Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2000, p. 21

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If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Profennionala" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 ~A~eaeoe9eaeeaeei£ ~ief5e~se f~eaeleiei MARlON HEALY Regîstered Nutrational Consultant Manager Marlon HaaIy (905) R.N.C. 550 Onlomo Si SUnîrîf 875-2889 Q: Ca. miracles really happe. wifh eleciro muscle tonlne treat- menta? A: If pour figure hav you frusîraneri, aioald yau lîhe la fana ap aihîle liv- ing drose iiiyeildiig ponnds aad iachev a mvi amollie 0f meekv mithoal slarvaliom ai evhausliom? Bîverly Hitîs Weigbî Managimeal nid Natrilian Ceaire iv owaed by Rigislerid Natriliomal Cansullaîl Manion Healy, a tneollh caperi midi Il yeaes of experience n nutrition anri physialogy. Eleciro Muvele Toiing hav bien araund for yearv. Il iv nsed maialy for palienlv a chronie pais. Healîls evperrv sîarleri ta malice Iloal theve îrialminlv slreîgrlseded the mus- cles josi like regalar esercise, bal murboul voreaeneav, stifimeso or fatigue. This process mas foumd lobe relaxing and conaforlable and palieîrv siacleri la 1dm doms, Orna ap and fiel rivilalized. They also ivperiincid meighl tans and a reducliga of celînlile: Ihirefori Ihis vyvrera hav beem adopled inlhusiavlically by lsialîh prafessionolv n the weighr lavs iîdnslry. Marias has found lIant clieslv con cedace by 12-30 inches n aaly 5 meekv. Van mauld havi la perforai 10(10 cepears of evercives poorvelf 10 eacb of 20 differeil mascle groaps 10 ucheive ihe effecis of 00î af aur 40 mimale trialments. Elictra muscle slimulalion, picsoaaliced nutrilionat plasning and a supicvised dut are ski basico for oar muscle laaing program ut Beverly Hilîs Weighl Management Centres. As mcighl reduces, anderever- cised mnsclis are vlrengttrenid by the specialiceed equipmenl, împraviîg dri Ogure aad mît lbeing. The mirocnloas resulîs of anc Ove meuh movcle taning pragrana saund loo good lobe true, bar Irai lhey are! Oie Ove-meuh virus af 10 clinical treasments inclades individual naIn- lignaI caanselling. meavaremint, body fat analysis, nutritioîal andio lapes ta lisies la while eseccising in comfocl. Fac mare informarioî os Elecico Muscle Toning Trealment cou 905-075-2ee9. Marions Healy ssa regiileredNatrioousal Commnigart aiigh oiaair Il yeaars aspeeiamsre tis meighgksssoanemnatritioic She (n CLUnC DireclcsrofBeverfy HilLn WeighnManagemeumnandNnlnanson Ceemre. For more inyPrnecatsois congacg Marions an 875-2889. ± D~. Tong Wan'R Tooth TaIk Towne Dental Group Tony H Wan Milton, Mail - 55 Ontarbo St. BSc DDS (905)876-1188 Tseth Necessary For Good General Health Retaining poar natumi loelh a an important part cf ynnr avenu health especialfy an me got older. According 10 the Canadian Dental Association, the natinnal average shows that only one-third of aIder adalta visifed Ibeir dentiat n the lasI pear. The CDA alan said that more than ane-baîf 0f senior citizena bave not bad prafessional dental care in fige ponts. Manp peopl e bel love that 1001h lana is a nataral part 0f aging. They need ta be mai10 amare tIsaI mitIs proper maintenance, their teeth cas ast their entice laina. Dental patients may think 0f partials and etentares as a necessaiy evil, or oven as a solution ta their dental groblenas. Bal removable appli- ancea rarely salve a persona dental problenas. Mont patinnîs who bave remavable appliances esperience problema 0f aome hind. Some diacanafort, aach as sore apats on tht ganas nndemeath tbe appliance, may ho corrected mitb minor adlnatmenta. Homever, patienta asaally experience continaed abrinhage 0f the banp ridge that holda the appli- aico in place. This can resaIt n ill-fitting appliancea that need constant