Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2000, p. 23

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Tise Canadian Champion, Tuesdav Auscil 11, 2000-23. I M I A VERY SPECIAL TO AIL DUR VOLUNTEERS Community Resource I Services 632-6531 VOLUNTEER SERVICES UNIT HALTON REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE 878-5511 ext. 5035 BOX 2700 OAKVILLE, ONT. L6J 507 The Halton Reglonal Police Service has long been supported through the efforts of many Burlington citizens, who have donated their 'timne volunteering for the Police Service. The Service woul like ta recognize and thank the members of the Victim Services Unit, Police Auxiliary, Citizens on Phone Patrol Neighbourhood Watch and the Community Consultation Committee, and other individuals who volunteer their time. The dedica- tion and work performed by these people certainly enhance the services provided f0 the community by the Halton Regional Police. ALLENDALE VOLUNTEE'rRS aab'dem"HANDS ACROSS THE YEARS" In 1999 Allendale Volunteers gave 16,000 hours of their time, talents and love to the Residents. We thank every one of them for all they do to enhance the lives of those who live at Allendale. For Iflfoe Cail 878-4141 #8025. Ha5teu Wemen'u Plae peavides the only ciis sheiler services in lie Reaien of Holieu fer woee and their dependeni childru who am viciims of donnestic violence. Idahon Womens Place is aen iweniy-taur heurs a day ueverl days a wrk. liere am iwo elielers, vne sn Milieu cervisg Haklon Nerith. aid te allier in etadingtos, serving lin Sealth. In 1999. 200 fanuhies (200 weuien aid 229 chidrea) stayed ai Haiton Wouiea's Zln. More ihan 1,900 crises colle more mode in 1999 aid Ceumeclars ai haUt locationr ficided more tiion 27,000 iufomiiin cuils. HulionaWmn'su Place had ta tani eway 243 familien due ra iack ofuspace' More dha eevenly active valusieer suppori HltlinWomens Place. Tliey falli ueo lice caresories; eenidereial or shelior valunemr and cammduor valunieec. Many ef these volanleer falIt boliil careganies. Sheltr voienteors, etiliarl locotios, miafe heip haliysii ihe childrs. engIage is aciivi- dien miih cliildren such as uimry finie, music aid art or help ia sers clathinp. 'lbeue volueiers mork wth dia momon hy peovidise traspoarstian, or thep mighi even Iielp ta chin die shelier. Cammitore valunleers iaciode dhe Bard of Diiectors, die Fond lfoising Camminor, dhe HWP Bumiess Advianry Committor ad ie Plmmned Givine Commilor. Ail of these vaienicers mre imporiant. Haeue Waicen's Place weuld lihe Io colore di1e meudeefui valonieces, pt and presesi wori have mode thue aiyooization n cote alierno- tive for vichors of domestic violence, nie time dit ihey ioke hoildi "A Saler Toneserow' in potinership miih Haetn Wamea's Place. Coli (905) 332-1200 exi. 242. Halton Womens Place THAN KYOU! To our many volunteers for the important contributions which they make ,to enhance services for victims of domestic tvwio saeiei »wand aitsw tO enrich aulofou'r em jr Jiro Sherlock Ethel Gardiner * ~~"~~" Chair of the Board Caro h or * ~ Fred Sweeney Dusty Papke * Diroctor of Educettion Director of Education Celebrating 40 years of caring OrMultiple Sciarosis Society et Canada Italin Chapto11r in the Conununity rmtain active, cerrsrlitioa mners of aur ceeveunllus. Laut year, 280 aduit and youtis volunteers made a significant contributionl Information, support, fleancal assistance, support groups including yoga, oesetturs, à taveards anigptetcraiMitnDsrcHoptlThsru f sutrnrer stirdunt peogruan., udvteacy, reterels ta allir ageeceo. public erlucafluri, dedicated people contributedl 12,000 hotars of tiseir time in more tisan 15 direct and indirect ongoiig peblie awareuess et MS. patient cure services ait your community hoapitul. MihiihiIe UbeIOUU Mumil Sl e nrosit: ysin itit tyug df lat 0t 0I From patient cure services on tise chronic cure unit ta tise uewing, knitting and plant groupa, fram SOMSt Of CIUBIIII Canda tise huir salon and isospitul tours-to bingo- wisich ruised $18,000 last year - aur volunteers are :~ More tItan 60,000 Canadtens nffectedl. reudy, willing and wuiting ta Iend a isand. And Iet's not forge tise volunteers from tise Poundution, BMlUIUU tuI 1111IW Moe commue further fret 11e equafor. tisae wis it on tise Board of Directors for tise Hospital and tise Foundation, and a unique an lhe aend d Strikes durieg camer and famlly building yeurs, aflelig fumfly employeIr indiel vulued group of people wisa provide tise Psstoral Visitation progrumn- volunteers wisa gsve freely sincere Thank You toal Is N l ot uae.Sypomesy rmml t ee of tiseir dîme and trssly muke a difference. our dedicated volunteers * Is NOT a mieutlIldsae We're proud of aur many volunteers and tisunk tisern ail for being an integral part ai aur iseultis- who have donated mn - Is NOT preveslahl er comable. . VET. care teum. hours . You are greatly HM0JT pU.UL 'ZLE0OS1S80CIETY apprciaed!!311M OM uI. , 011 LiN 2E3 If yau'd like ta jain tisis dynumic group af men, wamen and teenagers, pieuse call tise MDH pp aIlPhoee: 905-1118778 Fu 9065«1-1i6 Volunteer office ut 878-2383. Phono: 905-681-8770eml:mluim@bpbtiI How important are volunteers NT A to the CNIB? Critical. Please join us. VOLUNTEEPRI 9-1520<" The Canadian National Institute a téme-nousred tradition more than 90,000 children, Ici THE VOLUNTEERS 0F MITON, THANK YOU FOR YOUR VITAL working aduîts and seniors. We CONTRIBUTION WHICH MAKES OUR COMMUNITY STRONG. thank our 20,000 vounteers in T-i-i AO every corner of Canada who whenever we're needed. AND VOLUNTEER CENTRE jContact your local CNIB District coue- (905) 632-1975 CnM (905) 275-5332!I f mff www.haltonvolunteer.org

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