmenta for free evauations. Fuit tralnlng provlded. Flexible hours on Sa.& Sun. rnp , o ri (0)1934 trouas a must Naie cl I875-1794 alter eps or j have e message. $250/mth. (905)8e6- 7464. SELF-Storage, heated, sesr GO station, tac merathty rates, 1 lisuast 12)06 dock levai joadisg. Rtesklentit Commercial 19W5)86&7464. When btuyInq or eilno a vhco romollffi Thse CoawMn Champion. Aion. m A boomin econorny and job opportuni s above await you at Nho can Cili gamSrings Generat Hospital in South Fiorida. ga stores. Cand idates mesi passeas interWesanal and communication skilla, able ta teaction as a team Piamr, must be > mping flexible and want a good lite and eniey the many sighta and beachîs that Sauth Flanida haa io ffer. iuaiaatic I... EM1':,MD/ UG EEERY IBTCUI igament Be smart and enhance yaar career Our privately owned hospital is ottering: ipetitive e banas program tanding e health cane caverage for R.N and tamnily immediafely an atart date e assistance throa h entirepraceas a Town *SPOUSORSIP Oý RÎEN CAR WITII WORK AUTIRIZATION FOR SPOIUISE Dundas e EDUICATIOSIAL OPPORTUil as L W. PA111 M MUS IN EXCLUSIV MUE FOR 3 MOifhl IN lON11111-CRITICAL CMARIASM ieS.com e PA U ItSM EXCLUSIVE ARA FOR - YEE FOR EXPUUCU I.C.U. RM.S mnly Chose e chance for advancement and opportanity ta tearn Spanish as a second tangaage oatacfed. Jais aur many Canadian R.N.s and warm, friendty haspîtal. Feet sate and secare in yoar environment with na wornies of cafbacks, layoffs or casat haars. Saitabte for familles or singles, IV new grada also welcame who have written the NCLEX or in proceas of. We will ho interviewing at: Wednudzy AMwI 19, 200 ihaul Loire Motel onithe Lake, 2 ooflie R., Burliinu Cait Sue (Canadian RN.) Heman Resoarce Manager at 1-800-810-9776 or fax: 905-714-7731 I I National Défense Oeence nationàie7 FINO YOURSELF 1H THE CANADIAN FORCES Here's an opportunity to discover part of yourself you didn't know existed. Find out about yourself and the Canadian Forces. We offer a wide range of training, education and both fuil-time and part-tirne career opportunities for men and womnen. Find your true potential. Corne and visit our recruiting team. YOU'LL FINO US HERE Halton Job & Career Fair 2000 Holiday Inn Express, Oakvilte April 13 f rom 9:30 arn to 7:30 pm 1-800-856-848 www.dnd.ca CAREER PERSON WANTED If ou're vibrant, watt groomned andi laYa yeanngHcaIng enre,; anc yau re tooklng for a cancer - not juan e job, then we woutd love to have you on our team. Mature person, name your satery. Approximately 25 houra pcr wcek. Phone Wednesdey AprIl 12,11 am -lpmn 876-1888 UTS Tex Tinte Againt Pereonial & amai business retuma. Cai Tiffany Stewart 875-3752 or emeil: YOUNG prafessionel couple tookIng for 2 bedroom epertmest, conda or tawnhausc for lune or Jaty. Pteae cail Rerto, (416)824-3291 daya or i906)878-4336 evenisgs. Canadfc OFFICE IPOSITION Self starter who woutd enjoy worling in a amaI corporate office, with a compeny thet lgrows 300/ a yeer. Minimum 3-5 ycars experience In e simiter positon, good communication Mlils, verbal & wriften, comrputer akilla: ACC-Pac Accounting, Microsoft Windows, Exet and Word. Compensation baed on expenlence. Please fax resumea ta: (905)878-1189. Con'pany locaied Ia rte MlCon area. GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNF17Y t) You're the Boss. 2) ii's your business. 3) Ulniited income poientiai depending on you and your efforts. 4) Worlc fmmi your home ai your ows Pace. 5) $250 gels you slerled. Please catI Heige or James Tel. (9115)693-1242 Fax. (9115)93-1243 W W w. u s f i 1 t e r. c o ni CANAD FOI= - T 'fFf.-ý" p4m ]ýe