The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, ApdI 11, 2000 -3 Optimum U.sed Vephicles. with Solid Guarantees. EV$,97ULS ULA UU 97LS Photos by USA CARTWRIGHT Don Bell, owner of Shoppers Drug Mari on Main Street (loft), accepta hie award for Bualneeman of the Year. At riglit, Buineaawoman of the Year Edwina Doddlngton, operator of Sofe and Sound Childre'a Centra, Mtonde with lier aon Blil, 7, and Ban, 9. Ail nominees honouried at annual Chamber awards a tram THOMAS on page 1 lista how mucis each community in Ontario raised. And each year, Milton - despite isaving fewer' people - places in the top 20, she said. "Thbis is proof positive that this is the best comnsunity of a town of upwards of 30,000. And as we about ta grow, we have the head stait of being the beat community in the Ontario with a population of upwards of 80.000." The couple flot oniy thanked tise community for its support, they also thanked the Terry Fox orga- nizing committee - many of who had joined tbem for the evening - for ail their hard work and dedica- tion. Tise awards presentation began with Fred Johnson who accepted his Lifetime Acisievement Award. Master of ceremonies Father Mark Curtis compared Mr. johnson's life ta tise movie 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles'. Father Curtis said the long-time Milton resident missed the train ta go overseas ta fight in the Second Worid War twice, he worked on famous airpianes and, at 91, is stili driving. Father Curtis spoke about how Mr. Johnson has volunteered ail his life and still takes childeen througis tise war museum at the Legion and oeils poppies in November. Mr. Johnson received a standing ovation fmom tise crowd. Namied Businessman of tise Year, Mr. Bell thanked his staff for ail their bard work. He aiso tisanked bis famiy. "I wouid like ta tbank my famiiy who are witb mie tonfight for ail of tise laite dinners and for putsing up witis a businessman for tbe iast 30Oyears." Businesswoman of tise Year, Ms Doddington also tbanked ber fami- ly as weii as ber staff, bath past and present, for making ber successfui. Sbe ssid being presented with the award will make ber work even barder. "I hope I can live up ta my new titie." Jobn Gates, plant manager of Menitor Suspension Systema Co., accepted the Business of tise Year thai eople of Milton. - îving -Wsk ta tise comniMity is sonaething tise company takeiý sesi- ously, he said. "It bs something we'll cherisis forever. Thank you." Dale Devlin, owner of Haiton Automotive and Industrial Supplies, aiso thanked bis staff for bis business's success. Mr. Devlin and bis wife Mary took home tise Business of tise Year Award (25 employees or less). "On behaif of (tise staff) who make this company, I accept this award. Thank you." Ail the nominees received plaques honouring their achieve- ments. Tise otiser nominees included: Doug Kocher of McKersie Kocher Funerai Home for Businessman of tise Ycar, Melissa De Brouwer of Bick Financial Security Corporation for Businesswoman of tise Year, Derlan Aerospace Canada and Loblaws for Business of tise Year for 26 employees or more and Great Canadian Bagel and Koski Glass for Business of tise Year for 25 empioyees or iess. Michael O'Gonnan, president of tise Milton Chamber of Commette, congratulated ail tise nominees. "It's people like you that make tisis town great." I or, extended V6. air auto lts 3iEauto, atir oaeatonneau overdrlve. tealtser: oniV 40.Ottulcm on5~I.i.rlt ly M UWY i LIA E i FINACE sur LEASE# FINACEM '120 $954141I'491a, $.,M 5 #1"il 1 optimum ssed veisicies art 36 month/72,000 km leasas with $1.000 down, taxes. 155 mosith psy- mett sec deposit, lie. due on dellvey. Finance deal se for 60 months wlt SI 000 down, O.A.C. PomnAc409 BUICK~ MILTON nWýW- M~~ Àu 9M7AT-.FO "Vfaveal (Ctp a»it& Advertise your garage sale in both the Tuesday and the Friday issues of the Caniadian Champion and receive a Canadian Champion coffee mug Z(f Canabinî Cbampion Aa.é mwm3vd* d -ML 5UwtmIIISlmsT