12 - The. Canadien ChIlamipion, Tuesday, Aoil 11, 2000 1 THE BTH ANNUAL GOOD NEUGHBOURS SATURDAY, MAY 6TH WANTED Volunteers are needed (aduits and students) to spend a few hours helping a senior citizen or a disabled individual by complet ing simple tasks such as washing windows, painting a room, yardwork or help clean up Milton 's waterways and parks. *HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS... THIS QUALIFIES AS COMMUNITY SERVICE. Sign up forms available at: Milton Seniors Activity Centre, Milton Town Hall, Milton Chamber of Commerce, The Canadian Champion and ail three Milton High Schools. Caîl Ryan Leworthy for more information, 875-4636. BE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR!!, Krane Corporation and Canadien Tire Corporation, Limited have announcedi the. voluntary public recail of SUPERCYCLE bicycle model 1 8M0. Ut has bean discovered that a handiebar stem assembly probiem may cause the. front for asaembly ta fail. This could potentialiy recuit in steering difficulties or cause the. handiebars ta corne out, creating a aafety concamn. Suparcycle 1 800S 1 8-speed MTB can ho identified by: " Grey/ailver frame " Red fork " Trademark 18008 which appears on the. top tube of the framne " Two wheel aizea-Vouthe' 2Ç or Adulte' 21r diameter Thio voluntery recaîl affecte only the speclfied miodal of bicycle sold et Canadien Tire stores between January and March. 2000. Products purchssed bafore or aiter tuis pariod meet aIl Canadian requirements and are not sffectad by this recaîl. Consumera who have purchased this bicycle are requestad ta immediately discontinue use of tuas product and retumn it ta thair local Canadian Tire atore which wlll make arrangements for lits repair. Il LEOO-1251 j Commandy Heatf Gare Maman Resoarces 698 King St. W. Hamilton, ON L8P 1C7 Tel 905-522-6887 Fax 905-522-5579 Service and Encellence in yoar Neighbourhood A MWidU k.am fIwm cm UjmI Need A Change of Scenery7 Corne Join Us! SEN-CommnunitHealth Care =vul the Maltai CCAC lill bu pire- asiu o ust sa aeu ta thei. mol eRma ot a largoe GainIl. = %le' rboime.. Positions are nere open for: Funl-lime and Part-lime R.P. N.'s & RN.s WE OFFER: *Superior benefit package for ail fuli-time empioyees. *Day/evening shifs available at the Supportive Housing Comptex *Competitive shift premîiums paid *Paid orientation and tiraanan F inanciai assistance for cniuing education & skiff development Carrent exparlenca warklng wl! seniors lana Long Terni Care or Supportlve Houaing selting la a muai! Rlausae ame beol at. fer sur vuIlog Illueml,*f pragrn la Na.t«W t t aid Nlalto. If interesfed on jeining a dynamic feam of prefessionats, please submit your resurme in confidence te f oman Resources by: Monday, April 17, 2000 We thank ail applicants in advance but only those selected fo nint e wil be contacted. 1~ 2 Acre Estate Lots Town of Milton pniced from $134,900 wooded, 2 walkouts, 1 with po'nd, i with stream, approx. 200x500 ft. ea. Orval S. Gates Real Estate Broker 1-519-766-2996 iciassifieds continued from page 31