Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Apr 2000, p. 20

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If you have any questions theSe professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionaie" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943- TUE/ NATURAL C//O/CE The Natural Choice in Health Food Launie Vaughsan-Sherman C.R., A.E.C., T.T., N.U. 190 Main St. E. Milton 875-1342 Q: What ia fixe difference between maturai versus sym- theie prudueta? A." In tihe manufacnari ng of nutritionai xuppiemetxts, there -are five categories. Natural nutritional supplemrents are nutrientx fromn veg- etable, minerai or animal sources that undergo little or no procexning, thereby retaîning their basic nutritional iriegrity as designed by nature. Nature Source are products that undergo procensing, but which are stili ohtained fromt vegetable. minerai or animal sources. Nature Identical are isboratory-manufactured nutrients that are identical in moiecular structure and sctivity in thse human body t0 natural nutrients. Symtbetic suppiements are laboratory-manufactured nutri- enIs that are in stme way dit-similar to the natural nutrient. Food grown nutritionai supplements have raw materiais which are produced in lwo wuys. Minerais and some pharmaceutically manufacturcd vitamins are added ta yeast cclix. This mixture is combined with lsrg- er carrier molecules for disseminalion throughoul the body. In another procent, vitamins react wilh extracîs contnining vegetabie proteins. The vegetabie prosein derivatives are then combined wth yeast ceilx. REF: Encyciopedia of Natural Healing. YQfJFU NIJIQRS Carpet aVinyï Ceramies a Hardwood oPaint a Walicoverlngs Showroom RESIDENTiAL & COMMERCIAL Geridine' Heieth 845 Mainl. . IN« 878.4210 Here are soutie asuers to ofles asked questions regurding pointt & vsotlpaper do's sud don'ts. The utatîpaper teon't cornte off the watt. Oeserully Use ressort for this is Usas the papier may have bees pst up avec latex painted watts. Latex paint is poroais and whes Use wtee paper is put up over Use point Use glac is "sucked" issu Use poins sud issu Use deywatl Undeeneath. SOLUTION: Wtten wallpaperisg use a "sioisg" su tie watts over Use latex painLSpeCial primers or cit baseti poins is alao gond for sealing watts. Wites reutovisa paper to, point Use watts clean Useut witls TSP. risse tu, clean Use.oId glue off sud you'l have a clesu, smnuUs surface su paint. *Thse latex point won't stick tu tIse watt. SOLUTION: Latex will sot cover if Use surface was oeiginatty pointed wiUs oit bute point. A primer ruas ut e appiied first su make thut transition tu, latex, l'ie opposite is ukay tsowever in Usas oit wiil cuver latex. *How su paint a starco ceilisg. SOLUTION: Treat Useuse mas wiUs care. If you're sot sure use su oit base flat finish or Use ssscco coald buoses sud down it wiIt corne. Stucco doeunt look s gond on the flor! *Trim & watt cotours. SOLUTION: Evety room varies, but coxtrasting vrint con look realty sharp! Let's say yuu point Use watts dans bise. White trim teitI souk dra mntic, or pains your watts sud dours in tigbt suses sud use darker cotours on att the trim. 'Mis framnen eveeything sud brings a ronm ative. Point your ceitixg a different cotour sou. Lightrr or Use saute tose in sn mons is reatly seat. . 0055t be afroid 50 experiment witb cotours. You'tt be pteasantty sur- priarct os yos watch your ronuts route olive. If you bave suy questions, crue in sud see un. Pratt & Lambert Accolade Point s note on sale tillth Uenmd of May. It's uvoitabte in many cotours & finishes to sait suy sasar. P.S. If you wsut su keep a rotour on file tehen derorating, take yoar point Positive Changes Hypnosis 123 Maurice Drive Oakvflle 905-337-3700 Ce.rtlfied Hypnoist Q. w clutpu ok A.Our minds work on two levels - con- s .cious and suboonsclous. W. make decisions, think and act with our con- scious mind. The subconsolous controls our habits. In hypnosis the consolous mind is sub- dued, while the subconscious becomes more aware. Positive suggestions given by the hyp- notist are readily accepted in this altered state. Also, the subconscious is not subjeot to tîme. This is why our clients often state that their new habits seem aeasyo and aeffoitlesss after hypnosis. QWIII hypfleSieMXfor Yle? A: Generai1ý speaking, every normal person *s hypno izable - that is, people with an 1.0. ot at least 70 who have no severe mental disorders. Therefore, most anyone can take advantage of hypnosis.. With cooperation and reasonable commitment, you can expect excellent resuits with weight loss, stop smok- ing and stress reduction. GREC J. LAWRENCE B. ue, D. cH. MONEY ~saaaon n FOOT SPECIALIST I CHIROPODISTC NC MOFS. LJi350 Main SLE., C N fS-OIa' RIFa (905) ntri, 9 878 6479C.s- ..lF (90ton 87t-6479 UT 1P J.ie *i D" 1.reon A ntaria L7Ge DrW4 TaI: (965) 876-294 'us" Georne Anr, ai Tel44 a: (905) 876-094 UVMOMM Lwaffo (905> 702-1611 