Don't take it in the mouth Did you know that the Most injured area of the body during contact sports is the moudi. Dental injuries are painful, costly and may be permanent. Use a mouthiguard when practiciflg inl rigorous sports activities like hockey, basketball or soccer. Mouth guards around the teeth act like protective shock absorbers that guard the teetb, lips and jaw from serious injury. So please, wear a mouthguard and Haltton Healthcare $,- . . V iC--E -S and gCM")ia CtisPWi Sluck lni Trafc? lhlnldng About Tuklng Transit? WhoShlouid Pay for Biidlng Highways? lu Congqonw GoIng To Cholce Our Ec= ~my Is Udbn praWl Cauhlng 1he Problom? Tee Mony Ttucls Outlheoe? Fekç the Smog? The Greater Torontô Servlce Board (GÎSB) has recenty released a' Transportation Plan for the Greater Toronto Area & Hamllton-Wentworth sugigesting Improvemnents to aur road and transit systemns for thie next twenty years. Leam about thls Plan and have your say on how transportation sysemns should be planned and bult In the GTA, Halton Reglon. and your local communtly. 6:30 pm. W.dnesday. Ap.Il 19,2000 QuaIIIy Inn, Oakvffle, Brane Rd soulh of QEW Staff Presentallan ai 7MOOpm (Courtesy shultile bus leavlng Burllngton Go Station at &OOpM and Appleby Go Station at 6:1 Spr- poal Burllngtori Transit at 639-055 for further detals.) 6:30 pm, Mlldy, ApdI 20, 20<0 Hallon HIIIsCivc Centre, Gearltown a Staff Plwenfalon ai7:OOpm GTSB, Regional and Municipal staff w1il be present ta explain the GTA Transportation Plan, answer your questions and recelve your input. For a copy of the Plan, you can downilaad it tram the GTSB website wwglisbo or cail Lynn Johns at Haiton Region. 825-6030. ext. 7933. Local Enqtrie ploan cel: OakIBuî/Mîit - 825-6161 - Acton 853-050 - Georgetown 878-8113 # Aldershot 639-4540 GTSIB OB O, N» ai U