adîaatment. Patiento alan map laie 'anchor teeth" (teetb that aaport partial dentarea) becanse 0f added wear nid tear. Oser time, these problenas cen affect patiflats' ability la chew their tood. Becanse proper chewing is part rtf the digestive procesa, decreaaed chewing ability cen resait in digestive problema. Patients alsa may tise their abilitp ta cbew a safficient variety 0f tonds. Thep may eat nnly soft tonds that may ml proside tbf nutrienti they need fora balanced diet. This cen affect the quality 0f Ibeir oseraîl healtb. To heep yoar teetb and avoid tIse problemo that prosthetic appliances cen ceuse: 1. Practice presentive care; fIons and brasb twice a day mitb fînaride tootbpaste. 2. Eat mell-balanced natals aid liait snacks that ara high n sagar. 3. Visit yoar dentiot regatelly. Tic. Donay 86 Main St., Milton MET 876-1515 If la National Physeotherapy Week!!! Whae lv pbysletherapy? Pliyiîorbecapp o a tom at Incite case mhich pmmoiis opvnnm bealtlr, tanction. aid moteli- y Mose speuifrcally, phynlheiapisis hdp reide aey peobleme iennlcieg meneeneeL Fan enample.yoomaynonbcablinoonalkbicanniyoubaoeaioriloriioibacktnonainascliOi ligament inramn. You may bine pain an~ lois ot soerelh tecausi yoa have necirlly had iurginyoiteohenafrone ltyoalaaoehadasoobeyoonaynolteablelomoaeporarligoi amdmisaminay ltyoohaoenminnlybadabianalrackpoanaynolbiablenocasnyoul paon daily acocacie ai bilan. Wliateoen lii reason ton poobleme midi monememdorsng dailp aclîoilieî, apoorne, iecnarioaal, or wmk aclînîces, pfnyoodecopîso cao help. Wha5 ina phpein5heeapiei? A plryaiaolreapîir cao pinoîdi acompliri aoiissmem otyoor pmblem aod togedîci, maki o plan nids yoano belp yoo nidain pain, impoone mooemert, îaingdi, bdanci, and endananci, aid ens mach la optinan bialili! Pbyîiollrenapîin bave a onioinsOpdignii n phyîîolbiropy aid boan note regiinincd midi dii College atPfiyiiodempîsa otOntania, in onlirlo piselici. ltaayane o pionîdint pas mliii phyîiodienapy innorces, ada ithi amui an reninteced inltieeapint. in aider noîniase drar oaa arc bing rond mals île hîgb qoaliti otoani drana mn mmcd plnyîîodrenapiir pronadea. Han de I anime pbyeialbecappsennmm' PbyîîorhenapîitomorlaînhoepOalî,clanicî an ihecoromaniiy, on iv yovnbomi.Tbep may mark n indaînnynoecalaariopecabcîobnnaainiminis. bey may maria ivateacbing mli, ondoinfi nesiancb Somiclivîcian yooncommauoyanilîitidinyoanlvcoloellovapagis.Hoîpinalpbpi- iorbenopy icroîcis ard îome home con physiodienapo services are taraud bp oeîp, mbile mml picari pbyîiodninapy conmanily clinica aie nov covend ondin dii 0111F iyiiim. It yaa or yoan ipoane mark taîl lame, Pao pnobably boni phyiîodiinapy services covinid andin poan eîOndîd bialdi plan ard cao aiceîîacommoniry pbpsiodiirapy clrnic t yoa bave bien arjuiidaîmodaorbavibiininocaaaccidiin.youinionaocimllalioallompouloaOindi cvmmonily pbyaiodimnapy clinic. Aldroof b dii preoince ot Onlamo dais allon pai a accias pbyniodinmpy annonce midivat a internaI fmn a pbyiicran, lvii Impomoan la lii yOaO tamilp physician koan diar pan aie ailindine on woald like iv ainind pbyaiorferapy ton pan lnjany. Tlviy are aa impooaaî mimbin aide bialrb case liam aad mut avcrsci dl atyvnin bialdi acide For more Intarmallon contact Connie or Tina Bt dec Haltan Comansntey Rehab Ceaire 876.0515. E~?] Milton Therapeutlc Massage 01mb 11 75MaInStSts 10 I~1 (acnnsslramZakePbarrnacsl I'~ l 878-0800 jjyj Registered llyae (Hem.