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T lP9 - uor of eh.e Ontarlu Soel.ly of Chlropofflots -ju M d The. Ontarlo Collage Of Chlopcdatg 0: Boyaou malte canton footwear? A. Ycs. Birkenntack sandais. tise naut popuiar mandais on tise market can note ho canton-matie. We take a piaster ai pario cast afi cri fout sud sendi thoni ta tise iab. The s"nai are nanufactureti tis a cossues-mode fotbcd. according ta tise cast sud prescription. Imagine havisg sandais made npccifîcaliy ta your fout. Cuton-made Biecnsock sandais sud ciogs are per- fect aller being on your fecet ail day sud in tise sommer mondas. An tise tearu scathor approacs mny indi- viduais prefer to tecar sandals insteati of enciased fouttear. Tisis in whies peuple segiect tu tear thoir ortisatirs. Clinsicat sarveys have fournd tisas ortisutic patients may gais as mach as 33% or mure additiosal artisasir thcrapy tinte by sucaring aur saudais or ciogo te desiring freedan fron sisues. Many insurance companies cuver tise cost of cutton- mode ortisutic sandals. Sa, if you wasid lite freedont fron your uethutic or juot teant su suait arousd ia con- faft, give us acaii. - The clim/c offers extemded hours. No referral is mecessary. House calis are also available. Q: Wlsat la critical ilimeas irnurance? A: Crisicat itîness protection provides you wiUs a tas-frec lump snt payutent opon diagnonis of ose of severat criticat itîsesses isctud- ing: beafl nttack, coronary arery disease, stroke, cancer, kidnry foilure sud others. This protection is avaiabie for boUs adlts sud ciiden. Tbis is à sew type of imsurance, avoulable in Canada since 1995. Criiral illness protection in avustuble sus rider or as sepa- rate, stand atone cuveroge. Critirat iiinsses protection provides Use necessary financiat assis- tance su hetp you mointais yonr independexce sud quatity of tifs after a crisical itssess - su Usot yoa don't have to go back 10 a job UsaI may hoe "kitting you". No one likes to Usixk shoot naffering froin a critirat ilînss, but rumider shese statintirs: lin 4 Canadians teili rontract hearl discase or sIroke. Isere are close lu 300,0100 stroke survivues in Canada soday. l is 3 Canadians teitI devetup tome fonts of tifs îhreotening cancer over Useir lifetime. 1lin 4 Canadians wili suifer frout kidney dixease. Due ltro icat advances, more and more uf these victims are sue- vivisg. 80% uf sîroke survivors alose, eiti bc lefI witb o disability. The fisanciat and emosiosat impact suies a famity member suffers a crilirai ilinens ran bc devastasise. Many lifessyie aduntutests moy ho needed su cope wiUs Use effects of the ittness. The honefits provided by criticat itînss protection con hetp case t transitions for youand yur famity as yoa encuver front arcriticat itînets. Por addiîional information on cesurcal iltncss protection, please contact Mosey Concepts ut 876-09,40. Lan {M !7nz MB.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counaetling & Psycholherapy Individuals, Coupies, Children & Famnlties a il1084, tl Une, Milton, Ontario fne M. Tanner <905) 854-0801 My 10 year aid chiîd aent despondent, out af sorts and doas flot sleep well. She is involve i n many activities incîsti- ing ballet, swinming and gymnastics lessons, and has pretty well evetything that shte suants. My husband and 1 bath work isard to give her a better lilestyle and she still daes nat seen happy. ts tse just spoiled or an I expecting too nsch? Vaur daughter may very suait be feeling under a great deal ai stress. Parents recagnize the hîgis levait; af stress that they are going through daily, but allen do nat realize their chul- dren's stress. They are alsuayt being hurried ftrom one activity ta anather. They ftrequentiy eat nulsa in the car betwean activ- dies. They are pushed ta leare more and latter and ta loes on grades. Parents, peers and the media ail encourage chul- dren 10 grow up latter and ta reach aduit niiestones saaner. The grade 6 public school graduation laoks like an aduit party. In order to give your daughler everything, yoa both suark and yau and your child da not tee each other very mach and when you do, there is nat mach tUme or enargy to enjay each other. You are stressed and your child leels that and picks it up, and becanes larther stressed. My suggestion is ta tty ta eut dawn tome of the extracurricular activities andi simpify your child't lite somesuhat. Spend more tine sitting and talking and tee il this redaces yaur stress and your chiid's stress levai. When yoa manage ta reduca your daughters stress levai, yas may indeed lind that this was the saurce of her discontent. Il you suould like further paranting advice, yas nay lind tl benelicial ta seat caunseling and iaarn tome neut techniques that might halp yoa. nyne Tasser ia Certified Social Wurker in priraar praceice in sor/n ilrus, Ifyoa have fiurrier qaueso or sfyu wnal4 like ru arrange an Puiorsxen. pleaie rail (905) 854-0801.

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