The Canediai Champion, Tuesdey, April 11,2000-29 COPS & SPIES! Be ail yau cen bain Law Enfarcemant Stait as an afficer ieam your way thraugh canine dlvi- alan ta PI, aven bomis aquad. Car sasentiai. Cati 1400461-7731. Sea aur wabsile, sea haw many have gane tram hem ta Potca. APPLIED WIRING ASSEMBLIES tltRtNG We are tatdn~aPJ~ilcatlona tar aur 7:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. end AFTERNOON SHIFT 4:00 P.M. TO MtDNîGHT Bath ahitta ara Mondeyto Fridey. Ceil 876-2506 or 876-3306 Naw hiring acesanet hetp n Uic fattowing positiana: Ceshiers, Satas, Stock otaries. Att epplicents muet be motlvatcd, posces s positive attitude end e desire ta exact n customar service. Muet Oc abta ta work evaninga aid weekands. Picase fax or mati rasume to: 700 Main St. E. Milton UT 3P6. Fax. (905)8784025 Attention Jennifer Amie No Plane Caits Piaasc. GENERAL LASOURER Raquircd ta assiet n taking care of faim ro~"in Miiton. Duties inctuda Genarai cîntenance, Hsndymsn, Lawn Mantenenca snd Miscetianeous duties. Work schaduie: Monday to Friday - tram Aprit ta November. Hours 8:30 A.M. ta 4:30 P.M. interested appilcants mati rasuma ta: *1314091 Onterto Ltd., 6200 Vtpond Drive, Misaissauge, ON UT 2B2. Rateiier et better qssiity iootwaer s saaking enihu- mastic indladusis for tic tOtlOwing positons: MANAGER FULL TIME SALES ASSOCIATE PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATES Previaun scias expariance an enset. Picesa tex pour resama ta: (906)331-9742 Attn: Diene Thibeuit Atrcaumcs te tic mcclveeion or balai A$i2~ 2000 AZ & DZ DRIVERS Muet hava 2 years experience, OVOR & MTO abstract. References. Oeiivar~ botti city & highwey. Same positions requira lifting. West: 1-888-937-8230 East: 1-888-562-3748 LOT ASSISTANT & dEAN-UP PERSON Responsibte persan wtth a veitd drivers ticance and Uic ebitity ta driva menuet transmission pick-up trucits la requircai ta hatp organize aur vahicie invcntory enli ta kaep tot cars cicai. For an interview ~caac cati Dwaîn McGlIIvoWa~ n Chrysior Customem Swdosl ~I.mark.Ung PoSitioR 2 Tcmporary tuN-time customer service positions aveltable ta reptece mstemity teave wtth Uic passlbttlty at permanent positions. Tetephane experience end a piessent autgolng personsiity requireli. Exceent interpersonsi sielits, goad typing sidits end ai cbutity ta cern quiciciy. Some computer experience an assat. Fax resume: (905)875-4532 Taronto Auto Auctions C/O Joan Glimour 8277 Lawsan Raad Mitton, Ontaria L9T 5C7 DAVOARE NEEDED tai 10 month aid 4 yr aid gins. My home ar paurs. Flexible haurs e muet. Fiasse oeil 575.1794 aller Opn or cava e massage. III w GROWWITH US USF Surface Preparation is the world s leader In prou/ding equtpment for industrial surface preparation. Due ta rapid grooeitb we are offering excellent opportunit/es for bighly motivated inadividuats 10 jo/n t/je USF Surface Preparatton Team tex our new 100,000 square foot engineering/manufacturingfadility in Burlfragton, Ontaria We have due foilowlng positions to 0e Oued immediately: INTERMEDIATE DETAILERS Aasigased ta a Group Leader, you will utilise your proflciency with AutoCAD to efteceively dreit and design components in accordance with industriel engineering standarde. lcnowledge ot mechunicul assembi>~ muchlning prsctices aid strone computer okilis arc key attributes of the preferred candidates TECHNICAL SYSTEMS CO-ORDINATOR in this rote, you will assise in the developosent, implementation. trsining aid