> B. k. AIT Massage Therapy B.kIWT Q: ;inneintatattaeaiongùyetwee~ngatmycomputari andin Ils. back et my neck. WIsy fa lIsta md hem ian manage tberapy hul p?" A: Tfmnaodcumnaoo cause 0f nauscalar aches aid paho Oint me naoiv oui clirsc iodante ptoloignd impropai pantate te Ibe monh place. An indviduti mfio maths inn sithng position mith armo aidntcefchod n front, resting oua deak or hephoord v suaceptihle to oppet bnck aid aich pote. Although Oie pein n fat n the uppet bath aid nech, tho problain iv olten dan ta the nhortering 0f Oie chent ~nclota» muoden routding Oie shouldoîs n ard bringing the head formard. This roanded shoulder posture pots added strain on the muscles belmeen posi absoldol blades. fliep aie overmoihed, compehng wdh pour pectoral mandai in an altompl to bang pour nhocddais bath. To Icather complionte maltais, 10 aie Oie computai accoon iv INn fosmard head posteco, pou naust ana pour upper nach mandai 10 rotalo pour face upmards 10 Ses Oie acreen iv boit 0f pou. Thn esd rosat iv naggteg uppai bath aid nack polo and fatigue as ami as lamina headachon. To atevaite pour diacanafatt pour Massage fliainplat mil math alOi pou 10 cegate propai mande balance aid poolare n Oie mnshplace. Short laina gails indude uting specif c mamage Oiaiapp lectimiquos 10 teggdran ahonfanod muacles aid sooOin aid calai onaimonhed hced aid achp muaclos. n Ihe long laina, pour thaiapist milI suggenl spndtc nlretchteg aid strengdrering exaicoos aid anangainant 5f pour math placo iv nader 10 achiove nnd maintain propai pontuce and muscle balance. Ennynies aluation ni dOlaient aid naqinicos a lhorough aasesatiant 10 deteemine an appropriale trealmant plan n atdai 10 achovo proper poatan aid mande healda. Planai cal Oie Mion Tfmispeuho Manaige Ctidc <878.0000) f pou haie aip qagutiano eboat hon massage Oiaiapp cas holp pou. Mnnp estesdod henlth plann include coverage for mannage Oiaispp fat pou aid pour faisip. Opee midi daphino, aieoesg aid me.haid hases. STATE FAIM 485 Main St. E. Milton 878-8109 State Farm Underatanda Life7~ tale Faim Lite Insaranai Compaep Canadian Heari Office Scarbarnugh, Ontani I Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkims B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veterinary Mediciece 550 Ontarlo Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Daluhi. HamUns Phone (905) 875-6888 B. Se., DVII Fax (905) 875-6853 C~JfrI&tr Fleas I. My pet dont sal came in canloci mulh alher pets, soit is nat a risia of acqaicine fleas - FALSE. 2. My cal dais aot go onîdoars, Sa il cant passibly catch fleos - FALSE. Mail peaple believe Ihat fluas are parasiles 1h01 lise an gar pets, aad if there are no fluas apparent, Ibm there iv nal a porenlial pmhlem. On dri contracy fluas spend mont of Iheir life cycle as eggs end larvan on Use gainîri, either naldoon or in our homes. When lbey complete their developmenl mb adaîts, Use fimales jamp on aar pets n ocrer ta have a blond miel. This is iicessasy for daim ta loy eggs. They Ibm jamp off Ihe pet, loy their eggs eilhir oatdonn or indonis aid Use fleas Ihen dit. Any pet aiha sets font onrdonn iv a rargel for fleas in the gcast and drey con easily hilchhihe a ride mb yonr home, If yoa havi pets aid some go oeldonn aid same dont, drea drey are aIl capable 0f acting as a hoat for fauSser Oea repaidactian, cvii Usose who stay indonn. As Use marna mondai aie upon as. we shauld aIl airicipate fluas becam- ing active ontdonis aid safegnnrd nar pets faim drive nasty parasites. By flot promotime preventaline Oea contraI yoac pets are a mia aI infes- talion, transmission of intevrinsl lapeworms aid infesialion of yoar home. Having once had a Oea infestalion paibleai in my home. yiars aga. my bien goes ont ta aiyone aba bas bud ta lise lbmngb this. Once flens are entablished n yoar home, it ceqaices monlbs aad tremendoas tailla cemedy Use pmblem. We nom havi available la as simple aid inespensive Oea preventian programo cosling no more Usai $I0 a manda. FIee prevention siarIs May Ici aid continees la Use md of Oclober.

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