documentutieun of ouir neW management syseem software Working wlth AutoCAD, document management software and AUTOLISP, you wiit assiat In fureher development an~d maintenance 0f the syseem. PROJECT SCHEDULER You wilt 0e required ta track multiple proiecesmonitor cime-une GANTF charte and generally assise the Senior Proiece Manager Strong Mccrosoft Protece 98, Word and Excel ekilîs are required.Workîng knowledge inAutoCAD would 0e an asset AIR BLAST & PAINT ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST Candidates muse be familiar wîtla the aurttow dynamîcu assocîated wîth the descgn 0f Air Blase Rooms und Panne Boothe. Working knîîwledge csf NFPA and EPA Standards, as well asAutoCAD 14. in required. Ail posItions require a minimum ot 2 ta 3 years csf practical experience atone wlth a diploma in Mechanical EngineeringTechnology. If your ambition is ta grow with an international company whose mission is ta 0e tOc foremosn producer 0f Surface Preparation Equiposene, then we wane ta heur from you. O'lesse forward yoeer resume ta: (905) 319-7881. E-mail: JOHN DEERE CREDIT JOHN DEEIlE CREBIT INC*, ont et Csootlu's ttuding Fînsicisi lestîlutîsos, correotip hss a rtcsrding carter oppeitenhtp n lIeu Barlingion ettica HUMAN RESOURCE GENERALIST (contract position euh tht possihuiity et permanent empiuymeet) This pusitisu preoidés tunctional support in recreilment sort selection, pertormanca mausgement, emplopet reistiens, îeb evulustien, truîning & deveiepmtnt, competsatieo / saiary administration ted baie reseorca isisematien spoteas. Participation e meeting Ht tacticat obiectives s aise campeneot et tus position. REBUIREB BUALIFICATIONS c Oegrte/Dipioma in Humas Reseurce Managenrent or tht equroatont e edecatien snd toperienca. a At toast 5 peurs teparienca ina Homan Reseurces Generaisi rote. e Eoperitnctd n osint noverai PC applications (MS Ottica) sort e-mail systeres. * Saperier erganizationai shilis, attentien te detail aod tht abiiitp te work cuti diverse greop et peepie se reqoisiies 1er tus position. c CHRP elesignation er cempittien et CHRM s censidted an asset. A resome et quaifications and caver latter liecioding saiarp topectations) shooid ta iersarded to: Human Resourcea: John Doue Credit me. 1001 Champiain Av.., Suite 400, Buriington, Ontarlo L7L 5Z4 Fax: (905) 319-2147 E-mail: 13k tiankallapplicants foîtheir un! erc, bot eoty fiose se/octet Paras interview ciPla confacfed. Md. Company Drivers and Own.r-Operators Wha eniay lnteresting aid Chaliengtng Work ~~~DrNm Qwn~Qa~ Mites- Sisot 3031f 5P le 3038f .31.05 pet mut altos EMPTY *Loadtd Mites- Stad$O.35f opto .31.35 pet miiechto LOADEO 1042f cPremism et 3003f tnt ail US. Miles aprenisa et 1003f lot aIt US. Milts *Paid Fuel Surcharge *Paid Loeding & tnisadlng cNe Paint Code tettuitenents *Paid Lapones .PUIS Iii LSADPUMWMU eflhl - LMD PWS UP Tii NUf PUB MII Il TU NiiOf P MU PLUS: Fuit Bendfits * Pension Plan * Setety Incentiva Fuet Bonus- Stcady Work veltii Guarangecti incame. Phono Bob Kirsch or Sem Klngma et 1400-2634240 Go Gmn. Ns Week Every Week, - Insurance Broker C.S.R. Required immediatety. A minimum 0f S years veitis R.t.B.O. designation. Camptete worieing knowtedge 0f T.A.B.S. a definite asset. Excettant satary aid bendfits pack- age wlth exceptionat office anviranment.Farward resume ta: FAX (905) 632-6269 David H. Coon: Insurance Brokers Ltd. 574 Brant Street Burlington, ON L7P 2GB Wenaport Llmited Ontsrios targeet family-awned refrigerated carrier has immediata apeninga et aur Mlulssauga terminal tar az .m~s We have tuiltima & part-lime positions available veithin Canada & U.S. LOCAL a HIGHWAY. Ataplicants must have a good attitude anti an excellant drivina record. Wa offer a stable wark enviromant, gooti aquipment, excellent veages anti benefits. JOB FAIR. May B. 9am-3em Apply ta: Er~ Transport Ud 1889 Britannia Roati Mississauga, ON L4W 3C3 Tel: (905)670-8490 Fax: (905) 670-8467 lbemspoet Ltmlted Ontarios largeet tamliy-awned retngeratad carrier has immediate openinge et aur Mississaula terminal. LICENSED TRUCK MECHANICS SHOP LABOURERS orAPPRENTICES Offering excellent veages & benefits, stable wark environment, non-union anti new shap tacilities. APPLY N PERSON TO: Kevii Uackar, bm-Sp., 1889 Britannia Rd, Mlssissauga OR cati (905) 670-8490 OR Fax: (905 670-8467 OR for Dodo Roadl Moyerside lacation. W. need sameane energetiC & willing ta dean and wash glass pots and plastiC patta for COtteS bmwers. Mon-Fn, 8dm- Spm, start at $950 ~tr. Oeil Sunny et (905)670-3068 Deliver in GTA with aur van. Suits a Ineatenergeticorgenizedpersanl excellent cammanti 0f n tish meeting people? A 1G ticense & dean drîving recod la ai ~muet.Trainin9isPravided/ComPetij tive eamin~s plus a benetit pragram. Jain s grawîng tesm b~ catting Peul (905)4 0-3067 Cashiers These MI or part-lime day pasitiana wiil require pou ta work Manday ta Fridev handting oeah and custamer nervice. One ta two veara' espenence la pretcrred. Yau muet hava goati communication akilia and cniay warking with the pubtic. Picesa eppiy n persan with resume ta the Store Manager et: NY b ZEVS, OakvttIe Town. Centre il, 200 Nortit Servie. bcd. OakvliI.. No retephone caMa. pteeac. HY&ZEL'S Attendant Service Worker Jspce Scot Non-Profil humes toc. oeeds perssos tiuîti good personsi shulis, titis are phpsicaiip fit und haoe a desix b sspport aduits euh physical dissbil- lies. Enîpîsymeni s P/T uud asti be suailahie un weekends. Training s preoidcd sort succeistul con- didutes ciii be subjeci tus Criminel Reterence dock. Fax resume ta: (905) 8784449 or contsct (905) 8784722 SALIS A LEAlittO NEW & USED 418 STEELES AVE. A FANILY 51151NE55 MiTN FANILY VALUES 8E-fUI-SEL- LE/SE LAIlIESI SELECTIOII UP USIDUEHICIES Id MILTUN 875-22T7 Make t RI~HARDSON - as~ To caca or puahase pour car or truck Cap as s et Oeny Rd. 878-2303 Environmentel Services Ltd le a progressive entrepreneuriat campaiy that speciatizesin environmcntat Industriel producta. We currentty require 3 GENERAL MANUFACTURING LABOURERS. if you are interested n becoming part 0f Uic Can-Ross Team please FAX ~our rasuma attention Steve Muter... (905) 47- 7175 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 10 Ontaria Based AZ Tandem n Van Drivers To Run U.S. & Canada ~Slgn On Bonus Package inclues: n Up ta 40 cents par mile n Bandit Package Home evey 6 tisys TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS i (800) 2554473 A.blsws Equki Upto five new positions open Hours 345-11 45pm tnali-tume Stert $8 25/hr Bersefit package avaîteble. 'flemmg pro- vided. No has~ l~ requirati. or is ta staff in two weeks. Please apply sic 5320 Downay SLBurtirsgton for job application. Noti Hiring F/T P/T IRGILER I PREP LIME COGKS, SERVERS & DISHWASHERS We oter gooti wagfs & a great atonasphere Apply n persan or cali <SOS) 035-1084 - WalkWs Um, kdlegtea eelllng a vhlcle. L~n~m!~j C~r Thefli Sali t~T osnsed recycler. 905- 4e7-5711